Siheyuan: I really won

Chapter 29 Reorganization of the 3rd Brigade

Chapter 29 Rectifying the Third Brigade
When they arrived on the third floor, Lin Sen and Da Wu looked at each other in confusion after filling out the forms, and neither of them mentioned going to the second floor to deliver the forms.

Let Da Wu, his brother-in-law and Lao Zhang from the human resources department carry out this duel between men to the end!
Otherwise, this dissatisfied... Bah!It was two old men who became angry from embarrassment, and maybe they would turn their anger on them.

Uh, you said you are not afraid of your brother-in-law getting hurt?Ho!Don't be ridiculous, just relying on the basic friendship between Lao Qi and Lao Zhang, they will definitely not be able to fight... At most, they will be arrogant and taunt each other with vicious tongues.

Sure enough, when Lin Sen and Da Wu finished smoking their third cigarette in the office, brother-in-law Lao Qi opened the door and walked in with a victorious look on his face.

When Lao Qi saw Lin Sen and Da Wu sitting in the office looking at him with concerned eyes, his face immediately turned red...

Damn, this old Zhang is so damned, he actually allowed himself to make such a big fool of himself in front of his juniors...

After Lao Qi complained a few words about Lao Zhang, he coughed lightly, "Ahem... Then Big Five, Xiao Lin! Have you filled out the entry form yet?... After you have filled it out, send it to Lao Zhang quickly, and let him Hurry up and file it!"

Da Wu was afraid that his brother-in-law would remember what happened just now, so he nodded quickly, "I know, brother-in-law! I will go downstairs with Brother Sen..."

"Hmm! Go ahead... After finishing the entry process, hurry up and report to the third brigade! Especially Xiao Lin, you are an officer who has changed jobs. The position of this brigade captain is not easy, you have to pay more attention..."

"Yes, brother-in-law! I will definitely work hard and will never let you down!" Lin Sen nodded quickly to express his understanding.

"Then go get busy..."

Lao Qi waved his hand, and after driving Lin Sen and Dawu away, he sat down on the bench, stretched out his hand and rubbed the shoulders that he and Lao Zhang were pushing against each other just now, and then sighed, after all, he was still old After pushing it a few times, my shoulders hurt a little... I can't accept it!

Lin Sen and Dawu came to the personnel department office on the second floor again. After knocking on the door and entering, Dawu said, "Zhang, Chief Zhang..."

Lao Zhang, who was also rubbing his shoulders in the office, immediately rolled his eyes when he heard the words, "What are you calling the chief! That's what outsiders call that, and neither of you are outsiders, just call me uncle from now on!"

Come on, Lao Wu shook his head. This time, his brother-in-law doesn’t stand in the way, so I’ll let you take advantage!

"Uncle Zhang, this is the employment form for Brother Sen and me, where do you put it..."

After Lao Zhang took the two forms, "Just leave it to me, and you two can go directly to get the things... Xiao Wu, Xiao Wu! You come here... Take these two to the logistics to get the equipment!"

Lao Zhang called over another person from the human resources department and asked him to take Lin Sen and the two to the logistics warehouse.

The warehouse is not far from the small white building of the security department, and it only takes 5 minutes to walk. Along the way, Lin Sen gave the man a cigarette and took the opportunity to inquire about the employment related matters.

"Hey! The section chief personally arranged for you to join the job. I'm responsible for everything, so don't worry!"

"Then thank you, Brother Ang!"

"You're welcome...we're all brothers!" That Angkor knew that Lin Sen and the others had a background in defending Corey, so he behaved quite easy-going.

When they arrived at the warehouse, they were led by Angkor, and the people in the logistics department did not dare to trouble them, so they signed and received the things quickly.

Two new summer and winter security uniforms, an outer armor belt and two pairs of liberation shoes.

Then Angkor took Lin Sen and the others to the location of the Third Security Brigade at the north gate of the Red Star Steel Rolling Mill.

"You two, I can only send you here. If you have time in the future, please contact us more..."

"No problem, Angkor... After we settle down, I will treat you to a drink!"

"Then the relationship is better, I will take this seriously!" Angkor said with a smile.

"Hey! Angkor, don't worry. This man is a spittle and a nail... We will definitely treat you to a drink for two days at most... By then, you won't be able to come back until you're drunk!"

"Haha, good! Then I'll just wait..."

After the three chatted for a few words, they separated, and then Lin Sen took Big Five into the third brigade's garrison.

It was said to be a residence, but it was actually a relatively large tile-roofed house. After Lin Sen and Da Wu entered, they immediately frowned.

At this time, except for the necessary personnel on duty, most of the people defending the third brigade were gathered inside, and the noise was as lively as a vegetable market.

Moreover, there were cigarette butts and sundries everywhere on the ground, which made Lin Sen and Da Wu's frowns even deeper... Nima, there is still a little guard here!

Lin Sen was a soldier who came back from the army just now, and what he hated the most was this scene.

Lin Sen and Dawu tried their best not to speak, and after finding an unused cabinet in the room, they quickly changed into a formal guard uniform.

When Lin Sen and Da Wu entered the house, many people saw them, but no one paid attention. The third brigade had been in a mess for more than a day or two, and no one in Corey could control them anyway. Help the assassin.

There are five brigades under the Security Section of the Red Star Rolling Mill. In addition to the most basic patrols and standing guard, they also perform different special tasks.

The special task of the third group is mobile support, that is, as long as there is danger there, they will be sent to the front line.

Therefore, unlike other security brigades, the entire third brigade is filled with a group of arrogant and brave assassins!

But what a pity!Because of Lin Sen's arrival, their comfortable life was finally over!

After changing his clothes, Lin Sen's aura was fully activated. He and Dawu stood outside the room, and then blew the emergency assembly whistle.

"Beep!" A long whistle sounded, followed by five quick and powerful short whistles, "beep, beep, beep, beep, beep..."

After Lin Sen finished blowing the emergency whistle, he asked Big Five to stare at the watch on his wrist and start timing...

As the whistle sounded, soon from the garrison of the third brigade, the group of guards who looked like sheep herding lazily came out of the house cursing as they walked.

"Whose grandma is sick and blows the emergency whistle?..."

"That's right, his grandma's! This sudden emergency assembly whistle blew, which almost startled me..."

"Damn it, I heard that the team is going to have a new captain, it's a sincere blow to us!..."

"Grass, a kind of plant... New captain? Ho ho! I bet he won't last two days and will have to tuck his tail between his legs and get out!"

"Hahaha... Not bad, not bad! But two days is too long, I bet at most one day, just like the new captain last time..."

This sentence immediately caused a roar of laughter from everyone present!
(End of this chapter)

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