Siheyuan: I really won

Chapter 39 Silly Pillar Kicks the Door

Chapter 39 Silly Pillar Kicks the Door
After chatting with Lou Xiao'e for a few words, Lin Sen called her "Sister Lou". Everyone could see Sima Zhao's intentions, and the person involved, Lou Xiao'e, was still stupid.

"Sister Lou, since Xu Damao is not at home, I'll go back first! After two days when Damao comes back from the countryside, I will treat you two to dinner alone!"

After saying that, Lin Sen ignored Lou Xiaoe's repeated rejections and went out.

As for why Lin Sen didn't invite Lou Xiao'e to eat at home, it wasn't because of the old rules in Sijiu City.

In the 60s, patriarchal thinking was extremely serious. When entertaining others, especially those like Lin Sen, women were absolutely not allowed to sit on the table.

Even Lin Bai, the protagonist of today's banquet, is not eligible to be on the table, so she can only eat in the small kitchen with He Yushui.

Hey... what kind of rule-breaking do you think this is?When inviting guests to dinner, even the protagonist is not qualified to serve at the table. Isn’t this just inviting someone to be lonely?

But the current environment is like this. Although Lin Sen doesn't like it, he didn't make any moves. It's a genius to be one step ahead, but ten steps ahead?Sorry, then you can only be a lunatic who cannot be tolerated by the world!

Don't underestimate the power of the world, those rumors can really kill a person...

At the last stop, Lin Sen came to Yi Zhonghai's house, "My lord, my sister is going to work and become an adult soon. According to the old rules of our Forty-Nine City, we have to set up a table for the big guys to sit down. If you have time Come or not?"

Seeing Lin Sen's smiling face, Yi Zhonghai was successfully disgusted, but he had to go. It didn't mean that he couldn't bear to have this meal, and because of the uncle's face, he had to go. just work.

After all, Lin Sen has fulfilled the rules of face. If he refuses to get rid of his anger, it will not be Lin Sen's face that will be lost, but his old face, Yi Zhonghai...

Others will only think, oh!Yi Zhonghai is really an old guy who relies on the old and sells the old, and he is too narrow-minded... Even Lin Sen came to invite him personally and didn't come here. This uncle, that's all he has!
This matter is going to spread, and it is estimated that the neighbors will have to make up a few words about him, relying on the old to sell the old Yi Zhonghai, a big man with a small belly and chicken intestines, etc...

So, Yi Zhonghai couldn't see the superficial smile on Lin Sen's face, he gritted his teeth, "Go, why not! Lin Bai and Yushui are two girls who I grew up with, As an elder, I will definitely go..."

Hehe, old stuff, it's all like this, you still don't forget to take advantage of your words.

OK!Yi Zhonghai, you are well done. If I don’t let you bleed once today, I will be sorry for the elder you just said.

"Okay...then I'll go back and wait for you to come!"

Lin Sen turned around and left neatly, and when he got home, he called Lin Bai and He Yuyu who were busy in the kitchen.

"Xiaobai, rainwater! You two will do this first...then that...and finally this and that!"

Lin Bai was a little hesitant after hearing this, "Ah! Brother...this is a little bit bad, isn't it?"

Lin Sen glared, "What's wrong? Let that old guy bleed once, and we'll collect some interest in advance!"

"Then, then..." Lin Bai finally looked at Lin Sen's eyes, and could only nod awkwardly.

While the three of them were discussing the matter, the Lin family door was suddenly kicked open from the outside...

Nima!Lin Sen's eyes were burning with anger. This is the guy who doesn't open his eyes. He dared to kick the door of his house. He's so fucking tired!
"Silly Zhu, are you so fucking brave today? How dare you kick in my door!"

Seeing clearly that it was Sha Zhu who kicked his door, Lin Sen stepped forward without saying a word, with a big sinus. Caught off guard, Sha Zhu was kicked and turned around in a circle, his eyes were darkened, and he felt that there were people everywhere in the sky. All the stars are blinking.

Damn it, a fight started and this is...

Originally, the Lin Sen family was hosting a treat tonight, and everyone in the courtyard stared at them. They were going to have dinner after one o'clock. As a result, before the meal was even served, they ate a big melon.

"Lin Sen, you are the officer of the security department, how can you beat people casually? You know the law and break the law, and you are more serious..."

When Yi Zhonghai saw Silly Zhu being beaten, he was the first to jump out, without further ado, let him be labeled a crime plus first class!
"Fart, I beat people casually? Yi Zhonghai, if you are blind, don't come out to wander the rivers and lakes, dig a hole as soon as possible, and bury yourself! Save yourself from being ashamed..."

Lin Sen smacked the ground, then pointed at Sha Zhu, "Damn it, Sha Zhu, you have the guts to kick my door! If I don't subdue you today, then you The gate of my house can be kicked by cats and dogs at will!"

In Sijiu City, if you come to your house and kick in the door, it means bullying your family and provoking them!
If your family is still unable to stand up even if the door is kicked in, it will be completely ruined. From now on, in the eyes of outsiders, your family will become a useless coward who dare not even say a word if the door is kicked down.

Therefore, in the 60s, when encountering this kind of thing, it was absolutely impossible to solve the problem without a fight. Even if you couldn't beat the opponent, you had to go up and spit on him.

Silly Zhu suffered a big sinus injury, sat on the ground in a daze, and covered his face after the stars disappeared before turning around, "Lin Sen, don't wrong the good man... I, I just kicked your family lightly. It's just the door! Who knew it was kicked open, I, I didn't mean it!"

"Really! You just kicked the door lightly when you called out? Okay! Since you said that, silly Zhu, I just touched your face lightly just now. Come on! Come here and let Grandpa touch your face a few more times. Let me give you a long memory..."

Yi Zhonghai looked at Silly Zhu who was so frightened by Lin Sen that he was rolling around on the ground and retreating on his hands and knees. He felt heartbroken. You said that since you can't offend Lin Sen, you can't just go up and knock him. Door?If you have to go to the mouse to lick the cat's nose, why are you looking for this stimulation!

"Lin Sen, don't bully others too much. Zhu Zhu didn't mean it..."

Lin Sen was instantly amused by Yi Zhonghai's words, and he pointed at himself, "Yi Zhonghai, you old bastard! Originally, we lived in the same courtyard, and we didn't see each other when we looked up. I didn't want to tear myself apart with you...but You are so disgusting, you call me bullying?"

Lin Sen looked around at the neighbors who were eating melons, "Come on, have you heard this? Yi Zhonghai said that I was bullying others! Tell me, who did I take advantage of? Who did I bully?"

Lin Sen couldn't help but sneer after looking at the people eating melons around him, all of them lowering their heads and not daring to say a word.

"Yi Zhonghai, you've seen it too, and everyone is silent now! I want to ask you, Sha Zhu has bullied many people over the years when he has been rampant in the yard. Tell me, who is he relying on?" ah……"

(End of this chapter)

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