Chapter 38
Liu Haizhong, the second uncle in charge of the courtyard, a seventh-level forger who wields a sledgehammer in the forging workshop of Hongxing Steel Rolling Mill, is also commonly known as the pie-breaker.

This old man believes in death. He has believed in sticks to make filial sons all his life. Huang Jingtiaozi teaches good people this truth. He always takes a wooden stick as thick as a baby's arm and chases his son around in a magical circle of love, making them run around crying and howling. .

However, this is also divided... At the beginning, the boss of the Liu family had never been beaten. According to Lin Sen's childhood memory, Liu Guangqi, the boss of the Liu family, was always in his house.
Unfortunately, in the end, the old man doted on his eldest son who grew up. He was born with a rebellious streak. After getting married, he took his wife away from the old man and went to support the Great Northwest.

This made the old man calm down for a while, reflecting on himself, and finally felt that he must have a lack of education, and then he intensified his love for the eldest son and spread it evenly on the second and third children.

Tsk tsk, this really makes people feel sad, listening to the (piao) story (liang) of (ha) falling (ha) tears (gan)...

Not long after Liu Guangfu entered the room, an old man with a fat head and big ears and glasses walked out with a flattering smile on his face.

"Hey! Captain Lin... you are here, what do you need from me?"

Well, there is one more important thing about this old man. Lin Sen almost forgot to mention... This old guy, even though he is just a pie-sucker who works hard and can't read a bunch of Chinese characters, he is a toad on a frog. Ugly, what a joke!

Who would have imagined that this old man has always dreamed of becoming an official... He is like a maniac, and even in his dreams he wants to be an official, hey!It's a pity that he, who claims to be a bole, has never been appreciated, and can only be subdued in the forging workshop to make big cakes.

It’s true that God didn’t give birth to me in my bangs, and the official world will enter a long night...

"Second uncle, you are welcome! I am the captain of the security guard in the factory, and now I am an ordinary person when I go home. You can call me by my name."

"Oh...Captain Lin, you speak with dignity. You are worthy of being an officer of the Security Department..."

Liu Haizhong was still very polite. Lin Sen and the two of them came and went, just like those old and young people who deliberately pay attention to the authentic flavor of the Eight Banners.

The two of them were like vultures in the desert. After being polite for a long time, Lin Sen explained the purpose of coming, "That's right, Second Uncle, these two little girls, Xiaobai and Yushui, have graduated from high school, so I want to invite you You go to the house to have a light meal together, it won't be two days, they both have to go to work, and they won't be able to spare time..."

"This is a good thing...Captain Lin, just wait, I'll clean up and go over!"

"Okay, then I won't disturb you! Second uncle, I have to inform the others..."

Then Lin Sen notified several neighbors in the yard before coming to the backyard.

"Da Mao, Xu Da Mao? Hey... Isn't this person at home?"

Lin Sen saw that the lights in Xu Damao's house were on. He shouted at the door for a long time but there was no response, so he pushed the door open and walked in. Then he lifted the curtain of the bedroom and was dumbfounded.

It turned out that there was a large tub for bathing in the bedroom. At this time, Lou Xiaoe was squatting in the tub with a flushed face, covering her body with a towel in embarrassment.

Seeing Lin Sen's eyes staring straight at her, Lou Xiao'e couldn't tell what she was feeling. She was frightened, but also vaguely surprised.

"You, you still look...hurry down the curtain and go out!"

Lou Xiao'e's delicate voice sounded, and then Lin Sen came back to his senses. He immediately smiled apologetically, "I'm sorry, sister-in-law, I, I really didn't mean it... I shouted outside for a long time, but no one responded, so It’s offensive…”

Damn it, I've been shouting outside for a long time, but this woman heard it, so she agreed!I see that you are just greedy for my beauty, and sincerely want to trap me in injustice... Then did I just obey?Or go through the program again and then start?

Hey, this question is really confusing!
"Get out quickly..." Although Lou Xiao'e is a married woman, no matter how fierce a woman is, she can't bear to be stared at!Therefore, there was inevitably a hint of pleading in his tone of voice.

Nima, this is full of the visual sense of "Beautiful Young Woman の...", filling Lin Sen's mind with all kinds of wild thoughts!
"Hey, madam! You don't want your husband to know, right?"

"Auntie, I'm covering Jiang Tai at school. You should understand what I mean, right?"

"Madam, I heard that your sewer is blocked. Do you need me to help you clear it?"


"I'm sorry, sister-in-law, I'm going out now!" The more he thought about it, the more he felt wrong, and he quickly shook his head vigorously, dispelling all those inconsequential thoughts.

Putting down the curtain, Lin Sen lightly slapped himself and made an excuse for his random thoughts. He must have not eaten meat for a long time, otherwise how could he have the thoughts he just had?We are known as gentlemen...

As Lin Sen lowered the curtain and retreated, there was a rustling sound of getting dressed soon in the bedroom, and within 2 minutes, the curtain was lifted by Lou Xiao'e in pajamas.

"Sister-in-law..." As the saying goes, if you do something wrong, you have to admit it, and if you are beaten, you have to stand at attention. Lin Sen looked at Lou Xiao'e, who was blushing, and hurried forward to call out sister-in-law.

Lou Xiao'e's face didn't know whether it was smoked by the heat wave. It was as red as blood. She looked at Lin Sen, who had a low eyebrow and looked like he had done something wrong and was ready to be beaten and punished. Most of the anger in my heart was gone in an instant.

"Lin, Lin Sen...why did you come in without knocking?"

"Uh, sister-in-law! I yelled at the door for a long time, thinking that there was no one at home, so..."

When Lou Xiao'e heard Lin Sen's explanation, she instinctively believed him. Hey...this is the advantage of being handsome. No matter what you say, someone will believe it!
"What happened to Lin Sen just now..."

"Sister-in-law, don't worry, I was blind at the time and didn't see anything!" Ha!Isn't it just that the pearl necklace is whiter and bigger... What's the big deal!
Hearing Lin Sen's slightly playful answer, Lou Xiao'e couldn't hold it back and burst out laughing. Then when she thought that it was not appropriate for her to laugh at this occasion, she hurriedly covered her mouth with her hands.

"Lin, Lin are not allowed to tell anyone about this matter, do you understand?... Sister-in-law, sister-in-law is married, so it doesn't matter! The key is that you are not married yet, so you have to spread it, but you have to ruined your reputation!"

Lin Sen nodded, "Don't worry, sister-in-law! Only God knows this matter, you know me, and there will never be a third person to know about it!"

"Well...sister-in-law, I believe you!" Lou Xiao'e didn't even think about it. After all, Lin Sen is so handsome, so how could he have any bad intentions?

(End of this chapter)

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