Siheyuan: I really won

Chapter 35 Look at the good things you did!

Chapter 35 Look at the good things you did!
Lin Sen slammed on the brakes, put one leg on the ground, and looked back at his own sister seriously.

As for Lin Bai, who was sitting in the back seat, she was caught off guard, and her upper body rushed forward fiercely, hitting Lin Sen's back heavily.

"Oh...Brother, why are you stepping on the brakes!" Rubbing the soft part that was bumped, Lin Bai pinched Lin Sen's back angrily.!Scumbag, he won’t even spare his own sister!
fart!Am I that kind of person!Be careful, I will sue you for is slander!

"Xiaobai, tell brother, did someone say something that shouldn't be said in front of you?"

When Lin Bai pinched himself, Lin Sen didn't care as if he was bitten by a mosquito. He looked at his sister seriously, and then opened his mouth to ask.

"No one talks nonsense in front of me... Oh! Brother, don't think about it! Let's go home quickly, what time is it?"

Lin Bai's eyes dodge, not daring to look directly at Lin Sen, and then he said something evasive.

"Impossible, if no one tells you such nonsense, how could you think of such a thing... You should tell my brother clearly, otherwise we both don't go there, just leave it here Feed the mosquitoes!"

The tone of Lin Sen's words was extremely firm, and Lin Bai had no choice but to stumble out the reason.

"Yes, today when Yuyu and I went to play with Xiaoli in the alley next door, we heard Xiaoli's brother scolding her for being a burden and dragging down their family..."

"Uh, who is this Xiaoli? Who is her brother?"

"Xiaoli is Hu Wenli from the alley next door..."

Lin Sen thought for a while, "Hu Wenli? Her brother is Hu Mazi next door, right?"

"Well..." Lin Bai nodded obediently.

"Hey! Xiaobai, you really leave me speechless! You said you can't compare me with anyone, why do you have to compare me with Hu Mazi! Then Sun Zeier is an incomprehensible alley Chuanzi..."

Lin Sen was speechless, he glanced at Lin Bai with reproachful eyes, and then said earnestly, "Xiao Bai, you have to know that your brother and I are not the same as Hu Mazi, he can ignore his family and leave him alone." The life and death of my own sister..."

After saying this, Lin Sen stared at Lin Bai seriously, "But I am different. You are my biological sister. As long as I, the eldest brother, have a mouthful of dry food to eat, I will never let you drink porridge!" "

"Well...I got it, you are the best big brother in the world!..." Lin Bai said, and buried his face in Lin Sen's back.

Feeling the wetness from the clothes on his back, Lin Sen stretched out his hands and rubbed Lin Bai's hair speechlessly, "Okay, Xiaobai, don't cry... Now that you have a brother who is raising you, do you still want to go to college? "

"No more exams, brother! I want to go to work..."

Lin Bai raised his head and said with tears in his eyes, his shoulders still twitched a little, "That's right! How can it be so easy to take the university exam? Besides, after four years of university, you will be a cadre editor after graduation. Go to work now, and brother will work hard for you later, and you will be able to become a cadre after two years of custody!"

"Is it true? Brother! Don't lie to me..." Lin Bai wiped away his tears, then raised his head, looked at Lin Sen seriously and said.

"You are a puppy!"

Lin Sen got back on the bike and set off again. Lin Bai was making a fuss behind him, "Brother, if you keep your word, let's hang ourselves with hooks..."

"Xiaobai, you are a three-year-old child! You hang yourself with a hook!"

"I don't care, I want you to hang yourself with me..."

"Okay, good, pull hook, pull hook, let's do it!" Fortunately, Lin Sen's body is well balanced. He is half-turned, holding the bicycle with one hand, and hanging with Lin Bai's pull hook with the other hand. For 100 years, no change is allowed. , who becomes a puppy!
Hey, Lin Sen feels that adopting a younger sister is like raising a daughter by his mother... Hmm!Just ask, have you ever seen a child who is three years old and 180 months old?

After pulling the hook, Lin Bai sat on the back seat with her arms around Lin Sen's waist, "Brother, you said that if I go to work in the food bureau, can I give up my mother's work quota to Yushui? She, she..."

Lin Sen didn't look back as he rode, "Whatever you want, anyway, I originally planned to leave the job in my mother's textile factory to you. Now that you have a better place to go, this quota is redundant. You can give it to anyone you want." OK!"

"Brother, you are so kind to me..."

Lin Sen said with some distaste in his tone: "Hmph, now that I know my brother is good, I'll be so cheap... Didn't someone cry and say before that they don't want to be a burden to me!"

"Oh, brother! You are so annoying..."

Lin Bai blushed a little and pinched the soft flesh of Lin Sen's waist shyly, then tied his waist hard, and clung to Lin Sen's back with a happy face.

Cycling all the way to the door of the house, Lin Bai jumped off the back seat, and then ran to He Yushui's house in a jolt, planning to share with her that he started working after graduation.

Lin Sen didn't stop him, after he finished washing, He Yushui, with red eyes, dragged Lin Bai to the door.

"Brother Lin, thank you for giving me Auntie's work quota... I, I don't have any money with me now. After I go to work, I will pay you ten yuan a month..."

Lin Sen waved her hand upon hearing this, "Yu Shui, this is Xiaobai's decision, it has nothing to do with me, if you feel sorry, you can have a good time with Xiaobai, and strive to be a little sister for the rest of your life..."

After sending He Yushui away, Lin Sen heard the sound of Lin Bai and He Yushui playing with each other from outside the house, "Oh, Yushui! Don't mention money or not, we sisters don't care about these external things... this is a great favor Don't say thanks, if you can't, you can marry my brother! You see my brother is so handsome, we can't let the fat water flow to outsiders..."

He Yuyu lowered his voice, with some unconfidence in his tone, "But Xiaobai, do you think Brother Lin can like me?"

"Hey! Do I still know about my brother? Don't worry about the rain. My brother likes people with long legs..."

"Really!" He Yuyu lowered his head and looked at her long legs, and his heart was filled with passion. Her legs were not short!
Your uncle!Lin Bai's words almost made Lin Sen, who was eavesdropping, almost get angry!Damn it, I'm afraid I can't have this sister. Why does he only like those with long legs?Not only do I like long legs, I also like bear-sized and pretty ones. Why didn’t you tell me?


Time flies, and in the blink of an eye, more than half a month has passed. During these half a month, Lin Sen has completely secured his foothold in defending Corey at the Red Star Rolling Mill. You're so obedient, and you unexpectedly gained a little fan girl!

As long as he comes home from work, He Yushui will definitely be dangling, and her long legs will appear in front of him!
Nima, Xiaobai, look at the good (piao) things you do (zuo) (liang)!

(End of this chapter)

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