Chapter 31

A huge man who doubted his life was thrown by a big back. He lay on the ground, only feeling that all the bones in his body were smashed to pieces, and then he couldn't get up after struggling for a long time.

And Lin Sen's clean, swift and extremely fast, without any fancy big back fall, immediately aroused a lot of exclamation.

Although Lin Sen's throwing action was simple, the one who was thrown was not simple at all. The giant man was called Bart, and he was a serious Mongolian grassland man. He had been a master of wrestling since he was a child.

With Bart's height and weight, it would be extremely difficult for ordinary people not to mention throwing him, but to ensure that they would not be thrown by him.

After Lin Sen knocked down Bart, who was two heads taller than him, with a single blow, he waved to the other three who were stunned and said, "Now, can you go up together?"

Yan Laosan and Xiong Daxiong looked at each other before they could speak.

Big Five, who was watching the excitement from the sidelines, couldn't help but said, "I say three, you should go together, it will be interesting, otherwise one-on-one, you will be instantly killed!"

Hearing Da Wu's words, the three of them looked at each other again, and Yan Lao San gritted his teeth fiercely, "Xiong Daxiong Er, let's go shoulder to shoulder!"

"Then go together!"

Xiong Da nodded, and then they rushed towards Lin Sen from three different directions.

"Good come!"

Lin Sen has a decisive temperament. When he is sparring with others, he never drags his feet and always takes the initiative to attack without giving his opponent a chance to breathe.

Especially today, he still has the intention of standing upright, and he will not hold back easily. Everyone saw his figure very fast, and with a dodge, he rushed in front of Yan Laosan, and punched him straight.

Lin Sen's punch was different from other people's punches. Normal people would use their body to drive the fist.

But he was different. With Lin Sen's punch, it seemed that all the strength of his body was concentrated on the fist, and he used the fist to drive the body, giving people a feeling that the fist was flying forward and the body was chasing behind.

Yan Laosan also did not expect that Lin Sen would regard him as a breakthrough point. Looking at the gradually enlarged fist in front of him, he could only use his arms to fight forward.

With a sound of "bang", the fists and arms met, and Yan Laosan immediately felt a sharp pain in both arms. The heavy force seemed to be hit by someone with a hammer, and the whole arm was almost hit by this blow. broken.

Yan Lao San's figure couldn't help taking several steps back after being hit by this punch, he couldn't even stand steadily, he staggered and almost sat down on the ground.

The youngest Yan was also a Lianjiazi for many years. He looked at Lin Sen with horrified eyes, and let out a scream, even his voice was distorted, "This is a half-step collapse of form and meaning!"

"That's right, you still have some vision! But not much..."

Lin Sen punched Yan's third child, his figure kept moving, he took a step forward, and was about to punch again.

And Yan Laosan only felt that his arm was heavy, and the pain was as if pierced by a steel needle, and he couldn't even lift it. Just a face-to-face, cold sweat flowed down his forehead like water.

"I surrender!"

Yan Laosan is an experienced family son. Although he practiced the family's twelve-way kick kick, he still knows a little bit about the name of the inner family's Xingyi half-step Bengquan.

Neijiaquan claims that Tai Chi does not go out for ten years, but Xingyi can kill people for a year... It is an incomparably fierce Bengquan in itself, coupled with Lin Sen's seemingly ordinary body contains the incomparable Strength, with his gestures, he can easily kill anyone with a simple blow.

Yan Laosan knew that Lin Sen had released the water just now, otherwise he would have to shed a layer of skin even if he didn't die with the Beng Fist just now.

Yan Laosan shouted the word "resign", which made Lin Sen, who originally wanted to pursue the victory, stagger, and then was hugged by Xiong Er who rushed from the side.

"Brother!" Xiong Er tied Lin Sen's body tightly with both arms, and then shouted, Xiong Da punched Lin Sen viciously at Lin Sen's ribs with all his strength, sending out a heavy and dull blow. Hit.

But to the disappointment of Xiong Da and the two brothers, the tacit cooperation between the two was of no use at all. Xiong Da's fatal blow did not threaten at all.

Xiong Da's punch was like hitting a heavy tire. Because of the excessive force, Xiong Da's wrist was numb from the shock, and he couldn't exert any strength.

Lin Sen received a punch and just frowned slightly. His arms held by Xiong Er from behind shook violently and broke free. Then he pushed back with his right elbow. Xiong Er immediately felt a rolling sensation in his abdomen. , even the intestines are broken.

With a sound of "vomit!", Xiong Er held his stomach in pain, knelt on the ground, opened his mouth, and vomited it out.

Lin Sen had to hold back his strength, otherwise Xiong Er wouldn't be as simple as just vomited if he raised his elbow just a little bit higher.

After knocking down Xiong Er with his right elbow, Lin Sen made a fist with his left hand and hit Xiong Da's stomach in front of him with a sudden blow, making him, like Xiong Er, vomit bile while hugging his belly .

After Lin Sen knocked down all four of them, the entire playground fell silent for a while, and everyone was stunned by Lin Sen's strength.

Not to mention three fights, it was still a crushing victory. He is still a fucking person. The new captain in front of him is probably not a tyrannosaurus in human skin, right?

Seeing the trembling people in front of him looking at him with disgusting faces, Lin Sen took the big-brimmed hat that Da Wu handed him, put it on his head lightly, and then turned to them and said, "Now!...You guys Who else is not convinced?"

Everyone in the entire third brigade looked at me and I looked at you, and they didn't dare to say a word while looking at each other.

"Since no one speaks, I'll assume that you are all convinced. From today onwards, in the entire three brigades, only my rules are the rules... Do you understand?"

"Ming, I understand!..."

Hearing the voice in his ears, Lin Sen raised his brows, "Why, you haven't eaten yet! Speak up!"

"Hmph... I'll give you 3 minutes to tidy up the housework. After 3 minutes, I will check the station from beginning to end... Disband now!"

When the queue disbanded and everyone hurriedly ran to clean up the housework, Dawu came up to him, "Brother Sen! Don't be so arrogant just now! It's like a heifer standing on his head, soaring to the sky..."

Lin Sen glanced at Dawu, then took out a cigarette and threw it to him, "Dawu, you will work hard later, and take them to the queue! This group of people has been herding sheep for too long, so they have to be taken care of." Set up the rules!"

Da Wu had a cigarette in his mouth, with a faint smile on his lips, "Don't worry, brother Sen! You've already stood up, and I'll leave the rest to you!"

(End of this chapter)

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