Siheyuan: I really won

Chapter 51 Sending my sister to work

Chapter 51 Sending my sister to work
This morning, the members of the third brigade of the security department seemed to have taken the wrong medicine. They all had smiles on their faces, and even when they shouted slogans during training, their voices were three points louder.

When someone who was familiar with the Third Brigade asked them if they had eaten honey shit this morning, they all laughed incomprehensibly and laughed at them casually. This is very abnormal...

Hey, whoever wakes up early in the morning can get two catties of pork back in exchange for a girl's ticket. If this kind of pie falls from the sky, whoever will be hit on the head will not be dizzy?
Ho!Let me tell you secretly, the meat of this white female ticket is delicious when eaten in your mouth!
Lin Sen: Cough cough... This is what the patriarch said, it has nothing to do with me!We are notoriously decent people, even the little widow at the door has never slept with me!

Everyone in the third brigade was very tight-lipped, which surprised outsiders. After a while, they dispersed. The captain of the Second Tigers warned everyone when they were dividing the meat. This pig was hard-earned. It was only after the captain sacrificed his face that he left the factory. Divided out.

If the news is leaked because of someone's lax talk, it will not only make it difficult for the captain to be a good person, but also ruin everyone's jobs. In the future, this good thing of dividing the meat will not be our team's turn.

On the one hand, he offended his immediate boss, and on the other hand, he ruined the entire team's jobs and caused public outrage, so no matter how big-mouthed he was, he didn't dare to talk about it...

After Lin Sen got off work, he didn't wander around in the street. Instead, he rode his bike all the way back home quickly. Today was the first day that his sister Lin Bai went to work at the Grain Management Bureau after graduating from high school. As the eldest brother, he Of course, we can't miss it.

"Oh, brother, you are finally back! Yuyu and I have been waiting for you for half an hour longer... How do you think you can compensate us?"

As soon as he got home, Lin Sen didn't even take a sip of water, and the little girl beside him kept on talking endlessly!

"Okay, okay, stop arguing, wait for you to get off work tonight, brother will take you two out to have a big mouth to celebrate, is this okay?"

Lin Sen got a headache from the nagging, and was finally forced to use his trump card to invite the two little girls to a big dinner tonight!

"Well, I know that my eldest brother is the best...I'm going to Donglaishun's mutton-boiled restaurant tonight!" Lin Bai was happy, just like when he was a child. He jumped forward, jumped on Lin Sen's back, and then carried him on his back. Shang Xia Ji Ba is swaying wildly!
"Come down quickly, you have become a big girl at work and still act like a three-year-old child, you are not ashamed at all!"

After Lin Bai was kicked off Lin Sen's back, he made a "slightly" grimace.

"Let's go, big brother! Let's send rainwater to the textile factory to handle the replacement procedures, and then you will send me to the Grain Management Bureau..."

Damn, this sister is so cruel. The distance between this textile factory and the Grain Management Bureau is not close!His two trips would take at least one morning.

Lin Sen was riding hard, with He Yuyu sitting in the back seat. When she first sat in the back seat, she carefully held the iron frame of the back seat with her hands, not daring to touch Lin Sen's lower back.

Until a sudden bump caused He Yuyu to lose control of her balance and almost fall. She was so frightened that she quickly hugged Lin Sen's lower back...

This made He Yuyu extremely shy. Her face was immediately covered with crimson. However, when He Yuyu saw that Lin Sen didn't care, He Yuyu slowly relaxed and then He Yuyu completely hugged Lin Sen. The male dog won't let go.

Lin Bai, who was sitting on the front bar, saw He Yuyu hugging Lin Sen's lower back, and immediately felt a little disgusted... However, Lin Bai also knew that Lin Sen must marry a wife, no matter who he married. marry?Just treat He Yushui as a cheap fox... It's a pity that she is such a good brother!

Hey, at any rate, the rain is my good sister, so it can be regarded as the fat water does not flow into the field of outsiders!

Lin Sen: Haha, his sister is really a filial daughter...

To be honest, the feeling of being hugged by a girl around his waist is like a needle... Lin Sen's heart of a scumbag is quite ready to move!

Well, He Yuyu's long legs are really long, and she is not bad-looking either. After all, she is a young girl in her prime, young, beautiful and cute... How can that uncle not be confused when we meet him like this?

Uh, it’s just that she’s a little thinner, but it’s okay, I’ll give her some extra supplements after the day (the accent must be emphasized), and the arrangement of papaya milk will bring her back sooner or later...

All the way to the first textile factory, Lin Sen locked the car in the shed under the envious eyes of the security staff at the gate, and then brought two little girls to the gate to register his personal information.

Textile No. 4000 Factory is the largest textile factory in Sijiu City. There are 4000 employees in it. And, among the [-] people, except for the machine repair team, the team and the security guards, the remaining [-]% are all female worker.

After Lin Sen registered the information and walked into the gate, he felt as if he had arrived in a land of daughters. From the gate to the factory office building, young and beautiful girls could be seen everywhere along the way.

Tsk tsk, this textile factory, garment factory and quilt factory are worthy of being called the place where men are closest to heaven, and it really lives up to its reputation!

Unlike the Red Star Rolling Mill, where ninety-five percent of them are bad men, working in a daughter country like a textile factory, no matter how ugly a male worker is, he can recruit girls like a national treasure...

When a woman rolls it up, that's the real thing. Unmarried male workers come to work here, and they live like an uncle, stretching out their hands for clothes and opening their mouths for food!

Lin Sen took the two girls to go through the succession procedures first and came to the Human Resources and Labor Department of the textile factory. Lin Sen first showed a letter of introduction issued by the street, and then explained his intention. The two brothers and sisters prepared the two Lin's mothers' jobs and voluntarily transferred them. After giving it to He Yuyu, he signed his name on the agreement.

Once the brother and sister signed their names and the Labor and Employment Department stamped them, Lin's mother's job became He Yuyu's.

"Comrade He Yuyu, the quality inspector positions in our factory are already full. You can only work as a general worker in the factory now..."

Nima, Lin Sen is really speechless, this kind of trouble is really everywhere, even if the younger sister gets a job, someone has to be deliberately manipulated.

"and many more!"

Lin Sen stopped the words of the aunt clerk in the labor department of the textile factory, "What do you mean the position is full? Before my mother passed away, she was a quality inspector. This position is a radish and a pit. Without the consent of our brothers and sisters, who would dare to occupy me?" Mom's position? Is this bullying our Lin family who has no one?"

Lin Sen's words were quite blunt, and his tone was very strong, which made the auntie of the Labor and Management Department choke on what she was about to say later.

Now is the 60s, and society emphasizes that a son inherits his father's business. For example, Lin's mother is a quality inspector, and the person who comes to take over her shift must also be a quality inspector.

Just like what Lin Sen said, every job is a radish and a hole. Without the consent of their siblings, who would dare to take the job left by his mother at the risk of the world?

(End of this chapter)

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