Chapter 43

Da Wu was not angry at all when he was scolded. He smiled and approached Lin Sen, "Brother Sen, where did you buy these buns? I'll buy more tomorrow. They're so delicious..."

Oh, it's delicious!This steamed stuffed bun is produced in the farm space, and the taste is not inferior to that of the top state banquet chef.

Lin Sen rolled his eyes when he heard the words, "Buy? Where did you buy this bun? I made the stuffing myself?"

"Haha! Brother Sen, don't be funny... you know how to make stuffed buns?" Dawu acted as if he heard some joke, "Brother, if you can, then my name in Dawu will be reversed from now on!"

"If you don't believe me, pull it off! You've finished eating the buns, then don't let me be an eyesore and just stay there to cool down..."

Lin Sen, who was exposed by Big Five, turned from embarrassment into anger, and waved him out!

After the entire Third Brigade was trained by Lin Sen, everything was on track. There were five squad leaders there every day, so he didn't need to pay much attention to it as the captain.

After letting the senior on the night shift go home to rest, Lin Sen brewed a cup of hot tea, then picked up a newspaper that he didn't know when, and read it with relish all morning.

At noon, Lin Sen didn't go to the canteen to get food, so he got on his bicycle and pedaled all the way back home. Today was the day he and Sun Daxi had agreed to bring the girl to see each other.

Back home, the two little girls Lin Bai and He Yuyu went crazy. After Lin Sen simply tidied up the house, it didn't take long for Sun Daxi, the matchmaker, to wear red, green and dog-tail flowers. As if, he brought a girl to the door.

"No. 95 Nanluogu Lane, yes, that's it! Xiaojiu, don't stand there in a daze, let's go, I will take you in to meet people..."

Sun Daxi wore a bright red dress on top and a pair of emerald green trousers on the bottom. Coupled with her eyebrows, people could tell at a glance that she was a matchmaker.

"This big girl, are you bringing someone to our courtyard to see them?"

As soon as Sun Daxi entered the door, he was stopped by the "doorkeeper" Yan Bugui who went home for lunch.

"Yes... I haven't asked you yet?"

"I am the third man in charge of this courtyard..."

", you are the steward! Hello, hello!" Sun Daxi heard that Yan Bugui was the steward of the courtyard, and immediately stepped forward to chat with him enthusiastically.

The job of a matchmaker is to walk around the streets, and there is no one in the city who they don't recognize from all religions!So, talking to people and telling ghosts is one of the basic and essential skills of a matchmaker.

In just a few words, Sun Daxi deceived the old man to death. The smile on his face looked like he had eaten honey shit, and he couldn't close his mouth!
Then Yan Bugui, who was chatting happily, was in tragedy. He suddenly felt a death ray condensed behind him, staring at him fiercely.

This look of wanting to kill himself, even if Yan Bugui thought with his butt, he knew who sent it, and he glanced behind him from the corner of his eye.

Sure enough, his mother-in-law's eyes seemed to be burning with flames, which scared Yan Bugui into a cold sweat.

"Sister, you go about your business. Don't keep Lin Sen waiting. I have something to do at home, so I'll go back first!" After saying this, the door god Yan Bugui ran away.

When he got home, he didn't hide the fact that he wanted to kill his third mother, and grabbed Yan Bugui's ear.

"Okay...Yan Pugui, you bad old man, you are really bad! I have been married to your old Yan family for so many years, and I eat chaff and vegetables with you every day without any complaints, and I also give birth to children and wash clothes for you. Cooking! Is that what you did to me? Tell me... who was that horse-fork worm and vixen just now!"

Yan Bugui was grabbed by the ear by the angry third aunt, and lost his temper, but still said harshly: "You are really unreasonable, my grandson is a matchmaker, and she brings people to our courtyard for a blind date. I'm so sorry Ask me what’s wrong!”

This woman's brain circuit is really different from that of ordinary people sometimes, "Okay! You old and crooked thing, how long have we been chatting for? It's just Xiaosun, Xiaosun calls him so affectionately..." Missing me I have been married to you for how many years, but I can only be called one or three aunts, not even a surname!

Nima... Yan Pugui, who was shot in the knee with an arrow, just felt that he was wronged by Dou E. This doesn't have your surname, so why do you want me?Talk to the screenwriter!
The third mom made a fuss for a while, and then spared Yan Bugui, "Old man, who do you think is going on a blind date?"

"Da Lin!"

After hearing this, the third aunt immediately slapped her thigh and exclaimed: "Ouch! Old man, do you think Dalin still needs a blind date with this condition? Sigh... If I had known that he wanted to go on a blind date, I would have introduced my daughter-in-law's cousin to Dalin Already!"

Yan Bugui shook his head, "You! You have long hair and short knowledge! Just my daughter-in-law, cousin Haitang? Dalin is so good that he can like her! That kid, you are very arrogant..."

"Haitang's appearance isn't bad, right? Does Dalin have such high standards?"

"Not bad? Haha..." Yan Bugui couldn't help but shook his head when he thought of the young girl who had been following Sun Daxi just now with her head lowered and silent.

"Old lady, this boy Dalin is a quarrelsome guy, and he can fall out with him faster than he can flip through a book... From now on, our family should stay less involved in his affairs. Otherwise, he will not get enough of his meat, but he will make him a mess!"

When the third aunt heard this, she immediately rolled her eyes at the old man, "I'm not stupid! Even Lao Yi can't get a favor from Dalin, so how dare I offend him!"

After briefly tidying up the housework, not long after Lin Sen sat down to rest, Sun Daxi led someone to the door.

"Xiaojiu, come on, come on, this is Comrade Lin Senlin, you two should get to know each other!"

After Sun Daxi was welcomed into the room by Lin Sen, he gave him a quiet look, and then gently pulled the girl's hand, "Comrade Lin, this is the little wine girl I told you... How about you two?" Come inside and talk for a while?”

Lin Sen looked at the girl in front of him who had lowered his head and kept twirling his clothes since he entered the room. Yes, Sun Daxi was a good matchmaker. If he and the girl really got married, he would definitely get a big red envelope. give her!

"Ahem..." After coughing slightly, Lin Sen took the initiative to come to the door of the bedroom, "Little wine girl, if you don't mind, let's go into the house and have a talk!"

"No, I don't mind, I don't mind!" After Xiaojiu said that, he followed Lin Sen into the bedroom...

Lin Sen and Xiaojiu sat on opposite ends of the bed. After maintaining a certain safe distance, they stared at each other without saying anything... Well, the atmosphere in the room suddenly became awkward.

In the end, it was Lin Sen who took the initiative to break the silence. After all, in the 60s, blind dates were dominated by men, unlike later blind dates, where the woman made various requests.

 I don’t know how to write about female protagonists anymore. I feel like I’m very Buddhist. I suddenly forgot all about the passion I had when I was young!Woohoo, is this also the sorrow of men after entering middle age?
(End of this chapter)

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