Siheyuan: I really won

Chapter 27 Onboarding

Chapter 27 Onboarding
Lin Sen and the others walked to the fork at the end of the alley, and Lou Xiaoe separated from them. She worked at Huaxia Bookstore, and one was on the east and the other was on the west with the Red Star Rolling Mill, which was not on the way.

After bidding farewell to Lou Xiaoe, Lin Sen and Xu Damao rode bicycles, chatted all the way, and then rode quickly in the direction of the Red Star Rolling Mill.

When the two of them arrived at the entrance of the Hongxing Steel Rolling Mill, Da Wu was already waiting there. After seeing Lin Sen, he waved hastily, "Brother Sen, here it is!"

Lin Sen also responded to him with a wave of his hand, and then turned his head to Xu Damao and said, "Da Mao, you go to work first... My comrade-in-arms and I will go to Core to go through the entry procedures first!"

In fact, many people have misunderstood the security department. They always think that they should be under the jurisdiction of the factory because they are in the factory. This is wrong.

The Security Section is a unit independent of the factory, a unit directly under the Ministry of Armed Forces, under the direct leadership of the Ministry of Armed Forces, and completely separate from the factory.

Even after the Armed Security Department was abolished, the security departments of various large factories were assigned to the public security ranks, not the workers' ranks.

Lin Sen greeted Da Wu, "Da Wu, you came so early..."

Da Wu shook his head, "No, Brother Sen! We just got to work on the front and back, and I was only two minutes ahead of you..."

As he said that, Da Wu handed Lin Sen a cigarette, "Brother Sen, smoke a cigarette before going in, my brother-in-law has already made arrangements, let's go directly to Corey to report to him!"

Lin Sen took it over, lit it, and then the two of them gasped for a while.

After smoking a bag of cigarettes, Lin Sen and Da Wu registered their personal information at the gate, and then pushed the cart into the gate of the Red Star Rolling Mill.

Lin Sen followed Dawu all the way to a three-story white building near the factory building.

This small white building is the location of the security department of the Red Star Rolling Mill. Dawu took Lin Sen to an office on the third floor with ease.

Dawu didn't even knock on the door, he stretched out his hand to open the door and walked in, while yelling loudly: "Brother-in-law, I'm here to report to you..."

His brother-in-law, Da Wu, was used to it when he came in without knocking. He frowned and scolded, "Come here, what are you yelling about!"

Lin Sen also followed Da Wu into the office, and then secretly took a look at Da Wu's brother-in-law who was sitting behind the desk.

His brother-in-law looked to be in his early fifties, and the temples of his hair were slightly white. Although he had a straight face and looked a little serious, there was a trace of helplessness in the corners of his eyes.

For Dawu, the brother-in-law who he raised as a son since he was a child, his brother-in-law is also quite speechless...

Maybe people nowadays can't understand why it happens that a brother-in-law raises his brother-in-law as his son.

In the 60s, because of the words of the great man, everyone was so enthusiastic about picking up firewood, and because they had just experienced the war, parents in this era would have more children. Every family, at least, had to have children. Four or five children will do.

This has led to the fact that most of the families are the same as Dawu's family. The eldest sister is already in her twenties, and the youngest brother was born when she was able to work and earn money.

In the 60s, people generally had a sense of patriarchy. This eldest sister of the Cao family naturally loved the only boy in Da Wu's family. need more……

Hearing his brother-in-law's scolding, Da Wu acted quite indifferent. He chuckled, then looked away, and took the initiative to introduce Lin Sen behind him.

"Brother-in-law, this is what I told you, my old squad leader, Lin Sen...Brother Sen! This is my eldest brother-in-law!"

Lin Sen took a step forward and saluted the middle-aged man sitting behind the desk with a standard military salute, "Hello, leader, I am Lin Sen, the former platoon leader of the Sharp Knife Company of the xx Regiment of the xx Division, reporting to you!"

Big Five's brother-in-law also got up and returned a military salute, then crossed the desk and stepped forward to hold Lin Sen's hand.

"Haha, Comrade Lin, you are Dawu's lifesaver, right? This person is really a good-looking person... I heard Dawu say it, but I didn't believe it. I didn't expect this real person to be even taller than what he described... Sit down quickly , sit down!"

After shaking hands, Dawu's brother-in-law warmly invited Lin Sen to sit on the sofa, and then took out a cigarette to entertain him.

This man... Sometimes just a cigarette or a glass of wine can shorten the distance between strangers.

"Thank you, leader!" Lin Sen took the cigarette and said politely.

Big Five's brother-in-law immediately smiled and waved his hands, "Hey, what kind of leader doesn't lead! At my age, I'll call you Xiaolin..."

"Xiao Lin, you saved Da Wuyi's life on the battlefield, so we are no longer outsiders. If you call me leader again, you are a bit outsider... In this way, if you don't dislike it, you can also follow Da Wuyi Like, you can call me brother-in-law or Lao Qi!"

Speaking of this, Lao Qi squinted at Da Wu who was looking through the drawers of his desk, and then his face was full of disgust.

"Xiao Lin, please don't be polite to me! Although this Da Wu is my brother-in-law, I have raised him since he was a child. He is just like my own son!..."

Da Wu was flipping through his brother-in-law's drawer. He raised his head when he heard this, and said with a hint of joking: "Brother-in-law, you are taking advantage of me again! You will sue my sister when you get back, saying that you have always wanted to be Her father, be careful that you can’t even get into bed at night!”

Lin Sen couldn't stop laughing to himself when he heard Da Wu's words. After all, Da Wu is still too young... If he told his sister this, Lao Qi would have a hard time at night!
The word "father" has different meanings depending on the scene... If it is a quarrel, it means insult.

But if it appears between husband and wife, it has another meaning, it represents a super double effect!

As expected, when Lao Qi heard this, he glared at this annoying brother-in-law, and then his heart moved. It seemed that it was not impossible for him to be a father once in a while tonight...

Lin Sen and Da Wu, who had finished the search, chatted with Lao Qi in the office for a while. As time went by, the small white building of the Security Department gradually became more and more crowded... It was time to go to work. .

Lao Qi estimated that the time was almost up, so he stood up from the sofa, "Let's go, Xiaolin Dawu, my brother-in-law will take you to go through the entry procedures!"

As he said that, Lao Qi took the two of them and strolled all the way to the personnel department of the security department on the second floor...

(End of this chapter)

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