Siheyuan: I really won

Chapter 42 Treating guests

Chapter 42 Treating guests

The 56° sorghum wine is quite powerful, especially since this wine was brought out from the farm by Lin Sen and is absolutely pure grain wine without any blending.

Anyone who has drunk this wine will understand. The entrance is like a red-hot blade, and the lower abdomen is like a scalding flame!Especially the horn cups from Lin Sen's family are only one tael in size. The taste in your stomach after drinking it in one gulp is, tsk tsk...

A pungent rush ran from his throat to his forehead. Lin Sen was okay, but he could bear it. The neighbor who toasted with him frowned, tightened his nose, closed his eyes, and burst into tears.

With a sound of "Hoo...", it took a long time for the man to regain his composure until he let out a long mouthful of alcohol at the end.

"Da Lin, what you did today is a bit extreme! You stomped on Yi Zhonghai's face in front of everyone, and you will inevitably be put on by him in the future!"

Lin Sen played with the wine glass for a while, then picked up the wine flask and filled himself up with another glass before smiling at Yan Bugui who was speaking.

"Why, Third Uncle, do you think what I just did was wrong?"

Why don't you say that Yan Bugui is half a good person in the courtyard... The neighbors who came to eat here, except Liu Haizhong and Yan Bugui, don't the rest know that Lin Sen is helping them out today, so they can't help it. Offended Yi Zhonghai a lot?
But no one would think about it for Lin Sen. After offending Yi Zhonghai, would he deliberately target him.

To be honest, Lin Sen doesn't blame these neighbors, they are just ordinary people among all living beings, and Yi Zhonghai is one of the only eighth-level workers in the factory. To them, he is like an unattainable mountain. They were crushed to death!I don't dare to say it, it's just for the sake of being wise and safe...

However, to these neighbors, Yi Zhonghai, who is as tall as a mountain, is not worth mentioning in Lin Sen's eyes. He is like a small dirt bag under his feet. took it.

"Da Lin! The third master doesn't mean to blame you, but just thinks that you should return the floating red flag to Lao Yi... If you really send the flag back to the street, then Lao Yi will completely lose face!"

"Haha! Third uncle, what you said is really interesting..." Seeing the other neighbors on the table looking at him nervously, Lin Sen laughed!
"Third uncle, you have earned this face by yourself. If you say that Yi Zhonghai is afraid of losing face, then he should not do those bullshit things... Don't say you can't see that Yi Zhonghai treats Silly Zhu The favoritism with the Jia family! This is all obvious..."

Lin Sen didn't take it seriously at all, which made Yan Bugui sigh in his heart, so... the annual free rice, flour, grain and oil is completely gone!
Ho!This old man is really interesting... He is still thinking about the annual free benefits that this mobile civilization red flag brings to him!
"Come on! Third Master can't say no to you, drink, drink... Let's not discuss this matter anymore!"

Yan Bugui raised his glass and bumped with Lin Sen, then drank the rest of the wine in one gulp...

After eating and drinking for a long time, although Lin Sen only prepared four dishes, which was a little small, in terms of portion, it was enough.

After everyone at the table had eaten and drank, they all stood up and left. After seeing off the last Yan Bugui who wanted to take the plate home, Lin Sen stretched his body. This pure grain wine has a high alcohol content and is easy to get drunk. After drinking too much, even Lin Sen's physique couldn't bear it, making him feel dizzy and sleepy!

After a brief wash, Lin Sen didn't care about the two little girls, and went straight back to the bedroom. Then he got under the quilt and fell asleep.


When the first ray of light shone through the glass on Lin Sen's face the next morning, he woke up.

Then this guy got up and without saying a word, he found a pair of underwear for himself to put on. Damn... Last night, in the middle of the night, I dreamed that I was back in modern times playing music every night. The big white legs in the club made Lin Sen dream. At that time, I couldn’t control myself very much, so I felt embarrassed when I got up early in the morning...

Alas, after all, this body was too young to cause trouble!
After a haphazard breakfast, Lin Sen rode to the Hongxing Steel Rolling Mill. He passed by the north gate of the duty post of the Third Brigade. The two sentries on guard at the door immediately tensed up when they saw Lin Sen riding over. , stand at attention and salute.

As for Lin Sen, he did not slow down the speed of the car. After returning the salute with his backhand, he stepped on the pedal with his left foot and moved his right foot from the other side of the car when he passed the yellow line of the gate. After tapping the ground with his toe, he rode straight. The car entered the gate.

According to the regulations issued by the Security Department, when the bicycle enters the factory gate, it must be stopped and pushed before entering the yellow line.

However, later workers who cycled to work found it troublesome to get on and off the car, so they tried to save time by tapping their toes on the ground when they passed the gate, which was considered to have stopped... As for the security department, they usually I would not take such a trivial matter too seriously, so I would just turn a blind eye and follow the workers in.

After entering the gate of the rolling mill, Lin Sen came to the station, and when he pushed the door of the office, he saw Da Wu wrapped in a quilt and sleeping on the camp bed.

Lin Sen casually took out a few large meat buns from the farm space. He did not wake up Da Wu, but deliberately broke the buns in half to reveal the meat filling dripping with lard juice.

Put the bun next to Dawu's nose, and then he saw this guy sniffing his nose vigorously like a puppy, and saliva flowed down from the corner of his mouth involuntarily.

"Buns, buns! It's still stuffed with pork and green onions..." Dawu sat up from the bed suddenly, before he even regained consciousness, he opened his mouth and bit the buns.

Then, Lin Sen took the bun away with a quick hand.

After taking a single bite to feel lonely, Dawu came back to his senses, stretched out his hand and rubbed his sleepy eyes, and then said dissatisfiedly, "Brother Sen, are you too stupid? How can you use buns to make people greedy!"

"Haha..." Lin Sen kicked Dawu lightly, "Hurry up and wash your face, then eat the buns and go home to sleep!"

"Ah..." Dawu sat on the bed and stretched, then yawned and got up energetically, "I know, Brother Sen!"

After a while, Lin Sen looked at Da Wu who was wolfing down the steamed buns in front of him, "How is it? Nothing happened last night, right?"

Dawu's mouth was full of buns, and he swallowed it after losing his strength. Hearing this, he shook his head and said, "Except for a few people fighting, there is nothing else going on... Uh, Brother Sen, when you come next time, Can you give me a whole cup of soy milk? I feel like something is missing when I eat steamed buns without soy milk!"

"Virtue! This boiled water is not good enough for you, is it... I bought you steamed stuffed buns on the way, where can I get you a whole cup of soy milk! If you want to eat it, buy it yourself..."

Lin Sen raised his head and yelled at Dawu, then ignored him.

(End of this chapter)

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