Siheyuan: I really won

Chapter 40: The whole hospital awakens?

Chapter 40: The whole hospital awakens?

This guy, Sha Zhu, relied on Yi Zhonghai's principle of dealing with things, and he always made big things into small things, and he worked hard to make a living when the small things were turned into small things. This grandson is a bully a lot.

Who in this courtyard dares to say that his family has not been scolded or beaten by Silly Zhu?

Originally, because Yi Zhonghai was able to win the mobile red flag of civilized courtyard for the courtyard, everyone turned a blind eye to his crooked buttocks. After all, there is this civilized red flag. Well, the residents in this courtyard, by the end of the year, the street will give everyone an extra two catties of rice noodles and two taels of sesame oil.

Now Lin Sen is like a fuse, causing many dissatisfied neighbors to blow up immediately.

"He may be too stupid. My man just made a few jokes about Jia's family with him, and he broke two front teeth. Now he is still talking! In the end, the uncle came, but he insisted on saying yes." My man bullied the orphans and widows and provoked the mother first, and Sha Zhu is not only fine, but also asked my family to pay the Jia family five yuan to finish the calculation..."

"Your family is pretty good, so you only pay five yuan! My son plays with the Jia family's stick figures. Originally, as a child, you scratch me and I'll scratch yours. Isn't that normal? But when Silly Zhu saw it, he was very angry. They said it was my son who was doing the stick-gong! Then this grandson grabbed my son's hand and kept him from moving, letting the stick-gong scratch him hard... My man went up to argue for a few words, but he was slapped twice on the ears by Silly Zhu, and then The person who was beaten has to pay ten yuan to the person who hit him! Where can you go to explain..."

Well, after hearing the accusations from the melon-eating people, Lin Sen suddenly felt a black line on his forehead, "Are you stupid? You just listen to what Yi Zhonghai says? If there is a problem, you will not go to the police. , ask the security department to solve it?"

Aunt Zhao, who lives next door to Lin Sen’s house, sneered, “Da Lin, you don’t understand... you think we don’t want to look for you? But someone won’t let you! It’s hard to come by saying that moving red flags are hard to come by. Let’s think more about it for everyone, and don’t be too human. Being selfish, you can’t spoil everyone’s porridge just because of a mouse excrement!”

As soon as Aunt Zhao said her words, "Don't be too selfish," there was a "Pfft" sound, and the melon-eaters in the yard suddenly became happy, "Old Zhao family, you have also heard that you should not be too selfish. What about..."

"No! Why have you heard of the old Zhang family?"

"Haha, her Aunt Zhao! Who in the whole courtyard hasn't heard this? I guess only her Jia family and Silly Zhu haven't heard it..."

Smiling, laughing, suddenly everyone in the melon-eating group was stunned. They looked at each other for a long time before they reacted.

Aunt Zhao murmured to herself: "Hey! Let me tell you, everyone, everyone chose to swallow their anger just to avoid being that rat shit?"

"That's not it! It's just so that everyone can share the two catties of rice noodles and two taels of sesame oil at the end of the year... Otherwise, my man would have reported to the police!"

"But let it go! How much rice, noodles and sesame oil can my family buy with the five yuan? I need you to think about it for my family... Sometimes when I dream at night, I feel that the flag is like a big mountain, weighing me down and making me breathless... …”

Suddenly, Aunt Zhao, who was muttering to herself, called out to Lin Sen, "Da Lin, you are a cadre, do you think we don't need that red flag in our courtyard?"

Oops!Good guys, this isn’t going to be a general awakening, is it?

"No!" Mrs. Jia Zhang, who was eavesdropping on the meal, couldn't help but jumped out. She pointed at Aunt Zhao and cursed: "Zhao, you bastard, why do you say you don't want to raise red flags in a civilized manner? Without that flag, your family will compensate me for the two kilograms of rice noodles and two taels of sesame oil every year, right?"

"Fuck you, Jia Zhang, you old pious woman, why should I pay for your rice, noodles and sesame oil? I don't owe you anything!"

After saying that, Aunt Zhao stopped arguing with Jia Zhang. She turned around and looked at all the neighbors, "Everyone happens to be here, so let's vote by a show of hands whether we should continue to have this moving red flag in our courtyard..."

"Old Zhao's family, your proposal is good, I will be the first to agree, no more!"

"Count me in!"

"Count me in..."

Thirteen families lived in Lin Sen's three-entry courtyard, four in the front yard, five in the middle courtyard, and four in the backyard...

Except for the one, two or three uncles, Jia's family, Shazhu's family and the deaf old lady who was not present, all the remaining six families raised their hands high.

According to the principle of the minority obeying the majority, it is now 6:6, and Lin Sen becomes the crucial vote.

"Da Lin..." Aunt Zhao looked at Lin Sen with pleading eyes. To be honest, an ordinary resident like Aunt Zhao has nothing to say about the floating red flag that is pressed above her head. They've had enough...

"Lin Sen, you little brat! Let me tell you, if my house runs out of rice, noodles and sesame oil, I will go to your house to eat and stay at your house..."

Hearing Jia Zhang's threat, Lin Sen suddenly laughed, and Yan Bugui, who was at the side, was reluctant to part with the free things due to his old-fashioned nature, so when he saw Lin Sen's smile, his heart shuddered. There was a click, this is a bad dish!

As expected, Lin Sen looked at Mrs. Jia Zhang, who was baring her teeth and claws to the point of going crazy, and sneered, "Okay, Mrs. Jia Zhang! As long as you dare to come to my house, I will feed you and house you for the rest of your life... Humph! I I'm afraid you won't dare come to eat this bowl of public food!"

Then Lin Sen turned his head and looked at Aunt Zhao beside him, "Aunt Zhao, please bring me the mobile red flag hanging from the front yard..."

"Okay! Auntie will go get it now." Aunt Zhao was afraid that Lin Sen would regret it, so Aunt Zhao led her to the front yard gate, pulled down the red flag hanging on the door beam, and then sent it to Lin Sen. In front of Sen.

Lin Sen rolled up the red flag slowly, then looked at Yi Zhonghai, whose face was ashen but said not a word, "Yi Zhonghai, I will put the red flag away now and send it back to the street tomorrow. You No objection?"

What opinions could Yi Zhonghai have?How dare he have any opinions?After all, the minority obeys the majority. Not to mention that he looked very embarrassed today. Even if Lin Sen pressed him to the ground and stepped on him again, he would not dare to lose his temper at all.

"I, I have no objection!" Yi Zhonghai took a breath, and then said through gritted teeth.

"It's fine if you don't have an opinion! And Yi Zhonghai, I think the rules in our courtyard have to be changed in the future. Now the people are the masters of the house. In the future, when you handle disputes, you have to listen to the opinions of the masses. Don't go to It's time to report to the police or the security department, and it will lose the face of our whole hospital, don't you think so! Grandpa..."

Lin Sen's last voice of "Old Master" was deliberately emphasized. At this time, not only did it not mean the slightest respect, but it was full of irony, which made Yi Zhonghai's face black again and again, just like The bottom of the pot was like ashes.

(End of this chapter)

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