Chapter 34
As the leader of the grain boss, Uncle Miao had never seen any good wine. He didn't take it seriously at first. It wasn't until Lin Sen took out an unopened bottle of Feitian Moutai from his bag that he stared at Lin Sen in surprise. Take a look.

"Yo! Xiao Lin is capable enough, this wine is still Feitian Moutai..."

"Hey, Uncle Miao is looking down on me! I don't have the ability to get this wine. It was given to me by the old chief when I changed my job from the army!"

Lin Sen touched the back of his head, and after speaking, he unpacked the wine and filled a glass for Uncle Miao.

"Brother Sen, give me a taste of Moutai too? I've grown up so much, I haven't tasted it yet!"

The person who spoke was Aunt Wang's eldest son, Miao Jianqiu, who is 20 years old and works in a grain and oil store.

When Lin Sen heard this, he lightly slapped him on the back of the head, and then laughed and scolded him, "You brat, you're bossing your brother and me around! If you want to drink, just pour it yourself..."

"Hey, I'm not polite about that, Brother Sen!"

The impatient Miao Jianqiu immediately took the wine bottle and poured himself a glass, then held it under his nose and sniffed it with an intoxicated look on his face.

"Look at how promising you are..." Aunt Wang took out the last dish from the kitchen and placed it on the table. Seeing her eldest son's intoxicated look, she immediately smiled and scolded him.

Miao Jianqiu is already 20 years old, and he is already a young man. Aunt Wang and Uncle Miao don't bother to care about his smoking and drinking.

"Okay, the dishes are ready, let's all come and eat!"

Because Lin Sen and Lin Bai were coming, Aunt Wang specially prepared three meat dishes, three vegetarian dishes, six dishes and one soup.

Even though Aunt Wang and Uncle Miao were both leading cadres, in the 60s, the wealth gap between leaders and ordinary workers was really not that big.

To put it simply, it is like a normal worker's family, they can eat one meal of meat in ten days, and the leader's family can only eat two to three meals of meat in ten days.

What really widened the gap between the rich and the poor was the opening of the city, the abolition of the planned economy, the breaking of the iron rice bowl, and the free trade of goods. The gap became more apparent.

"Come, Uncle Miao and Aunt Wang, let me toast you!"

After Lin Sen toasted a glass of wine, the atmosphere became lively.

After three rounds of wine and five flavors of food, Uncle Miao touched Lin Sen again with the wine glass, and said, "Xiao Lin, I remember that Xiao Bai is going to graduate this year, what's the matter with you as a brother?" Do you plan? Do you want to go to university or work?"

Lin Sen drank the wine in one gulp, feeling that the wine was like a ball of fire, sliding all the way from his throat to his stomach, and then he opened his mouth and spit out a ball of alcohol.

"Yes, Uncle Miao! I plan to let Xiaobai pick up my mother's class and go to the textile factory... Forget about college, she doesn't have the brains to pass the exam!"

Hearing this, Lin Bai was dissatisfied and kicked Lin Sen hard with his foot under the table.

In the end, he kicked the wrong person, causing Miao Jianqiu, who was sitting next to Lin Sen, to be hurt by Chi Yu, who immediately let out an "oops" in pain.

Seeing that he had kicked the wrong person, Xiaobai stuck out his tongue in embarrassment, "Oh, brother Miao, are you okay? I didn't kick you on purpose... It's all my brother's fault, who told him I'm out of my mind!"

Lin Sen and Lin Bai both inherited their parents' good looks, and both have good looks. However, Lin Sen is more like his mother, while Lin Bai is more like his father.

Seeing the beautiful Lin Bai apologizing to himself, Miao Jianqiu felt like a deer was bumping around in his heart. He blushed and stuttered even when he spoke, "Little, little sister Bai, no , it’s okay, I’m not in pain..."

Unfortunately, Xiao Baiya had no feelings for Miao Jianqiu. After hearing that everything was okay, she stopped paying attention to him. Instead, she turned to look at her brother with a grin on her face.

"Go to work in a textile factory?" Aunt Wang repeated, and then looked at Uncle Miao, "Xiao Sen, going to work in a textile factory is a bit too hard. Why don't you let Xiao Baiya go to Auntie's place instead?" Do you think it’s okay to go to the street, or your Uncle Miao’s Grain Bureau?”

After Aunt Wang and Uncle Miao had Miao Jianqiu, they have always wanted to regenerate a little padded jacket so that they can make an epic achievement—both sons and daughters... As a result, the more they think about it, the more they don’t come here. From young to now , gave birth to a litter of children.

So Aunt Wang liked the innocent, lively and cheerful Lin Bai from the bottom of her heart. After all, she was the goddaughter she watched and grew up with. Aunt Wang really couldn't bear to let Lin Bai go to work in a textile factory to suffer.

Damn it, when Lin Sen heard this, was there such a good thing?That’s great!So he quickly picked up the wine glass and said, "Uncle, aunt! I won't say any more unnecessary words. Everything is in the wine... I'll do it first as a token of respect!"

After Aunt Wang and Uncle Miao watched Lin Sen do it, they also picked up a glass of wine to accompany him. Then the old couple looked at each other, as if they were foxes who had stolen a piece of chicken. They almost couldn't hide their eyes. smile.

In fact, Aunt Wang and Uncle Miao had deep intentions in doing this. They, the old couple, were still planning to take Lin Bai home as their daughter-in-law...

After eating a banquet for more than an hour, it was not until Uncle Miao, a veteran soldier in the alcohol battlefield, that he could not drink enough, that Lin Sen took his younger sister and said goodbye to Aunt Wang and went home.

Lin Sen, who had drunk a lot of wine, looked a little red. He carried his sister on his bicycle and rode home slowly.

Lin Bai, who was sitting in Lin Sen's back seat, held Lin Sen's lower back with both hands and said in a somewhat dissatisfied tone: "Brother! I don't want to go to work yet, I want to go to college..."

Hey, stop being ridiculous!My dear sister, it’s now 65. By the time you are admitted to college in October, it will be less than ten months before the storm hits.

Even if you pass the exam, you will only be able to study for the first half of the year, and you will be suspended indefinitely. Why do you think you are so useless?

Also, regarding your identity as a college student, it is like a dynamite keg that will explode at the first moment... Not to mention your identity as a middle peasant, even an eighth-generation poor peasant cannot handle it!

This girl Lin Bai is not like his own character at all. She is a bit like Mother Lin who likes to get into trouble. She is the kind of person who doesn't know how to turn around until she breaks through the wall.

Therefore, Lin Sen can't be hard on her, he has to straighten her out, otherwise it will easily arouse her stubborn character.

"Xiaobai, tell me, why do you want to go to college!"

Lin Bai thought for a while, "After graduating from university, you will be a cadre... Besides, there is a living allowance every month, which can also reduce your burden, brother, and won't make you work so hard!"

"Little girl, don't think about it all day long. Your brother is now a 24th-level security officer. With salary plus subsidies, it costs 42 yuan and [-] cents a month. What a burden it is to support you!"

"Besides, you are my own younger sister. It's not a matter of course for a brother to raise a younger sister when his parents are away...Damn it, Xiaobai, is someone gossiping in front of you! His grandma, who is so Bold? I'm so tender..."

Lin Sen, who was getting more and more uncomfortable as he talked, suddenly realized, why did his sister have such thoughts?Do you think she has become a drag on him?

(End of this chapter)

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