Chapter 53
As Lin Sen took out his security certificate, everyone in the office fell silent, only the old guard who was pointed at the head with a gun, he swallowed hard.

"Comrade guard, look at this misunderstanding. My family didn't recognize my own family, and let the flood wash away the Dragon King Temple... Can you put away the gun first?"

Lin Sen looked at the old guard with cold sweat all over his face, smiled indifferently, turned off the safety of the gun, held it in his hand and twirled it, then passed the gun with the handle forward.

"Comrade Defender, hold your gun steady next time, not everyone is as easy-talking as I am!"

"Yes yes yes, what you said is correct!..." The old guard wiped the cold sweat from his forehead, took the gun very carefully, and stuffed it into the holster.

Then the old guard kicked the young man who was lying on the ground viciously, "Howl, what a disgrace, why don't you get up!"

This old security guard was the deputy section chief of the Security Section of the No. [-] Textile Factory. He originally heard from his subordinates that someone was making trouble in the factory, so he came over to deal with it. But, wow!He was shot in front of someone... Today he was grinding with his naked buttocks, spinning around in a circle, humiliating himself!

Naturally, the guy who lied about the information was resented by him, and he probably couldn't wear out these little shoes in the future...

As for the trouble you caused this old guard to find the culprit, Lin Sen?Don't be ridiculous, just the three melons and two jujubes of the security department of the textile factory, plus one for the whole number, no one has more than half a brigade of the security department of the Red Star Rolling Mill. What would he use to find fault with Lin Sen?Is it just relying on the iron?
Besides, if he was better than Lin Sen, how could he be easily shot?Now that the old guard recalled the scene at that time, he felt dazzled, and he was disarmed as soon as the gunshot rang out. He didn't even see the process of disarming clearly, so he knelt down...

Therefore, he couldn't afford to offend Lin Sen's old guard, so he could only take out his grievances on the young man. Who said he was the one who caused the trouble... This is not cowardice, this is sincerity!

The guards came and went quickly like a gust of wind. Lin Sen came to the wall, opened the window, and dissipated the smell of sulfur from the burning gunpowder in the room.

These days, flower growers have abundant martial arts, and it is common for firearms to go off. As long as no one is hit, no one will care...

"Now you can tell me what happened to my mother's position as a quality inspector, right?"

Lin Sen looked at the middle-aged woman and asked calmly.

The woman stopped being crazy now. She took a step back in fear, and then said in a stuttering tone: "There is no problem with Comrade Xue Shumei's position... It's just me. I was distracted for a moment and didn't remember... He Yuyu Comrade, after she has completed the onboarding process, she can go to work in the quality inspection center!"

"Hoo! Can you remember now?" Lin Sen looked at the middle-aged woman, who was frightened and nodded repeatedly, "I remember, I remember... I will help Comrade He Yuyu go through the entry procedures now!"

The current onboarding procedure is actually very simple. You just need to fill in an onboarding form, get it stamped, put it into a file bag and seal it, and then go to the warehouse to pick up two sets of work uniforms.

"Yu Shui, go and get familiar with the working environment first, my brother and I will leave first... Remember to come back early after get off work at night, there is still a big meal waiting to eat tonight!"

Standing at the gate of the textile factory, Lin Bai waved to He Yushui, then sat on the back seat of the car, hugged Lin Sen's waist with a full face, and urged him to leave quickly.

After Lin Sen's figure on the bicycle disappeared, the old guard in the textile factory's security room let out a long sigh of relief.

Huh... this murderous person finally left, damn it!Now that I see Lin Sen's back, I still can't help but feel apprehensive.

"You guys, pay attention to me! Don't let the gang of old women in the factory bully this little girl, or I will not be able to resist if I invite this murderer again!"

After hearing the words of the deputy section chief, several guards in the security room nodded repeatedly, "I understand, section chief! Don't worry, the guards in this world are all one family! Even if you don't tell us, we can't let outsiders bully the families of our guards. !”

In the 60s, no matter which factory you worked in, as long as you were a family member of the security guard, the security department of the factory must take special care. This is the default unspoken rule in the security circle.

Because only if you take care of other people's family members, other people will take care of your family members. That's the reason...

Lin Sen rode his bicycle crazily all the way, stepping on the chain to the point of sparks, and then rushed to the grain management station in the north of the city. Then, without resting, he parked the car and walked in with his sister.

At the Grain Management Office, I didn’t encounter the kind of guy who would open his eyes and take the initiative to show his face. After all, this was the territory of Aunt Wang’s husband, Uncle Miao, and he had already said hello in advance.

As soon as Lin Sen and Lin Bai explained their intentions, they were warmly received by the Personnel Department of the Grain Management Office, who offered cigarettes and tea.

After all, Uncle Miao is the top leader here, who would dare to underestimate the brothers and sisters for what this leader personally explained?Unless he doesn't want to do it anymore...

There is no need for Lin Bai to run errands for the whole process, and the entry process will be settled. Lin Bai's little girl will become a member of the grain boss!
"Brother, don't forget to treat me to a big mouthful tonight, I..."

"Don't you, you, you, hurry up and go to your class, remember... here is no better than at home, don't be brave if you have something to do, and tell me when you get home... Also, get along well with your colleagues, don't play tricks Children's temper... brother is gone!"

"Bah! Stinky brother, you are a child, and you are acting like a child!"

When Lin Bai heard this, he immediately rolled his eyes. After Lin Sen left, he muttered a few words and turned back to the office.

The job that Uncle Miao arranged for Lin Bai was a statistical report, not much work and not tiring, but a little cumbersome, requiring her to communicate with other departments from time to time.

However, who can work in the grain management office, who is not a human spirit?Lin Bai is obviously a relative of their director, who dares to offend him?
Therefore, on her first day at work, the little girl successfully integrated into the group of the Grain Management Institute and became the new favorite of the aunts there...

After Lin Sen sent the two little girls to work, he rode his bicycle home slowly. At this point, there was no one else in the yard except for a few housewives who were not working, so it was very quiet.

A towel was hung around Lin Sen's neck, and he went to the sink with the washbasin in his hand. After washing his face well with cold water, he dipped the towel in water and wiped his body.

In this hot summer day, after wiping with cold water, Lin Sen felt comfortable all over... Then Lin Sen finished wiping his body again and went back to the house to catch up on his sleep.

When I was on duty last night, the police calls came one after another, which was almost endless, and it didn't stop until three or four in the morning.

It's all trivial matters, such as getting drunk, fighting each other, quarreling between husband and wife, men beating women...

Hey, in fact, it's really not easy for the guards to do it!
(End of this chapter)

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