Chapter 30

But soon, the laughter of the group of people laughing gradually became smaller, and finally disappeared, because they saw Lin Sen standing on the high platform of the playground, exuding unparalleled pressure.

At this time, Lin Sen was full of evil spirits, so he stood quietly at the forefront with the most standard military posture, staring at them without saying a word.

Slowly, the third brigade, which was originally like a herd of sheep, felt the real oppressive force on Lin Sen's body, and they also restrained their previous foolishness. One by one, they straightened their chests and stood up in the queue.

Time passed by every minute and every second. After the last person came out of the station, he stared at the big five at the time. Then he raised his head and saluted Lin Sen, "Report to the captain, this round of urgent assembly , the total time is three minutes and 48 seconds, please give instructions!"

Lin Sen returned the greeting, and after the ceremony, he walked down the platform and stood in the center of the queue.

"Let me meet you, I am your new captain of the third team. My name is Lin Sen!"

Lin Sen said in a calm tone, "Before I came here, I heard someone say that it is not easy to be the captain of the third team. There are many thorns in the team..."

"But..." Lin Sen looked at everyone before continuing: "But, I don't believe it! Because in my eyes, you are not even worthy of being stabbed. You are just a bunch of outright jerks..."

Lin Sen's words soon caused a commotion in the queue.

"What? Are you still not convinced?"

Lin Sen raised the corners of his mouth with an enigmatic smile, "If you're not convinced, that's okay! I like to convince people with virtue most, and now I'll give all of you a chance!"

At this time, Lin Sen's tone became heated, "I know that many of you were elites in the army back then. What a coincidence, I was also born in the army. I value personal strength very much and believe in the strong. Now , as long as one of you can defeat me, then I will give up my position as the captain immediately, how about it!"

Everyone in the queue was surprised when they heard this. They never expected that Lin Sen would play so big!
You know, this is the captain of the brigade. If they are lucky enough to win, wouldn't they be able to become cadres in one jump?
"How can you guarantee that after I beat you, I will be the captain?"

In the queue was a giant man with a height of more than two meters. He aggressively pushed away the crowd blocking the way from the queue, and then strode out.

"It's very simple, as long as you can beat me, I will resign on my own initiative and recommend you to Corey to become the captain... I remember that the captain seems to have the right to vote!"

"Okay, I believe you!" the giant man said like a bear, and was about to charge forward.

"Wait a minute!" Lin Sen stopped the giant man.

"What? Are you afraid?"

The giant man stopped when he heard this, and then said in a contemptuous tone.

"Haha... don't be impatient!"

Lin Sen smiled at the giant man, and then scanned the queue with his eyes again.

"What! Among the more than 100 people, this is the only guy who leads? You girls are chirping, what are you afraid of?"

Lin Sen's words were like mt's taunting, and the hatred value was immediately full, and there was another strong man in the queue, who couldn't help but walked out.

"Damn! Everyone is carrying one head on two shoulders. I, Yan Laosan, don't believe that you can't do it because you have three heads and six arms!"

"Very good, finally there is another one who is not a girl, is there anyone else?"

Lin Sen looked at the strong man, and said loudly again.

"Grass, a kind of plant... count me in! I will beat you to your knees and beg for mercy today!"

"Brother! Count me among them. I still don't believe in this evil. If we two brothers fight together, we won't be able to defeat a pretty boy!"

After Lin Sen finished shouting, two more people came out of the team.

At this time, the people standing in the queue began to whisper to each other again.

"Damn it, the new captain has had a rough day today. Yan Laosan, Big Bart, and Xiong Daxiong Er, these are the four strongest guys in our team, right?"

"It's more than miserable! I guess the new captain today will have to lie down and leave the gate of our Red Star rolling mill!"

"Haha, let him continue to be crazy, and dare to call us hot chickens, let him see how powerful our three teams are today!"

After Lin Sen heard these whispers, he understood that the four people in front of him were at the top of the food chain in the third brigade. As long as he defeated them, his power would be established. !
"Okay, from the looks of it, among the three teams, the four of you are still a bit of a man..."

As he spoke, Lin Sen took off his big-brimmed hat, and handed it to Da Wu who was about to watch the excitement. At the same time, he also unbuttoned his collar, and at the same time moved his body slightly.

To be honest, since Lin Sen crossed, he felt that his physical fitness has been enhanced to varying degrees every day. After more than half a year of strengthening, he seems to have reached the limit level of human body.

Seeing Lin Sen moving his body, everyone present couldn't help but step back, making room for them to compete.

"You two, let's go together!" Otherwise, if it's one-on-one, I'd be a bit too much of a bully!
After Lin Sen moved his body, he looked at the four people in front of him, then waved his hand contemptuously, signaling them to go up together.

"Grass, you must be sick... Who are you looking down on!"

The most irritable two-meter giant among the four, after hearing Lin Sen's contemptuous tone, he rushed up and punched Lin Sen like a furious brown bear.

After Lin Sen took a deep breath, the clothes that were originally fitted were instantly bulged by his muscles. This scene did not escape the eyes of everyone. Immediately, someone who knew the goods shouted out in an incredible voice, " Fuck it, hard qigong!"

At the same time, the giant man's fist happened to be swung. Lin Sen tilted his head back and dodged. Then, like lightning, his left hand caught the giant man's fist in an instant, and then backhanded him. Forcefully, he snapped his entire wrist outward.

"Ah!" The giant man only felt that his wrist was being torn apart by incomparable force, and an indescribable pain caused his body to lean forward, and then his whole arm collapsed. Was caught.

At this time, Lin Sen's body turned his back to the giant man at a high speed, and at the same time, he pushed his shoulders up, grabbed his arm with both hands, and after pulling his waist and horse together with all his strength, he threw forward with all his strength and fell out violently.

With a loud "boom", the ground shook instantly, and countless dust on the ground rose into the air. After the giant man instinctively spun around for a while, he was thrown out viciously by a big back.

(End of this chapter)

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