Siheyuan: I really won

Chapter 33 Visiting the door

Chapter 33 Visiting the door
Some people will say, Lin Sen, isn't it a little too wicked for you to do this?Spending other people's money, sleeping with other people's daughters, and finally refusing to save the cheap old man!Aren't you afraid that Lou Xiao'e will feel resentful towards you when she finds out?

Hehe, I can only say that the old iron man is thinking superficially!
The root cause of this matter is Xu Damao!Was he the one who destroyed the Lou family? Does he have anything to do with Lin Sen and me?Even if she takes ten thousand steps back, Lou Xiao'e can't blame herself.

Besides, can the difficulty of rescuing the Lou family's old couple be compared with bringing Lou Xiao'e out of the sea of ​​suffering?A hell-level difficulty, a bronze game, which one would you choose for you?
Don't be ridiculous, if Lin Sen can rescue Lou's parents who have been imprisoned, then why is he still guarding Corey?Zao Nima's tail is up to the sky, okay!

This is the general environment, so let's not say that Lin Sen is a cold-blooded animal.

As for that silly Zhu can ask the big leader for help?Hahaha, people who can say this, it seems that they have never been severely beaten by society. After being beaten twice, they will not ask such naive questions.

When adults win the world, the starting point of everything is profit. Silly Zhu is just a cook. How can he ask for a big leader?Just because he has a hard head?
No one really thinks that just by helping the leader cook two meals, he can do whatever he wants, right?One thing, if you can't bring any benefits to others, but instead become a slut, then who the hell will know you!

If this big leader really couldn't understand this truth, he would have been eaten up and wiped clean by others long ago, not even the bones and dregs would be left.

It's getting too far, the main reason is to piss off those self-righteous virgin whores. In their eyes, the protagonist should not have the slightest flaw, otherwise he is not worthy of being a human being.


After eating at noon, Lin Sen went back to the station to rest for a while, and then asked Da Wu to lead the team to continue the queue training in the afternoon.

Don't underestimate this simple queue training, it is the best training that can quickly cultivate a person's obedience to the collective.

Those soldiers who have been on the battlefield, the first thing they do when they come back is to be pulled into the base for closed queue training.

In the afternoon, the Third Brigade unexpectedly received an uninvited guest from Lin Sen, the section chief of the security department of the Red Star Rolling Mill!
"Hello, Comrade Section Chief!" Ouch!The five squad leaders who were raped actually went to Corey to complain.

The section chief's surname is Liu, and his name is Liu Shengli. As the head of the Security Section of the Red Star Rolling Mill, he knows everything about Corey...

The three brigades, which had bad discipline and sloppy behavior, were pulled out for queue training in less than a day. This was really beyond Lao Liu's expectations.

Looking at the clean and tidy internal affairs of the resident, and the very loud queue training on the playground outside, Lao Liu couldn't help but look at Lin Sen with admiration.

"Comrade Lin, under your leadership, these three brigades have rectified very well... Mm! I hope you can continue to maintain it..."

"Yes, Comrade Section Chief, please rest assured..."

Lin Sen and the section chief chatted for a while, but neither of them mentioned the five monitors who were masturbated, oh!We are all foxes who have been cultivating for thousands of years. There is no need to explain these things too clearly. Pretending to be confused with understanding in your heart will be more conducive for everyone to get along with each other in the future.

After sending away the section chief who came to inspect, the five former squad leaders looked at him awkwardly. Lin Sen immediately stopped the queue training and asked everyone to gather and start giving lectures.

"After this day of getting along, I think you all know what kind of person I am, right? This team training is just an appetizer. From now on, all behavioral management principles of the Third Brigade will be closer to the military camp!..."

"Don't say that I didn't give you a chance. There are people who are used to sloppy and can't stand my way of managing the barracks. I will also give them a way to survive...within three days! Anyone who wants to be transferred to other brigades can come Look for me, I will definitely let him go... Disband now!"

After finishing speaking, Lin Sen returned to the office and sat waiting for the person who wanted to be transferred to come to his door.

In one afternoon, except for the five people who went to Corey to file a complaint and were afraid that Lin Sen would wear small shoes, they couldn't wait to come to the door to apply for a team transfer.

No matter which brigade you join, you have to be under someone else's supervision. You might as well stay in the original brigade. If you are transferred here and there, you owe a favor debt for nothing... but you will have to pay it back in the future!
"Ding, ding, ding..."

As the bell rang for getting off work in the evening, Lin Sen stood at the north gate dressed neatly, watching the crowds of people pouring out from various workshops gathered together, and then walked towards the north gate like dark clouds. .

The crowds of people were like zombies coming out of their cages. If someone with trypophobia saw this, they would probably be scared to the point of peeing...

After waiting for more than half an hour, all the people after get off work were gone, and the entire Hongxing Steel Rolling Mill suddenly became empty.

After Lin Sen ordered people to lock the north gate, he turned around and rode his bicycle, leaving work as well.

Tonight, he made an appointment with Aunt Wang, the director of the street office, to take his younger sister to her house for dinner. If he went late, Aunt Wang would have to say a few words.

When Lin Sen passed by an empty alley, he took out pastries, candies and other snacks that had been prepared from the farm space, and hung them on the front of the car.

After arriving at the courtyard, Lin Sen didn't waste any time with the third "door god". He picked up his sister, pedaled his bicycle, and rushed towards Aunt Wang's house.

Because Aunt Wang's husband is the leader of the local food bureau, Aunt Wang's family lives in the tube building of the grain compound near Zhengyangmen.

Don't feel ashamed to live in Tongzilou. We are still in the 60s, and those who can live in Tongzilou are not ordinary people.

And it’s different from ordinary houses where more than a dozen houses squeeze into one floor, share a bathroom and kitchen, and fart at home, which can be heard on the whole floor.

And although the leaders live in the Tongzilou, but!The north-south transparent structure, three bedrooms and two living rooms, one kitchen and one bathroom, are no different from those buildings in later generations...

After Lin Sen and his younger sister completed the information registration at the gate of the food compound, they entered the compound. When the brothers and sisters arrived downstairs at Aunt Wang's house, it was just in time for the meal.

After parking the car, Lin Sen carried his things and went upstairs with Lin Bai to knock on the door. As soon as they entered the house, they were warmly welcomed by Aunt Wang's family.

"Hey, Xiao Lin is here? I just came to have a drink with my uncle!" A middle-aged man in his early fifties finished speaking. He is Aunt Wang's husband and Director Miao, the head of the Food Bureau!
"No problem, Uncle Miao... Hehe, I even brought you a bottle of good wine. We, uncle and nephew, will not come home until we are drunk today!"

(End of this chapter)

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