Siheyuan: I really won

Chapter 48: Showing your holiness in front of others is so exciting!

Chapter 48: Showing your holiness in front of others is so exciting!

Facing the slight breeze, Lin Sen rode his bicycle while enjoying the coolness brought by the wind blowing on his body.

At this time, the weather has entered autumn. Although the autumn tiger is still very powerful, the weather will still be cool in the morning and evening, especially when the breeze blows, the whole body will be instantly transparent. It is the most enjoyable time to sleep with my wife.

It's a pity that Lin Sen is single and not qualified to hug a girl... But his good days are coming soon. Thinking about Xiaojiu's beautiful appearance and hot figure, especially the voluptuous little man Waist, tsk tsk... Lin Sen actually giggled, hey, hey hey, hey hey hey!
Look at your worthless look...

Leisurely cycling past an abandoned small warehouse next to the storage and transportation workshop, Lin Sen deliberately stopped for a while!
This warehouse can be said to have the highest attendance rate in the courtyard as a whole. Everyone knows this... Let's not go into details, especially Qin Huairu, she simply bought a house above the ban position.Either already in the ban position, or on the way to the ban position...

Tsk, thinking of Teacher Qin, Lin Sen stroked his chin with his backhand, wondering what Qin Huairu, the little widow, is doing now?It's been a long time since I saw her washing clothes by the sink!

You know, the weather is neither hot nor cold now, and she wears just enough clothes. Every time Qin Huairu washes clothes by the pool, she unbuttons her collar, and she sits in a small The mazaar is low, and every time I go to brush my teeth and wash my face, the swaying pearl necklace is white and big, and the purple gemstone inlaid on the top is also shining dazzlingly...

Why!Lin Sen quickly slapped himself lightly, dispelling the dangerous thoughts in his mind!Damn, I'm going to get married soon. Besides, isn't this little wine's pink gem as beautiful as the purple one?
Slip away, slip away... This poor place is so magical, it seduces him as soon as it comes!We are good people, not the scumbag we will be in the future...

After patrolling the factory on his bicycle, at around eight o'clock in the evening, Lin Sen sneaked into the logistics department.

Old Xu was waiting in such a hurry that he walked back and forth in the office, and from time to time raised his wrist watch to check the time.

When Lin Sen's knock came, Lao Xu didn't reply and opened the office door in person with a quick stride.

"Hey, Captain Lin, you're here! I'm so anxious..."

"Old Xu, what are you in a hurry for? The pig is there, it won't run away again!"

Lin Sen immediately sat down on the sofa, and then Lao Xu quickly handed over a spire cigarette, "Captain Lin, look, here are the car keys, and the car has been filled with gas... This is the key from the Finance Department." A total of 3000 yuan was specially approved to help peasant brothers solve their marriage problems..."

"Three thousand?" Lin Sen was secretly happy, but he had to put on a look of dissatisfaction on his face, "Old Xu, we have agreed, the total is 2000 yuan, why do you have an extra thousand? Catch my sheep and squeeze it to death... We didn't do this!"

"Hey, Captain Lin, please forgive me! Please forgive me..."

Old Xu had a contorted smile on his face, and he said cautiously: "The main reason is that when I reported to Director Li on the work in the afternoon, I made a fuss! Then Director Li felt that the workers and peasants were brothers in the first place, and the peasants The brother is in trouble now, we, the big brother of the worker, can't increase the intensity of help... So! Captain Lin, you can help the brother, and give us a hand..."

Haha, Lin Senming was very happy in his heart, but his face was still reluctant, "Forget it, since it was ordered by Director Li, then I will try it, but Old Xu, we can agree in advance That's right, I don't dare to promise this matter, don't let the quantity decrease by then, and you still come to rely on me!"

"Hey, Captain Lin, what you said makes me look down on me, Old Xu. Am I the kind of person who doesn't know what to do with others? Don't worry about buying more or less, you are all helping me. Xu’s big help! If I’m relying on you, then am I still a human being?”

When Lao Xu said this, even though he slapped his chest loudly, Lin Sen curled his lips in disdain in his heart, "Hoo!"Just because of your reputation as a boss and bully in the factory, you, Lao Xu, have already become a bad smell on the streets, okay...

"Okay, get the car keys, and I'll drive to Dongsheng Commune to find my comrades now!"

After smoking a cigarette, Lin Sen was too lazy to look at Lao Xu's face, so after taking the car keys, Lao Xu sent him all the way to the motorcade.

"Captain Lin, look at this car... This is a big Jiefang truck that our factory has bought for less than a year. It is much better than Dongfeng Motor!"

Lin Sen touched the roof of the car, then nodded, "Okay, that's it... Are you sure you've filled up the gas? Don't let the car run halfway, and don't lie down halfway!"

"It must be filled up, Captain Lin, don't worry, I'll send two pots of oil to your car!"

Lin Sen glanced at Lao Xu with satisfaction. Sure enough, he was able to be the head of logistics in a factory as large as the Red Star Steel Rolling Plant.

Seeing Lao Xu calling the people from the convoy and asking them to carry two large jugs of gasoline into the car, Lin Sen patted Lao Xu on the shoulder with satisfaction, "Old Xu, there are always people in this factory who say that you are a man and a man. It’s not real, I think they are all jealous of you, from now on, we brothers will be close, if there is anything next time, just come to the security department to find me..."

Old Xu was patted on the shoulder by Lin Sen, who was nearly twice his age, not only did he not get angry, but he also had to put on his own smiling face. What about people...

Gasoline, in the 60s, in terms of money alone, two pots of 50 liters were not worth much.

But this thing cannot be discussed in terms of money. Gasoline was one of the most valuable hard currencies no matter where it was in the 60s.

Gasoline, let alone individuals, is just an ordinary business unit. They just go to the gas station with money, and it is not something they can buy if they want. If it doesn't work well, they will get a few looks. Stitch a few words, don't even look at what unit you are in, how many keys are enough?Also want to buy gasoline from me!Tsk, roll, roll, hurry up...

Only key units like the Red Star Rolling Mill that can be named in the hall or even in the ministry are eligible to enjoy the right to distribute the gasoline share...

The two jugs of gasoline that Lao Xu gave to Lin Sen, although Lin Sen has no use for them now, when the storm comes, strategic materials such as gasoline will definitely be more strictly controlled than now.

When the time comes, Lin Sen will use it to make friends with people from all walks of life. You can get this thing that others can't get. You have to be mellow and pretend to be a teenager!

It's exciting to think about being a saint in front of others...

(End of this chapter)

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