Chapter 32
Don't look at Dawu's chubby little face, and his smile is like Maitreya Buddha, but if you dare to underestimate him, then you will be finished. Dawu is a man who eats people and doesn't spit out bones. Smiling tiger.

Three minutes later, Lin Sen blew his whistle again, and this time, everyone in the third brigade quickly assembled in less than a minute.

After Lin Sen and others arrived, he put down his watch and didn't say much... Well, it was okay, barely passed.

After asking Big Five to take them to train in the playground, Lin Sen went into the house and made a round of inspection.

At this time, the station has a completely new look, items are neatly arranged, and the ground is spotless, with no more mess than before.

After Lin Sen looked at the whole station, he came to the separate room belonging to his captain. The layout inside was very simple.

A sofa, a camp bed, a desk, a bookshelf and some chairs.Tsk, this captain's room, which combines work and rest, is really rudimentary.

In the desk drawer, Lin Sen dug out the personnel roster left by the previous captain, and then sat on a chair to rest for a while.

It wasn't until it was almost time for lunch that Lin Sen took the roster and went out.

After gathering the top five generals, Lin Sen took the roster and started calling the names, one by one, and the roll call ended soon.

"I will reassign the duties of squad leader!... Cao Yong will be the first squad leader from now on, Yan Shucheng will be your second squad leader, Xiong Chuanwen will be the third squad leader, Xiong Chuanwu will be the fourth squad leader, and Bart will be the fifth squad leader!"

After Lin Sen's appointment was completed, someone in the queue disagreed, "Lin, what did we do wrong? Why did you lose the position of our squad leader?"

Lin Sen raised his head and glanced at those people, "Why do you ask me? Hey...just because I am the captain of the third brigade! Whoever I let be the squad leader can be the squad leader...and I need to tell you the reason? Who are you? An onion!"

"Lin, if you employ people for nepotism, I will sue you in the department..."

Lin Sen didn't even raise his head when he heard this, "You want to sue me? Okay, turn right when you go out, it's easy to leave! ... Let's dismiss now, by the way, which class is on duty at the door today?"

"Captain, this is our fifth class!" Bart, the Mongolian man who was hit by a pie falling from the sky, quickly raised his hand to signal.

Seeing that Lin Sen didn't pay any attention to him, the four people who had just been kicked off left the station angrily, "Your surname is Lin, you wait... Don't think that you are the captain, you can cover the sky with one hand in the team, I’m going to go find the section chief and sue you now!”

After the four of them left with their harsh words, a burst of electric bells rang in the square of the factory.

"Ding, ding, ding..." Yoho, it's time to get off work at noon.

"Let's go, Big Five, let's try the food in the factory cafeteria together..."

The three brigades were stationed closest to the office building, so during lunch time, Lin Sen and Dawu each held a lunch box in their hands, and followed the flow of people to the nearest third canteen, known as the office canteen.

As a star unit listed in the Ministry of Heavy Industry, the Hongxing Steel Rolling Mill covers an extremely large area. After all, it must be able to accommodate 4 to [-] people for dining at the same time, so there are canteens everywhere in the factory area.

The No. [-] canteen which is the closest to the office building is undoubtedly the one with the largest number of people coming to eat. There are many workers who are far from the No. [-] canteen.

The reason is very simple, it is because the meals made by the Three Canteens are much more delicious than other canteens!

It’s not too late for Lin Sen and Dawu to come, and they were still shocked by the long queues in front of them. Don’t look at the three canteens where there are five windows serving food at the same time, but the queues lined up at each window are astonishing. No less than a hundred people, and just here, there are still people who are destined to join the queue.

As the team moved forward slowly, Lin Sen and Da Wu were chatting, and soon it was their turn.

Lin Sen looked at the stir-fried cabbage with radish and roasted radish with potatoes with disgust, and lost his appetite at all.

Food that seemed delicious to others was simply unpalatable for a person like Lin Sen who loves meat and dislikes.

But I couldn't act out of tune with others, so I could only casually order a potato to deal with it.

"Bring me two more steamed buns... I don't have a meal ticket in the cafeteria, can I pay for it?"

The kitchen staff serving food saw Lin Sen wearing a security uniform. This would definitely not be possible for anyone else, but if it were the security department, it would be no problem.

"Okay, a total of two and a half cents!"

After preparing the dishes, Lin Sen just casually dealt with a couple of people in the cafeteria. He was going to go back to the station and have a good meal.

"Yo! Dalin, I'm eating!"

When Lin Sen raised his head, it turned out to be Xu Damao who was wronged!
"Well, why didn't you go to the countryside today, Da Mao?"

Xu Damao glanced at Lin Sen's uniform with envious eyes. Even though the projectionist and the security guard were also one of the eight members, their status in the factory was simply incomparable.This projectionist is not even worthy of carrying shoes for the guards...

As the saying goes, to wake up and hold the power of the world, but to sleep drunkenly on the knees of a beautiful woman, the pursuit of power and status seems to be written into a man's DNA. Which man does not love beauty, and which man does not like power!

Now that Lin Sen has become a glorious guard, Xu Damao is so envious...

He hid the envy in his eyes, "Hey! Dalin, this is not the time to go to the countryside. Who is showing movies during the day!..."

"Dalin, you eat first, I'm going to queue, otherwise the food will be eaten up if it's late!"

After Xu Damao chatted with Lin Sen for a few words, he said goodbye sourly and went to queue.

Da Wu, who was sitting next to Lin Sen, said softly to Lin Sen, "Brother Sen, this kid is dishonest... Do you want me to punish him?"

Lin Sen rolled his eyes at him, "I still need you to teach me?"Of course I know this guy is not a good person, and he is full of bad things!
"Eat your food honestly... I have a wonderful use for this guy!"

Lin Sen was still counting on Xu Damao's regiment to destroy Lou's parents, and then he would rescue Lou Xiao'e from the fire and water like a magic soldier descending from the sky.

By that time, Lou Xiao'e would still be so grateful to her that she would commit herself to him like a cow or a horse!Hehe, when the time comes, won't Lou Xiao'e just let me flatten and round her at will, and shape her into my shape?
When the time comes for the reform and opening up, I will continue to inherit the network of connections accumulated by generations of the Lou family, tsk tsk... just thinking about that picture makes me wake up from my sleep with laughter!
As for the life and death of Lou's parents?Uh, Lin Sen is not the kind of good old man who is full of madam's heart!If he can keep the Lou family's incense and pass it on, that's enough to be worthy of their old couple, okay?So, what kind of bicycle do you need... crazy line! ! !
(End of this chapter)

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