Siheyuan: I really won

Chapter 50 You look down on me?

Chapter 50 You look down on me?
Driving back to the Red Star Rolling Mill, Lin Sen still entered through the north gate. Hey, who made the north gate his domain!
Lin Sen only needed to stick his head out of the window, brush his face, and then shout to open the door. Otherwise, this place was full of goods. If Lin Sen hadn't been their captain, how could the sentry on duty at the door have to open the door? Check it from beginning to end before letting him in.

After entering the factory gate, Lin Sen quietly drove the car to the entrance of a small warehouse in the logistics department, then turned off the engine and got out of the car.

Lao Xu, who had been waiting anxiously in the warehouse for a long time, rushed out of the warehouse as if having a good time when he heard the movement of the car.

"Ouch! Captain Lin, you are finally back... My heart has been hanging in the air from the moment you drove out!"

When Lin Sen heard what Old Xu said, he immediately rolled his eyes, "Old Xu, you can wait for me to order... What? Worried that if I take the money and run away, you will be implicated?"

Old Xu smiled awkwardly, "No, Captain Lin, you have wronged me...No matter how bad I am, Old Xu, I won't have such villainous thoughts!"

In fact, in Lao Xu's heart, as a young cadre like Lin Sen, especially in a paramilitary organization like the Security Division, the future must be bright in the future. Things like money running away.

After all, a security officer with a promising future is forced to live in hiding with a salary of 3000 yuan. Isn’t it clear at a glance which one is more important?Both fools know how to choose, right...

"Then you're worried about nothing!" Lin Sen glanced at Lao Xu dissatisfied, then took out a pack of spires from his pocket, lit one and took a deep breath.

"Huh..." He let out a long mouthful of smoke rings, Lin Sen turned around and pointed at the truck behind him, "Everything is in the truck, old Xu Ni arranges someone to unload the truck!"

"Okay!" Lao Xu was waiting for Lin Sen's words, and then he quickly waved to the people in the warehouse to come out and unload the goods.

While unloading the truck, Lao Xu also kept accounts, "Nine pigs, nine baskets of chickens, ducks and goose eggs..."

Don’t ask such superficial questions as why we originally agreed on ten pigs, but in the end we could only remember nine in the account... If you insist on asking, I can only tell you that this is the way of life in the adult world!

What's so good about being the God of Wealth?Lin Sen had been driving for several hours, and the bumps and bumps along the way made him suffer from gastroptosis and lumbar disc herniation.

If Lin Sen, who has suffered such an old crime, doesn't put some benefits into his own pocket, let alone Lao Xu, even Lao Li, who is behind Lao Xu, will have to be suspicious for a long time... to draw a line with me. So clear, what are you trying to do to me behind my back?

So Lin Sen simply hired a pig to work as a welfare worker for the Third Brigade. After all, he was the captain, and he had been implementing high-pressure military management these days, which made many people in the team who had never been soldiers miserable. Yan, now he just takes advantage of this opportunity to sell goods, borrow flowers to offer to Buddha, and get some benefits for the people in the team, so that this group of people always scolds him behind his back for not being a human being!
After all, swinging a big stick and then feeding some carrots was a trick that Lin Sen used very skillfully when he was cooking leeks in later generations...

After all the things were recorded and put into storage, Lao Xu closed the ledger and came to Lin Sen with a smile on his face, "Captain Lin, you have worked hard... You see, all the things have been put into storage, let's go to the cafeteria together Have a drink?"

"Forget it if you drink!" Lin Sen waved his hand and said casually: "After all, I have to work the night shift. If I drink, the impact will be really bad..."

Lin Sen dragged Lao Xu to a hidden place in the warehouse, "Old Xu, I understand your logistics rules! This is a little bonus from my comrades..."

"Oh, Captain Lin can't do it, I can't do it...this is what I should do. Besides, this is a fair deal, how can we take money from your comrades!"

Lin Sen's face dropped and he immediately became cold, "What, Lao Xu! Are you trying to draw a clear line with me?...I tell you, you have to accept this money whether you want it or not... ...Don’t make me angry, and it will embarrass everyone in the end, and it won’t end well!”

Old Xu wiped the sweat off his forehead fiercely, damn, who wouldn't want this great unity!But you Lin Sen gave it to me, even if I, Old Xu, have ten guts, I dare not accept your money!

Don't you think about what you do?Brother, you are a security guard. This is the job of arresting people. If I take your money, then I will automatically send someone to the door... This money is like a hot potato. I don't dare to kill you. Take it!

The two were in a stalemate for a while, and finally Lao Xu took the money with a sad face.

There is no way, Lin Sen is like a bandit, if you don’t take money, you look down on me, and if you dare to look down on me, I will arrest you... It doesn’t count if I arrest you, and in the end even the old backer behind you Li, I have to kill him, just ask if you are afraid!

Old Xu was coerced and lured by Lin Sen, and after finally taking the money, he divided the ten cards in his hand into two, and Lao Xu kept five for himself, "Captain Lin, today's money is not I alone take the credit! These five tickets will be regarded as your hard work. You can’t let your trip go in vain, right?”

On the road, just take advantage of this human world. No wonder you, Old Xu, can become the director of the Logistics Department!
Everyone is happy, a win-win situation for both of them...well, Lin Sen wins three times alone!Selling goods once, feeding carrots once, and finally doing favors from Lao Xu...

Hmph, this wave of old Xu thought he was only on the second floor, but in fact, he was already on the fucking atmosphere!

Back in the office, it was almost eleven o'clock at night. After Lin Sen washed up, he was wrapped in a towel and put on the camp bed, and fell asleep.

After a dreamless night, Lin Sen stretched, shook his head, and got up. He always felt that he had forgotten something last night.

When he opened the office door with his teeth-brushing cup, he saw the big Jiefang truck parked on the playground of their third brigade at a glance.

Grass, a plant!Damn, I forgot to return the car to my team last night...

However, Lin Sen calmly went to the sink to brush his teeth and wash his face. Forget about it. Anyway, he has been parked all night, and he is not in a hurry. He will return it after washing up and driving to the cafeteria for breakfast. !
After dinner, when Lin Sen drove to the convoy, the driver of the car, who was supposed to be there, looked at the disfigured Jiefang car that Lin Sen had ruined with tears in his eyes.

Lin Sen threw the car on the table, and then just like Boss Ma threw money, "The car is back to you! Wash it, and it will be like new again!"

Driver: Get out of here... Look, you are still speaking in human language!It is my first wife!

It's a pity that when the driver faced Lin Sen, he dared not speak out. He could only look forward to killing him with his eyes, wishing he could poke hundreds of holes in his body...

(End of this chapter)

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