Siheyuan: I really won

Chapter 52 Kicked to a hard iron plate

Chapter 52 Kicked to a hard iron plate
As soon as Lin Sen finished speaking, He Yuyu, who didn't want to cause trouble to Lin Sen, hurriedly stepped forward to break the problem, "It's okay, Brother Lin. I'm very satisfied if I can have a formal job. I'll just work as a general worker." Let’s work…”

The aunt of the textile factory on the side looked at the knowledgeable He Yushui with a full face of relief, "Okay, Comrade Lin Sen, now Xue Shumei's work index belongs to Comrade He Yushui, and she has no objection, so don't worry about it." Otherwise, I will call the security department to come!"

The tone of the last sentence was full of threats. Unfortunately, she threatened the wrong person. How could a guy like Lin Sen, who was full of rebellion, be dismissed so easily by her?

Lin Sen crossed his arms, and looked at the proud middle-aged woman in front of him with a sneer, "It's called the Security Section, right? Okay, you can call me, I just want to see if there are any kings in your textile factory." Is it legal? A little clerk dares to tamper with the job position of his successor..."

"You're not leaving, are you? You still want to cause trouble, right? Just wait, I'll notify the people from the security department to come...repay the king's law? In the factory, what I say is the king's law!"

Seeing the middle-aged woman grabbing the phone on the table to call the security department, He Yuyu immediately stepped forward to hold the woman's hand, but Lin Sen pulled her back and said, "Let her call." , I don’t believe it, such a big textile factory can’t even have a place to reason..."

"Then just wait! Hmph..." After hearing Lin Sen's words, the woman immediately snorted from her nose, and then shook the phone twice, "Switchboard, pick me up from the security department... Hello! Yes! Three children?...I am your sister!...Someone is making trouble here in the Labor and Employment Department, please come and deal with it quickly!"

After finishing speaking, the woman hung up the phone with a "snap", and then sneered at Lin Sen, "Little brat, you can still be so rampant after the security department comes if you have the ability!"

"Okay, I'll wait!" After Lin Sen finished speaking, he comforted Lin Bai and He Yushui, "Don't worry, don't forget what your brother is doing, let the security department arrest me? It's a joke... "

The security department of the No. [-] textile factory acted very quickly, and soon four tall and strong men came, and one of them shouted before entering the door, "Sister, I'm here, I just want to see, Today is that guy who dared to let you make trouble?"

"Brother is here, it's him, please take him away quickly, I suspect this guy is not a good person..."

Hearing what the woman said, the young man who was the first to push the door and walked in walked up to Lin Sen in a carefree manner, "Boy, just leave me alone..."

Hearing the dirty words from this man, Lin Sen frowned, so he interrupted his chatter, "What did you just say?"

The young man who was interrupted by Lin Sen immediately repeated dissatisfiedly, "I said, where did you jump out of the crack of the stone..."

Lin Sen grinned, then stretched out his hand like lightning, and "snapped" a big ear-scratcher, hitting the face of the man who was spitting shit.

How strong is Lin Sen's hand?He was simply a monster in human skin. Although he had used up his strength to slap this slap, it was not simple.

I saw the man spinning 360 degrees like a top, and then he sat down on the ground with stars in his eyes. At the same time, he opened his mouth and spit out a mouthful of blood, which was also mixed with these two things. A tooth yellowed by smoking.

"You dare to defend..." The woman still looked like she was watching a show, but when she saw the young man who was slapped by Lin Sen first, he spun around twice before sitting down on the ground. And after spitting out blood and teeth, her defense was broken. After she screamed, she wanted to pounce on Lin Sen with all her teeth and claws.

"Stop!" Just when the middle-aged woman was about to rush over and scratch herself, and Lin Sen was about to kick her away, an experienced guard came in behind the young man and stopped the woman.

As the saying goes, the older you are, the less courageous you are. After seeing Lin Sen remain calm after beating someone, this seemingly mature guard immediately became suspicious of Lin Sen's background.

The veteran guard, he took a step forward, staring at Lin Sen closely, and unconsciously put his hands on the holster around his waist.

"Comrade, why did you beat someone just now? This is a very serious matter!"

Lin Sen, on the other hand, continued to look at him calmly, not caring at all about the hand he put on the holster, because he was 100% sure that he would be able to take action the moment the opponent drew his gun. subdue him.

This is extreme confidence in one's own abilities, just like a tiger at the top of the biological chain sizing up a weak chicken.

After taking a look at the man, Lin Sen stretched his right hand into his arms, causing the old guard who had been watching him to stand up with chills. Then he pulled out the pistol from his waist without hesitation and fired at Quasi Linsen.

"Don't move, take your hand out..." Before he could say the word, Lin Sen moved again. His left hand instantly grasped the gun-holding hand of the old guard opposite him, and then raised it up, "Arrogant" There was a loud bang, and then a strong smell of sulfur filled the small office.

"Ah..." When they heard the gunshot, the woman and Lin Bai and He Yuyu were startled for a moment, and then they immediately screamed in fear, held their heads in their hands, and squatted down.

Lin Sen held the hand that raised the pistol, and suddenly glanced at it with you. Then when the other party let go of his hand in unbearable pain, he grabbed the pistol and pointed it at the old guard. forehead, and at the same time, his right hand took out a small red notebook from his arms and placed it in front of his eyes.

The cold sweat of the old guard couldn't help but flow down his forehead to his neck, but he didn't even dare to move because he was being pointed at by a black gun.

"Comrade, you..." Seeing the small red book that Lin Sen took out, the old guard's face turned pale, "You, are you also a guard?"

"Nonsense! Didn't you ask me why I beat someone? Then let me tell you, he deserved the beating for insulting the superior..."

At the same time, Lin Sen opened the small red book and revealed the contents inside, "I am Lin Sen, the captain of the third brigade of the security department of the Red Star Rolling Mill. Your man came up and insulted the leader indiscriminately. Do you think he should be beaten?"

"What? You are from the security department of the Red Star Steel Rolling Plant?" Lin Sen's words immediately made the old guard look regretful, Nima, this time I really kicked the hard iron... What the hell is it? Made of titanium alloy!

Defending is also different from defending, and the scale is different, so the rights are naturally different.

Although the Security Section of the Red Star Steel Rolling Mill is also known as the Security Section, with its scale of organization and weapons and ammunition, it is qualified to be called a Security Section!

(End of this chapter)

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