Siheyuan: I really won

Chapter 49 An honest businessman?

Chapter 49 An honest businessman?

The domestic liberation of the 60s, well, in Lin Sen's eyes, this thing was just like an antique. He walked around the liberation truck, then reached out and patted the car fender and door to see Let's see if this thing is as strong as the legend...

"Puff, puff..." Two sounds rang out. A team driver who had helped carry the oil can suddenly had a look of distress in his eyes and wanted to stop him, but he opened his mouth but did not say anything. The sound comes.

Then, the driver stared at Lin Sen with a complicated expression like he was looking at Cao thief... Woooooo, his wife was molested in front of him!

In the 60s, what was the most precious thing for a driver?That must be the car!
The car is the main wife in the driver's heart, as for the woman? ...Hehe, let's just count her as my little wife!
Cars these days don't have electric starters. If you want to start a car, it's like cranking a tractor. You have to use the joystick to turn the engine.

After Lin Sen aligned the joystick with the groove, he held it with one hand, and then shook it vigorously and quickly for a dozen times, and the engine started to sound.

Afterwards, Lin Sen drove the car and got used to it for two laps in the team's factory site, and after he was almost familiar with the feeling of the car, he rolled down the window glass, "Old Xu, let's go, you just wait Follow my good news!"

Not to mention, although this car has been out of the factory for nearly a year, it has been well maintained by the driver, and overall it is no different from a new one.

Lin Sen drove to the north gate where the third brigade was on duty, "Who is on duty at the gate tonight?"

"Captain, it's me! Erhu!"


After Lin Sen asked Erhu to get in the car, he drove out of the north gate, "Erhu, do you know any hidden places near the factory?"

"I know! Captain, why are you asking?" Erhu was a little confused as to what he wanted to do?But he still led Lin Sen honestly to an abandoned courtyard not far from the factory.

"Captain, this place is remote and no one usually comes here..."

Lin Sen took a look and found that the place was indeed quite remote and the surrounding area was desolate. Some of the weeds were taller than people.

"Okay, that's it! Erhu, I'm going to give you a task. There are so many people in the team. Find someone who knows how to kill pigs and come over. Captain, I'll bring you some benefits tonight!"

"Pig?" Erhu was stunned when he heard this, and then his face became ecstatic, "Captain, are you serious? Is there really a benefit to a whole pig?"

It is now 65 years. Although the three-year disaster has passed, the food is not in short supply, but meat is really rare...

The quota in the city is a one-jin meat ticket per household per month, and there is a time limit on the ticket, which will become invalid when it expires, so you can't save it for the New Year.

A normal dual-career family can eat meat once a month. If it is a single-worker family, if the rationed food is not enough, they will sell the meat ticket privately and exchange it for food...

Just like Yan Bugui's family, they are willing to go to the meat stall to cut a pound and make meat-filled dumplings to eat during the Chinese New Year!

Now that the two tigers heard what Lin Sen meant, they would be very happy if they could get a whole pig back!

"Captain, don't find anyone else, I will kill the pig, just leave it to me!"

Lin Sen glanced at Erhu, "Okay, since you know how to butcher pigs, I'll leave it to you... You prepare the guys first, and I'll start killing the pigs when I bring them over, and let the team kill them when they're done." People from all over the world came to collect the meat... Remember, let me handle this matter in a low-key manner, after all, we are the only one in the third brigade to eat alone! If this is said, I am afraid that the other brigades will have ideas..."

As the second tiger who was brought up by Lin Sen from the top soldier, he is naturally loyal to Lin Sen, "Don't worry, Captain! This matter is on me... Huh, if anyone in the team dares to gossip, you don't need to talk , my two tigers were the first to chop him alive!"

"Okay, then go get ready, I'll drive away first!"

After pushing Erhu out of the cab, Lin Sen drove and disappeared into the night.

After Lin Sen drove out of the city from Xizhimen, he always paid attention to whether there was a tail behind him, and turned left and right along the way. In the end, Lin Sen didn't even know where he turned.

After arriving at a secluded and deserted ravine, Lin Sen got out of the car and looked around. After confirming that there was no one here, Cai waved his hand and the people and the car disappeared.

In the farm space, Lin Sen began to load the car. First, the agreed ten pigs, each about 0.55 catties. According to the pre-paid fifty-five cents, ten pigs would be 300*10*1650. It is equal to [-] blocks.

Damn, this is only half of the 3000 yuan. Lin Sen suddenly felt dizzy. Your uncle, Lao Xu and Lao Li, are really in trouble. How should I distribute the remaining [-] yuan? Woolen cloth……

Hey, sometimes making too much money is very annoying!
For chicken, duck and goose eggs, first come three baskets for each item, and each basket has about 500 eggs. Well, three times three wins nine, and it is not too much to charge him 1000 yuan.

Then there are chickens, ducks and geese, one hundred of each, and 500 yuan, Lin Sen feels that it is not too much, after all, it is a seller's market these days...

Damn, in the end, even Lin Sen felt that the money earned was so cruel that he couldn't let it go, so he added a basket of live fish and two lambs to the car.

Why!Lin Sen looked in the mirror and gave himself a big thumbs up, and then Wang Po sold melons, selling melons and boasting!You are a real person, besides yourself, where else can you find such a real and honest businessman like him...

With tears in his eyes, Lin Sen, who had made 3000 yuan, walked out of the farm space at the right time. Then he waved his hand to the open space in front of him, and a large Jiefang truck loaded with bamboo baskets suddenly appeared there.

Lin Sen happily got into the car, then went back the same way, and turned right and left again. It took almost half an hour, and finally returned to Beizhimen of Sijiu City.

After driving all the way to the agreed place with Erhu, as soon as Lin Sen's car stopped, the two brothers, Dahu and Erhu, ran out from the abandoned courtyard.

"Dahu, are you here too?"

"Well, captain! Erhu couldn't kill a whole pig by himself, so he called me to help... Hey! Captain, you just emptied the entire commune of supplies, right?"

Looking at the neatly stacked bamboo baskets in the back of the car, both Du Hu and Er Hu had to stare straight at them. Oh my god, how many good things there are in this car!

"Because you talk so much, kill the pig quickly and notify the team to share the meat. But remember, this must be done in a low-key manner, otherwise this good thing will not happen again!"

Lin Sen exerted force with both hands, and the pig, which weighed almost three hundred kilograms and was trapped with its hands and feet, was thrown out of the carriage. Then, regardless of whether the pig was killed by him, he patted his butt and drove away!
Pig: I thank you for eight lifetimes, and you still care about whether I was thrown to death!

(End of this chapter)

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