Siheyuan: I really won

Chapter 28: We 2 will not be silenced, right?

Chapter 28 We won't be silenced, right?

Even though the Security Section of the Red Star Rolling Mill is only a department-level unit, as the largest unit directly under the Armed Security Department, it is small but the personnel department, logistics department, etc., it can be said that it is Everything is provided, and it is impossible for them to receive such treatment from the security department of ordinary factories!

After all, steel was one of the most important strategic resources in the 60s, and the Red Star Steel Rolling Plant was the most indispensable part for national development and national defense construction! (Think of Shougang’s status and treatment in the 60s!)
Therefore, the safety of the Red Star Rolling Mill is also the top priority. The Security Department has also given great power to the Security Section of the Red Star Rolling Mill. For small matters such as recruiting, the Security Section can handle it internally!
Lao Qi and Lin Sen walked all the way to the second floor and came to an office door against the wall. Lao Qi raised his hand and knocked on the door.


"Please come in!"

After hearing the voice coming from the room, Lao Qi opened the door and walked in.

"Hey! Lao Qi, what kind of wind is this that brings you here?"

The head of the personnel department of the security department of the Red Star Rolling Mill is also a middle-aged man. When he saw Lao Qi push the door in, he stood up with a smile and said jokingly.

"Huh, Lao Zhang, what do you care about me?...I'm here today to take my brother-in-law through the employment formalities...Hurry up and be quick!"

Zhang Bai, the head of the personnel department, took a look at Lao Qi, and then looked at Lin Sen and Da Wu who followed him into the office.

"Uh! Lao Qi, I remember you only have one brother-in-law... How come there are two... You old boy, you won't let your pants down..."

After Lao Zhang glanced at Lin Sen and the two, he said to Lao Qi in a strange way.

"Fuck off, you can't control that thing! Hurry up, this is my brother-in-law..." Lao Qi cursed impatiently, then pointed at Da Wu and said.

After pointing to Dawu, Lao Qi pointed to Lin Sen again, "This is my brother-in-law's squad leader and his savior! Hum... Xiao Lin is just like me. If I hadn't carried you across the mountains and ridges on the battlefield, After walking dozens of miles on the mountain road, you can scratch your crotch with the grass on the grave!"

When Lao Zhang was exposed by Lao Qi, he was not angry. Instead, he smiled and said to Lin Sen: "I really didn't know that such a handsome young man has such abilities! It's like the waves behind the Yangtze River push the waves ahead..."

After hearing this, Lin Sen knew that the relationship between Lao Zhang and Lao Qi was probably not simple, so he awkwardly raised his hand and saluted him!
When Lao Qi heard Lao Zhang speak politely, he interrupted him with a look of impatience, "Okay, don't drop your old book bag! You can't even read a whole bunch of Chinese characters, and Shaozhu Bajie wears glasses—" - Pretending to be a scholar!"

After hearing Lao Qi's impatient tone, Lao Zhang took out two forms from the drawer of his desk and slapped them on the table.

"In this department, you are your old Qi, so you have this face. You can take away two entry forms from me, and replace someone, even if it is the section chief, do you think I will take care of him!...Come on , brother-in-law... fill out this form, and you're hired!"

Hearing Lao Zhang called Dawu Xiaojiu, Lao Qi immediately turned dark, "Old Zhang, you are not a thing anymore, how many years have passed, how dare you miss my wife!"

When Lao Zhang heard this, he also raised his neck, "Old Qi, where did you have the face to say this! At the beginning, we both chased Xiaoqin at the same time, and we agreed to compete fairly... What about you?" She was tricked and secretly went to Cao’s house to propose marriage, hum! If you hadn’t been a hindrance, Xiaoqin would have chosen me in the first place!”

"Fart!" Lao Qi exploded when he heard this. He immediately blushed and quarreled with Lao Zhang, "Can Xiaoqin like you? Hey! It's so funny. Tell me about you! Xiaoqin can do it. What are you doing?...Is it because you don’t take a shower, or are you farting, grinding your teeth and snoring while sleeping? Don’t flatter yourself..."

"Damn..." Lao Zhang was also furious, and he was about to roll up his sleeves and get up to fight, "Damn it, today I will avenge my revenge for taking my wife!..."

Flower growers at this time, don't underestimate those civil servants who look polite, they are also macho men who have survived the fighting on the battlefield... let alone the opposite, or when they become angry, they will also roll up their sleeves and talk to others Fighting, and fierce... It can be said that martial arts are extremely abundant!

Well, listening to the content of the argument between Lao Zhang and Lao Qi, Lin Sen and Da Wu, who were huddled in the corner and wanted to stuff themselves into the cracks in the ground, looked at each other awkwardly.

Lin Sen gestured to Dawu with his eyes: His grandma's, Dawu!Do you think we will be silenced by them in anger later?
Big Five shook his head in confusion: It's hard to say!Monitor, why don't we two run away... I don't think this place is safe at all!
Damn it!It’s such a scam!I just want to simply get a job and go to class, so why do I always encounter such embarrassing things...

Lin Sen's embarrassed feet dug out of the three rooms and one living room at this time. He continued to look at Dawu: Now it's your turn. You can't see two old men who add up to more than 100 yuan. Really? Fight your sister!Hurry up to persuade...

Dawu shook his head desperately: No!Monitor... I'm still young, I'm not married yet, I've never even held a girl's hand, I, I, I don't want to die!
Lin Sen: Come on, don't force me to do anything... You are your sister's only biological brother after all, and your brother-in-law will definitely not be able to touch a hair on your head!

Da Wu cried sadly: Monitor, then, then I will be on the list... If I am really going to die, you must tell Miss Xiaomi for me, I really miss her...

Lin Sen raised his eyebrows: Well, feel free to go there...I will take care of your wife from now on!
After hearing this, Da Wu always felt that Lin Sen's words were offensive, but he couldn't tell what was wrong with his words, so he could only bite the bullet and stepped forward and said: "Sister, brother-in-law... Then, I don't have anything with me." Pen, you, look, how about Brother Sen and I go back to your office to write, do you think that’s okay?”

Lao Qi also wiped off his sleeves and leaned against Lao Zhang like bullshit. When he heard Da Wu's words, without even thinking about it, he angrily shouted: "Get out of here!"

"Hey, brother-in-law! I'm leaving now..." Okay!Now Da Wu stopped stuttering, picked up the two employment forms on the table, grabbed Lin Sen, and the two of them slipped away without a sound.

When Lin Sen finally left the house, he thoughtfully closed the door to the HR chief's office.

"Huh..." After leaving the door, Lin Sen and Da Wu exhaled a long breath at the same time, "Oh my god!"I finally escaped, and now I don't have to worry about being silenced by those two old men!
"Let's go, Dawu! This door is not a place to stay for a long time. Let's go back to your brother-in-law's office!" With that said, Lin Sen took Dawu and slipped back to the third floor!
(End of this chapter)

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