Chapter 46

Lin Sen is having a headache right now where he should get money!
Now is the era of planned economy, everything is calculated and planned, and the ways for individuals to get money are all written in the law!
Why don't you go for a walk on the black market?This idea was vetoed by Lin Sen as soon as it came up... The black market, also called the pigeon market, is a very representative feature of the era that emerged after the [-]s planned economy...

Originally, in Pigeon City, some farmers around the city took the good things that they were reluctant to eat at home and sold them in the city, and then exchanged them for some necessary daily necessities such as oil, salt, sauce and vinegar.

Later, because the business was so good, he was targeted and manipulated by some Jianghu people. These Jianghu people are not comparable to those in the alleys on the street where there are many people and scumbags. Although I am not afraid, but Yan Guo left his voice, and others took pictures, as long as he dared to go to the black market, even if he was careful, he would definitely leave behind...

Although Lin Sen doesn't take these rotten fish and shrimps seriously, the farm space is his biggest trump card and must not be exposed. Otherwise, he will have to leave his hometown and go to other places for the rest of his life. This is not Lin Sen's. Get the result he wants!

After all, he doesn't even want to go to Hong Kong Island, otherwise he would have kidnapped his sister and Lou's family long ago... The golden nest and the silver nest are not as fragrant as his own kennel, okay!

Why!Since you can't go to the black market, you can only rely on yourself to make friends out of nothing and get wool from the factory...Damn it!It's all the fault of Xiaojiu's father, why do you want such a high betrothal gift?

When Lin Sen thought that he would have to deal with the bosses in the factory who looked like beasts, he felt a sense of irritability in his heart.

Damn it, when Lin Sen thinks that he has to deal with those thousand-year-old foxes whose eyelashes are hollow, Lin Sen feels that he is one step closer to being bald, how many brain cells will die...

After making up his mind, Lin Sen walked to the logistics office of the factory building.

"Hey, rare guest! Isn't this Captain Lin, come to see me, Old Xu, for something?"

"Haha! Old Xu is too polite!" Lin Sen sat down in front of the desk of the head of the logistics department Xu, and then picked up the cigarette he put on the table, took out one and lit it.

Lin Sen has been working for more than half a month, and he is familiar with the leaders of the factory.

After exhaling a puff of smoke ring, Lin Sen said: "Old Xu, that's what happened. You also know that I came back from a job change. I have a lot of comrades in arms in Forty-Nine City... No, someone followed me I want to inquire and want to ask our factory whether this year's procurement quota has been completed?"

As soon as he mentioned the purchase index, Old Xu's face changed, "Captain Lin, what do you mean by that? I, Old Xu, stand upright and sit upright...but I am not afraid of the shadow!"

"Hey! Old Xu, why are you telling me this? I'm not from the xx listen to me first!"

Seeing what Lao Xu wanted to explain, Lin Sen stretched out his hand and interrupted him, "That's right! I have a comrade-in-arms who is the commander of the militia in the commune. He asked me to ask, is the factory willing to accept live pigs?"

Pig?As soon as Lao Xu heard this, he became energetic, and he didn't care that the person in front of him was the captain of the security department. "Captain Lin, what are you talking about, someone in the commune wants to sell live pigs to our factory?"

With a cigarette in his mouth, Lin Sen glanced dissatisfiedly at Old Xu, "Old Xu, what do you mean by selling or not? This is a farmer brother. Seeing that our factory has heavy production tasks and high labor intensity! I want to send two pigs to the boss of the worker. Replenish your body buddy!"

"Ah, that's right..." Old Xu stretched out his hand and patted his mouth, "Captain Lin, if you are the youngest officer in the security department, you speak well! Unlike me, you can say everything with one mouth Nonsense words!"

"Yes! You see, this farmer brother has such a relationship with our big brother workers, shouldn't we as leaders also express it?"

Lin Sen saw that Lao Xu was so upbeat, so he smiled, and then continued, "This farmer brother has no money to marry a wife. As the big brother, our factory should also send warmth and help the farmer brother solve the marriage problem. !"

Old Xu gave Lin Sen a thumbs up, "That's right! Captain Lin, you are right. This family of workers and peasants has difficulties. How can we, the big brothers, stand by and do nothing? We must solve the problem of marrying peasant brothers. Daughter-in-law is difficult!"

Old Xu is almost fifty. When has he ever seen someone talk about selling pigs to the factory so refreshingly?I immediately raised my hands and feet in agreement...

"Okay, in that case, let's discuss how to help farmer brothers solve the problem of getting married..."

Lin Sen and Lao Xu bargained for a long time, and finally bought ten pigs at a price of fifty cents per catty.

"Old Xu, come on, don't be idle, give me another purchase certificate from the factory, without this, how dare the leaders of the commune trade with me?"

Old Xu patted himself on the back of the head, "Oh! I have to ask Captain Lin to remind me, otherwise I'd be so happy and confused that I'd forgotten about it... Let's drive it for you!"

After seeing Lao Xu stamp the official seal of the Red Star Rolling Mill Logistics Office on the letter of certification, Lin Sen's plan was half completed... With this stamped letter of certification, I don't think anyone dares to say that he voted for something. Pour that thing!Dare you say it, your head was knocked crooked by him!

Old Xu handed the letter of proof to Lin Sen, and then said carefully, "Captain Lin, can I ask, can this allow the farmer brothers to come over to help order chickens? You are not in charge of the family, and you don't know how expensive firewood, rice, oil and salt are. The food and drink of the tens of thousands of people in the whole factory depends on our procurement department, even if they are exhausted, they will not be able to satisfy them at all!"

ah!And such a good thing?Could it be that sleepy came to send a pillow... However, Lin Sen didn't agree immediately, this delivery to the door is not a business, and when it's time for him to get Joe, he still has to stand up!
"Old Xu, you've just passed it! Do you know that the peasant brothers rely on chickens to lay eggs to support the whole family... You let them sell the chicken butt bank, how can you support their whole family?"

In the rural areas of the 60s, the whole family relied on eggs laid by chickens to maintain their livelihood... At the canteen in the commune, they all exchanged things for things!For example, a pound of salt, five eggs... beat a bottle of soy sauce, three eggs, etc.!

"Captain Lin, you really misunderstood me, old Xu. I don't know about Chicken Butt Bank? I don't want to get closer to the farmer brothers!...As long as they are willing to sell chickens, we will give you a high price. Absolutely It will not let the peasant brothers suffer!"

hehe!Lin Sen smiled, "Let's talk about it, with these ten pigs, isn't it enough for the factory to consume for a while?"

Old Xu Wenyan immediately complained, "Captain Lin, you don't understand. The monthly hospitality index in this factory is driving me crazy. Look, I'm so worried that I lose a lot of my If you have a way, for the sake of the factory, please give me a hand!"

Come on, you don’t have a beautiful wife, so who is your brother?Let me tell you, don't call people out, otherwise you will get beaten very easily!
(End of this chapter)

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