Siheyuan: I really won

Chapter 26 Meeting Lou Xiaoe for the first time

Chapter 26 Meeting Lou Xiaoe for the first time

After listening to Xu Damao's words, Lin Sen answered with a nod and a smile, and then said with playful eyes.

"Da Mao, why don't you introduce the lesbian beside you?"

Xu Damao slapped his forehead, and then it seemed as if he just remembered, "Forgot, forgot! Look at my memory... Let me introduce each other to you, this is my lover, her name is Lou Xiaoe... Xiao E, this is what I told you before, I grew up as a child, and Lin Sen just came back from serving as a soldier!"

After introducing each other, Xu Damao smiled, "Dalin, don't be polite, just call Xiao'e her sister-in-law! Hehehe..."

In these words, Xu Damao pretended to be good-looking when he got a bargain, which made Lin Sen sneer in his heart, silly brought this to your door on your own initiative...don't blame my brother for not showing loyalty, waved Hoe, digging the corner of your house!
Hearing Xu Damao's smirk, Lou Xiao'e couldn't help pinching him, then raised her head and looked at Lin Sen carefully.

Then, Lou Xiao'e fell into despair, oh my god, what kind of divine appearance is this! (You can take a look at what Lin Sen looks like before he plays with a water gun on the beach, or Principal Gu who hasn’t tanned yet!)

Moreover, Lou Xiaoe looked at Lin Sen's muscular figure, which looked thin in clothes, and fleshy in undress, her face immediately became rosy.

As a married woman, Lou Xiaoe naturally understands how amazing it would be if the male dog's waist and big nose grow on the same man...

"Hello, sister-in-law! I'm Lin Sen! It's the first time we meet, please take care of me in the future!"

Lou Xiaoe was observing Lin Sen, and Lin Sen was also watching her secretly.

A white, oval face that my aunt liked in the 70s and [-]s, willow-leaf eyebrows, a pair of beautiful almond eyes with slightly curved and upturned ends, and red lips under the small nose, damn it!This woman actually wears lipstick... This is the first time Lin Sen has seen a woman dressed up and wearing lipstick since he traveled!
To be honest, Lou Xiao'e's facial features do not give people a strong visual sense. At first glance, they feel very ordinary. If I have to describe her, I can only use the word "good facial features" to describe her.

But, I can't stand this woman, she has a different temperament!

It's the 60s now, and most women give people the impression of being gray and earthy, but you can't see it in Lou Xiao'e.

She has a rich temperament all over her body. Well...this richness does not mean that she is fat!It means that she is full of confidence in herself.

Especially in her movements, she gives people the gentle and considerate feeling of the big sister next door!

As the saying goes, Lou Xiaoe, who is not good-looking enough, has a temperament. Lou Xiaoe, who is both the youthful youth of a girl and the mature charm of a young woman, has these two complicated temperaments mixed together, forming a kind of male love. , especially for a man like Lin Sen who is full of desire to conquer, the fatal temptation is like poison.

Ah!The above are all bragging, just take a look, don't take it seriously... The main reason is that Lin Sen has taken a fancy to the power behind Lou Xiaoe.Well, it is the power of capital!
As the former owner of the Red Star Rolling Mill, the Lou family has inextricable relationships with all parties in the mall.

At the beginning, the Lou family was in a panic and ran away to Xiangjiang without taking anything. After more than ten years, Lou Xiaoe became the first batch of patriotic businessmen and returned to Sijiu City. To be honest, Lin Sen was very envious of the Lou family. The ability to make a comeback.

As long as a person is alive, such a personal connection that can make a comeback at any time is not just a matter of spending money. It is the most precious family heritage that has been accumulated through the efforts of several generations of the Lou family and accumulated over time.

Besides, Lin Sen secretly took another look at Lou Xiao'e, who was looking at him secretly. Lou Xiao'e, who was a little bit of a nymphomaniac, couldn't help but think about her emotional road, which was long and difficult, and every step was a sinkhole.

Tsk, forget it!Just be yourself, a living Bodhisattva who saves people from the misery of water and fire...

Speaking of this woman, Lou Xiaoe, in her life, she is not lacking in material aspects, but in terms of emotions, it is really hard to describe!
Throughout Lou Xiaoe's life, she has married three people in total. The first one was Xu Damao, who had a hippie smile, a bad stomach, and a ruthless heart.

Xu Damao was also his first love and didn't understand love. He was trying to gain power, or maybe to protect himself. Anyway, he tricked the entire Lou family. In the end, if it wasn't for the help of Silly Zhu, the entire Lou family was almost wiped out by Xu Damao.

This is the second term!It's just Silly Zhu, but Lou Xiao'e and Silly Zhu can't be considered sincere... One is a dog licker who can't see the future, and the other grabbed the last life-saving straw after drowning. The two were killed under the scheme of the deaf old woman behind the scenes. Locked into a room, a man and a woman were alone in the same room. Silly Zhu was not the calm Liu Shengren.

In the end, due to the general environment, the two were forced to separate. Lou Xiaoe took the ball and ran to the Xiangjiang River. Since then, the two have been separated on both sides of the strait.

In Lou Xiao'e's third term, when she ran away to Hong Kong Island, she was forced into a family marriage and became a half-way couple with a Xiangjiang man who had lost his wife.

It can be said that among the three men Lou Xiaoe met in her life, none of them really loved her, hey!It's really pitiful and hateful.

Lou Xiaoe's life is so miserable, of course it's not because she is stupid, after all, she is still very successful in business... In the end, it can only be said that Lou Xiaoe is essentially a golden retriever, and everyone seems to be a good person!
Hey... It can only be said that saponification tricks people, everything is God's will!

This is going too far, let's continue to get back to the topic!

Lin Sen and Lou Xiao'e briefly shook hands, then quickly separated, and then the three of them walked out of the courtyard together.

"Da Lin, what kind of job did you find? Work there..."

Xu Damao never mentioned the bullshit he boasted at the wine table before, but asked with concern what kind of job Lin Sen had found!
"Oh! Why do you care about me so much?" Lin Sen teased Xu Damao, and then said casually: "I found a job as a security guard... the unit, just like you, is from the Red Star Rolling Mill!"

"What?" Xu Damao exclaimed, and then couldn't hide the surprise on his face, "Dalin, you said you found the security department of our Red Star Steel Rolling Plant?"

"Hmm...what's the matter? What's the problem?" Lin Sen nodded, and then asked a question.

"Damn it! I'm not surprised... That's the security department of the Red Star Rolling Mill! In the city of Forty-Nine, there's nothing more prestigious than it!"

In Sijiu City, there are only a handful of large factories with over 6 employees, but the one with the largest number of employees is the Red Star Rolling Mill. Including the branch factory below, there are a full [-] to [-] people! (The size of the Red Star Steel Rolling Mill is written according to the scale of Shougang!)

(End of this chapter)

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