Siheyuan: I really won

Chapter 47 Silly Zhu’s little plan

Chapter 47 Silly Zhu’s little plan
Although Lao Xu does not have a young and beautiful wife, Lin Sen will still give him a hand. After all, no one will feel sorry for Da Tuan, right?

Old Xu begged for a long time, and finally Lin Sen reluctantly agreed. For this, he even bought a bicycle ticket and a radio ticket!
You see what I said is right. The business here is not business. Sometimes you will get unexpected rewards if you try to get some things done...

In the 60s, three rotations and one sound were unattainable luxury for ordinary people, but for a logistics director with a large factory with tens of thousands of people, sprinkle water!
Lin Sen played with the two tickets in his hand, a small square piece of paper said Tianjin Feige brand bicycle!Uh, Lin Sen wanted to get a Shanghai Phoenix bicycle ticket, but it's a pity!This time, Lao Xu didn't have anything on him, only Feige's ticket.

But, forget it, Flying Pigeon, Flying Pigeon!Anyway, it's all for marrying a daughter-in-law in the end, and it's a big deal to do it in the future. With my own ability, if I turn this thing three times and one rings, then I can have as much as I want?

In the 60s, you had to buy whatever brand the bicycle was written on the ticket... you had no choice at all!
The radio ticket is from Shanghai Panda 601. It is definitely the best thing nowadays. Before the storm comes, as soon as you turn on the radio, you can hear storytellers, opera singers, cross talk or story telling all the time from morning to night. The sound of babbling.

After collecting the two tickets, Lin Sen was about to slip away, "Old Xu, when you get off work tonight, you let the team leave a truck. After I have dinner, I will drive to my comrade-in-arms' commune to drag pigs... ..."

"Come on, Captain Lin, I'll arrange it now! But Captain Lin, don't blame me for talking too much, do you know how to drive this car? How about I give you a driver? Don't overturn the car into a ditch!"

Lin Sen rolled his eyes and flew to the top of Old Xu's head, where the Mediterranean Sea was already looming, "You're looking down on me, aren't you? Let alone a broken car, I can even drive a fucking tank!"

After receiving a look from Lin Sen, Lao Xu said nothing more. After all, when it comes to transactions, the less people know, the better. After all, the less people know, the safer it is!
"Let's go, Old Xu, I'll come to you to get the car keys after I have dinner tonight, don't forget to get the money ready..."

With a wave of his hand, Lin Sen turned around and left the logistics office gracefully.

In the afternoon, the security department was still bored. After the bell rang for the end of the day, Lin Sen put down the newspaper in his hand.

Hey, what a happy fishing life!

After waiting for more than half an hour, after the bustle of the factory gradually became quiet, Lin Sen took the lunch box to the third canteen for dinner.

"Bring me some grated cabbage and some shredded potatoes, and get two steamed buns..." Lin Sen casually ordered two dishes and sat down in the cafeteria to eat slowly.

"Hey, Captain Lin! Are you on night shift tonight?"

The person speaking was Lao Wang next door, the supervisor of the third canteen!

"Old Wang, are you still off work? Is there another leader to entertain you tonight?"

"Hey! Captain Lin, you still don't know about our factory? When did the reception service stop? However, the director asked me to stay, hehe..."

Lin Sen stopped him with stern eyes before the old Wang next door said it. You can talk nonsense like this kind of py transaction in front of the public. This old Wang is afraid, you have a little brain No, the zombies probably shake their heads and leave when they come!

"Old Wang, what can and cannot be said? Why do you need me to teach you such a superficial truth?"

Lin Sen looked at Lao Wang displeasedly for a while, until he felt uncomfortable and slightly fussy, then Lin Sen spoke calmly.

"Yes, yes, Captain Lin, you taught me well, but I got a little carried away!"

Lao Wang didn't dare to quarrel with Lin Sen, so he could only admit his mistake with a low eyebrow.After all, let alone Lao Wang, even their logistics director is useless for the security department.

But the security department can easily control their logistics in turn. It only takes Lin Sen a word, and the gang of strong men in the third brigade who have been trained by him are going to be moldy. upside down...

Lin Sen finished the steamed buns in a few mouthfuls, and then left the third cafeteria. After he left, Silly Zhu, who had been staying in the back kitchen and did not dare to show up, moved to their supervisor Lao Wang.

"Supervisor, what were you and Lin Sen so happy talking about just now?"

When Lao Wang heard this, he rolled his eyes at Silly Zhu, "Which of your eyes has seen me happy?... If you have something to say, just say it, don't smile with a scary look on your face!"

Silly Zhu smiled, "Director, then I'll ask! You said that we will stay in the cafeteria to work overtime tonight. Is it the same as what Liu Lan said, and someone will send a batch of pigs over in the evening?"

"You know what to ask?"

"Hey, supervisor, did that batch of pigs come from that guy Lin Sen?"

When Lao Wang heard this, he immediately acted like a thief. After looking around for a moment, he lowered his voice and said, "Silly Zhu, if you want to die, don't take me with you!...I tell you, even Factory Director Li didn't do this!" I have personally intervened, you better not make trouble!... Otherwise, no one can protect you!"

What kind of virtuous person Sha Zhu is, Lao Wang is too clear, even as long as this guy sticks his butt, he can know the shape of the rice field he pulled out of Sha Zhu.

"Hey, supervisor, I'm not stupid! How could something happen at such a critical moment? I'm just curious!"

"Aren't you stupid? Silly Zhu, silly Zhu, you even have the word stupid in your name, you tell me you're not stupid, just stay there while it's cool! Roll on..."

Although Lao Wang did not admit whether the pigs were sent by Lin Sen, looking at his nervous look, Sha Zhu had already guessed it!
When the supervisor left, Shazhu immediately gritted his teeth and said, "Humph! Lin Sen, you really have a road to heaven and if you don't take it, there is no way to hell. You have to find your own way... Just for today's matter, I will definitely eat you for the rest of my life." !”

Ho!It's just that Lin Sen doesn't know Sha Zhu's thoughts, otherwise he will be slapped twice, and you still want to eat me for the rest of your life?

I don’t even think about it, why did Lin Sen bother to ask Lao Xu to issue a certification letter for him?Isn't it just that if this matter is exposed, it will cause trouble?

Silly Zhu, you can think of things with your IQ, but Lin Sen can't?People have already blocked the opening, okay!Still waiting to take advantage of your loopholes?What are you thinking!
Damn it, just wait for me, little hottie!After I get married, there will be many ways to deal with you...

The meal Lin Sen ate in the cafeteria didn't even have any oil and water, so he walked back to the station a few steps, and almost left him hungry again!
After sneaking into the farm space and eating two big elbows that were soft, glutinous, and cooked to pieces, Lin Sen was satisfied and sat on his beloved bicycle to patrol the entire factory to eat!
(End of this chapter)

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