Chapter 45
Seeing the embarrassment of Xiaojiu across from him, Lin Sen didn't rush to urge him. Suddenly, the room became quiet again.

They say that when talking about friends, the most fearful thing is that the air suddenly becomes quiet. As time passes by, Xiaojiu still lowers her head without saying a word and sits quietly at the end of the bed.

Come on, the sisters probably want to answer Lin Sen's question with "silence is golden".

"Well, I smoke a cigarette, comrade Xiaojiu, you don't mind?"

Finally, Lin Sen spoke up to break the deadlock between the two. He took out a pack of cigarettes from his pocket. Although he asked in a questioning tone, he unceremoniously took out a cigarette in his hand and held it in his mouth. In the mouth.

"No, I don't mind. If you want to smoke, just smoke!"

As soon as Xiaojiu's heart warmed up, he suddenly felt that he was respected by Lin Sen, and his whole body was about to be warmed up instantly, thinking that Lin Sen is really a good person!

Hey, I really don’t blame Xiaojiu for thinking this way and thinking that Lin Sen is a good person... It’s mainly because of the good support from his peers!

It's the 60s, and machismo is prevalent in society!Few men consider women's feelings, such as smoking!
Today's men smoke whenever they want, regardless of occasion or time, and they don't care whether women like the smell of cigarettes or not.

He took out a match and lit it up. Lin Sen took a deep breath, and then slowly exhaled the smoke, "Comrade Xiaojiu, just now I asked you how much dowry your family wants. If you didn't speak, what is there to hide?"

Xiaojiu nodded silently. After struggling in her heart for a while, she whispered, "Lin Sen, I don't want to deceive you. It was my father who proposed too many betrothal gifts..."

"Really? Then tell me, what dowry gifts did your father offer?"

After hearing Lin Sen's words, Xiaojiu felt even more inferior, "My father said, I want, I want... a big piece with three turns and one ring, and 24 legs. The bride price must be 66 yuan. Six cents!"

Holy crap, after hearing Xiaojiu's bride price, let alone Lin Sen, even if anyone came, he would think that the old man must be crazy, right?

It is now in the 60s, and half a piece of pork in the countryside can be exchanged for a daughter-in-law... Now the price of live pigs is 30 cents a catty, and half a pork belly weighs [-] to [-] catties, that is to say In fact, marrying a girl with yellow flowers in the countryside is worth [-] yuan at most.

In the city, the living conditions of the people will be better, and the betrothal gift is twelve or sixteen legs. As for the three-turn and one-ring, those are things that only appear in the families of cadres.

Uh, let’s explain what twelve legs are!It’s just furniture. A table has four legs, two chairs have eight legs, and together they have twelve legs!
Timber is also one of the strategic materials these days. In the eyes of the common people, furniture is that kind of big-ticket valuables. Usually, a dual-career family with three or four children, after they eat and drink for a month, spends every day The money saved every month will take a year to buy a desk.

Her father really dares to speak this little wine, three turns and one sound, 24 legs, and 66 dowry money, not to mention ordinary people, even cadres, he can't afford to marry!

Seeing Lin Sen's surprised look with his mouth wide open, Xiaojiu immediately lost his temper, come on, this time the blind date is dirty again...

Then she gave up on herself and said: "There is also my sister. My father said that I can take her away if I want, but the bride price must be doubled!"

Well, Lin Sen smoked silently and looked at Chen Xiaojiu with his eyes. He always felt that these sisters were playing themselves together with her father!

No wonder you are 23 this year and still can’t get married. It’s hard for most people to marry you, let alone double the betrothal gift and bring your sister with you. Damn!It seems that your family is looking for a big enemy!
However, there is another saying in ancient times, which is to die under the peonies, even if you are a ghost, you will be charming!I’m talking about LSPs like Lin Sen who are full of breasts and brains.

"Okay, little wine girl, you see that the discussion is almost done, let's go out first, I know all about your family's conditions, give me two days to think about it..."

Seeing that it was almost time, Lin Sen got up and pushed open the bedroom door and went out.

Sun Daxi, who was bored and drinking boiled water outside, saw Lin Sen come out and immediately stepped forward and asked, "How is it? I found this girl according to your requirements!"

Look, what you asked for, fair skin, beautiful long legs, protruding front and back, kind-hearted, hardworking and capable, I am satisfied!You don't care about me if you don't like me, the matchmaker's introduction fee, you can't afford to lose a penny...

Lin Sen smiled and said, "Aunt Sun, don't be impatient. Give me two days to think about it again!"

The main reason is that I don't have that much money on me now!Lin Sen roughly estimated the dowry gift from Xiaojiu, and the whole set would cost at least 500 yuan!In addition, it is still one dragging two, and the 500 yuan will be doubled, so he has to find a way to make some money!

Sun Daxi heard Lin Sen say that she should think about it. She had heard this countless times, and the subtext behind the words was that he was obscene.

Sun Daxi was not at all surprised that the blind date was over, after all, as long as the little restaurant's requests had not been pinched by a door or kicked by a donkey, they would not accept them.

At this time, Xiaojiu also came out behind Lin Sen, Sun Daxi glanced at her with a little disgust, hey!Taking over the job of the Chen family, her 100% media success rate is considered a bad reputation...

"That's enough, young man, it doesn't matter if you don't like it this time. Auntie will keep an eye out for you in the future. I will definitely find a girl who will satisfy you!"

Lin Sen was a little dumbfounded, "Aunt Sun, you have misunderstood me! I want to tell you that after you go home and wait for two days, I will borrow the money and ask you to propose marriage at the door of Chen's house!"

"Ah?" Sun Daxi was stunned by Lin Sen's words. Damn it!What did she hear?Is there really a Yuan Dayong like him in this world?

"Really, young man, don't be brave, this, this..." This Chen family is a big pit with no bottom. If you fall into it, it will not be so easy to climb out again!
"When did I try to be brave? I am willing to pay for this money! Aunt Sun, go back and talk to the Chen family. In the next two days, I will come to propose marriage..."

After Lin Sen finished speaking, he looked at his watch, "Aunt Sun, it's getting late, I have to go to work in the afternoon, so I won't keep you guys!"

After going to work in the afternoon, Lin Sen and his old man were sitting in the office, holding a tea cup in one hand and a pen in the other hand, spinning endlessly in the air!
Damn it, this mellow Thirteen is just pretending, but where can he get money?Headache……

(End of this chapter)

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