Siheyuan: I really won

Chapter 41 A bad breath

Chapter 41

After seeing Lin Sen put away the floating red flags, Yi Zhonghai was ashamed to stay here any longer. With a dark face, he left without looking back, not even eating.

Oh, at this moment, Yi Zhonghai probably found it hard to swallow even with the dragon meat in front of him. He was having a headache right now, how could he make up for the humiliation he had suffered today?

Lin Sen didn't stop the old Yi Zhonghai from leaving, after all, he was beaten to death with a stick, how could it be fun to use a blunt knife to cut his flesh and let the blood out, slowly torturing him?
"Haha, Silly Zhu, stop looking. Your uncle has no shame in staying here at this moment... Come on, let's talk! Why are you kicking in my door?"

Lin Sen was very casual when it came to Silly Zhu. If this guy didn't have Yi Zhonghai to back him up, he wouldn't even be able to make waves in front of him.

"I, I..." After Shazhu saw Lin Sen's eyes on him, his body instinctively took a step back. He groaned for a long time and couldn't fart.

"Hey! Silly Zhu... You can't tell the reason, so I will assume that you came to my house on purpose to be provocative?" Lin Sen said while moving his neck on purpose, making a series of "click" sounds. Come, and then said with a sneer: "Silly, looking at you like this, your skin is still itchy, do you need me to scratch it for you?"

"Don't come over!" Silly Zhu backed away again and again, cut!Lin Sen looked at him with disdain. He still had the nerve to brag about being the God of War in the courtyard. He could press him down and rub him at will with just one hand...

When Silly Zhu retreated, his eyes swept over He Yushui who was hiding behind Lin Bai and watching the excitement, and then his little cleverness full of milk and brains went online immediately.

"Lin Sen, I, I came here to tell my sister to go home. She doesn't even know to tell me as an older brother about such a big thing as going to work. She still thinks of me as an older brother in her eyes!"

Hey!The more he talked about Silly Zhu, the more he worked hard. In his heart, what happened today may all be blamed on He Yushui.

If it weren't for this rebellious sister, he wouldn't be so embarrassed...

"Ha! Your sister? Silly Zhu, how much fake wine have you drunk!"

Lin Sen took a step forward, reached out and grabbed Shazhu's collar, then pulled him forward and slid him in front of him.

Then Lin Sen pointed at the two little girls, Lin Bai and He Yushui, and said, "Silly Zhu! One of them is my own sister, and the other is my say Yushui is your sister? Oh, look She still recognizes you as her brother!"

Silly Zhu's face turned pale instantly when he heard the words, he looked at He Yushui who was hiding behind Lin Bai in disbelief, and his tone of voice trembled a little.

"Rainwater, you, you, you..."

"What are you!" Lin Sen raised his fist and punched Silly Zhu in the eye socket. "Silly Zhu, what I dislike most about your grandfather is that he is a loser who only bullies his own sister!"

"This punch was for the rain. She has lived with your brother who is a cook for these years, but she can't even eat enough. Don't you feel ashamed!..."

After finishing speaking, Lin Sen immediately kicked him out, "This kick is to tell you, silly Zhu, stay away from my two younger sisters in the future! As long as you dare to bully them, I will destroy you!" Yes! Go away..."

"Ah!" Silly Zhu let out a scream, and then the whole world became quiet.

As a top girl controller, Lin Sen had long wanted to find an opportunity to repair Foolish Pillar. Now, after kicking Foolish Pillar away in front of the big guy, Lin Sen finally let go of the bad breath in his heart...

"Huh..." Lin Sen patted the non-existent dust on his body, and then said to the neighbors who were still watching the excitement: "Don't stand there, everyone. The meal has been prepared a long time ago. Let's go inside and sit down. Don't be polite to me!"

After greeting everyone to enter the house, Lin Bai and He Yushui went to the kitchen to serve the dishes, and then put them on the dining table.

It is now 65. Although living conditions are somewhat better than in previous years, society as a whole is still very short of supplies on the market.

So Lin Sen prepared four dishes for this banquet, two meat and two vegetarian. It didn't look shabby or showy, it was quite satisfactory.

After Lin Bai and He Yushui finished serving the dishes, they ignored Lin Sen and the others, and the two slipped into the kitchen, and then began to eat the meals that had been reserved in advance.

"What's wrong with you Yu Yu? Does this steamed bun have a grudge against you? It's been broken off here and there..."

After Lin Bai picked up the braised beef with chopsticks and ate it into his mouth, he turned his head and saw He Yushui who was so preoccupied and unconsciously breaking the steamed buns with his fingers that his face was beyond recognition, so he reached out and poked her.

"Ah..." After being poked a bit, He Yushui suddenly realized, and then she looked at Lin Bai beside her, and couldn't help saying: "Xiao Bai, you said what Brother Lin said just now, is it true?" not real?"

Lin Bai was carelessly showing off the beef in the bowl. After hearing He Yuyu's words, she was stunned for a moment, "What did my brother just say? Why didn't I hear it?"

"Just, just, just... I mean, recognize me, do, do what you do to your sister!" When He Yuyu finished saying this, his face was very unnatural, and even the tips of his ears turned red!
"Hey! That's it? Yushui, don't worry. Since my brother said so, he must think so. Don't worry! He said that he treats you as his own sister, so he must treat you as my sister." The same sister..."

Nima!He Yushui's heart was roaring, why should I be his own sister?It's enough to have you alone... I want to be your brother's love sister!Do you understand or not...

But He Yushui dare not say this to Lin Bai. After all, people treat her like a little sister, but you want to be her sister-in-law... Believe it or not, as long as He Yushui reveals a little bit of meaning, the friendship between her and Lin Bai The plastic boat can turn over as soon as it is said!
Not to mention the plastic-smelling two little girls, Lin Sen was happily in the living room, pushing glasses and changing glasses with the neighbors who came to congratulate him.

One of the neighbors, who was missing two front teeth and could barely speak, raised his glass to Lin Sen.

The two clinked their glasses, then raised their necks and drank the wine in the glasses.

Naturally, Lin Sen would not bring out any good wine when entertaining neighbors. After all, wealth should not be revealed, and wealth should not be revealed. You must not have the intention of harming others, and you must have the intention of guarding against others!If he entertains them with good cigarettes and good wine, he will only become more and more out of touch with the masses...

At certain times, it doesn't mean that you can get other people's sincerity in exchange for your sincerity!

This is the society of adults, a very realistic and cruel world, everyone has to wear a mask of hypocrisy...

(End of this chapter)

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