Chapter 57
Coming out of Donglaishun, Lin Sen didn't feel anything because he drank alcohol. Now that he was outside, when he was blown by the cool breeze, he felt the strength of the alcohol surge, and his head suddenly became dizzy.

As the saying goes, being a little tipsy is better than being drunk. Lin Sen felt extremely comfortable all over his body at this moment.

Pushing the cart, Lin Sen took the two little girls for a walk and a healthy meal back home. In the 60s, apart from the multi-billion-dollar project of incubating human embryos, there was little nightlife.

Lin Sen and the others returned home, washed briefly and then went to bed. They opened all the windows in the house and blew the cool breeze through the mosquito net. Lin Sen soon fell into a sweet sleep.

In the dream, Lin Sen was transported back to the modern age at once, and he immediately burst into tears of joy, so he ran all the way to the clubhouse, hugging Miss Heisi who was thinking about it, and was about to start some festivals that should not be watched by young and old !

Suddenly he opened and closed his eyes, and he put it back on again, and there was a pretty plump woman lying beside him, damn it!Qin Huairu...

Then this sweet dream burst like soap bubbles in the sun with a "pop".

Immediately, Lin Sen, who was lying on the bed and sleeping soundly, suddenly woke up from his dream with a desperate struggle. Then he was so frightened that he suddenly sat up from the bed. After seeing his surroundings clearly, he patted himself in fear. Chest.

Nima, it's so dangerous, so dangerous!Lin Sen almost thought that he was about to die!
Qin Huairu, this woman, is not something that ordinary people can afford to offend... Don't you see, Dorgon, the regent of the big braided dynasty, a man who is so criticized by the old cow, is forced to be picked off by a widow with a son, even to the point where There are no bones left...

He, Lin Sen, is only a few hundred million dollars stronger than the average person. How dare he compare himself with the regent... Anyway, it's just a word, a woman who is married with a child, especially a boy, should stay away from her as soon as possible. The water is too deep!
After being frightened awake by this dream, Lin Sen lost sleep for a while. Just as he was about to get out of bed and get dressed, Lin Sen suddenly felt cold... Damn it, what's going on!

Lin Sen, who was covered in black lines, ran to change into a new pair of underwear with a speechless expression on his face!
Nima, it seems that the plan to find a wife to go home to warm the bed has to be accelerated. Otherwise, this body will be too young and vigorous, and I will dream about a pair of black stockings... It would be fine if I was at home, but if I were outside, Woolen cloth!It's not embarrassing enough...

At this time, the sky was already bright, Lin Sen threw all the trousers that he had accumulated for several days into the laundry tub, then went to the sink to wash up, and then washed the trousers as well.

At this time, the sky was getting slightly brighter, and the whole yard was quiet. Needless to say, brushing teeth and washing face, after Lin Sen finished washing, he started scrubbing his underwear.

While washing, Lin Sen hummed a tune from when he was in the army, "Get up in the morning and wash your pants in the morning. How many children have been wasted. It's not that BB doesn't feel bad, but that MM doesn't take them in..."

When Lin Sen was washing his panties, there was a sudden burst of laughter. Lin Sen turned his head quickly and saw Lou Xiao'e covering her mouth and laughing.

Lin Sen suddenly smiled awkwardly, Damn!This woman makes no sound no matter how she walks.

However, Lin Sen soon adjusted his mentality. Embarrassment was nothing. As long as I wasn't embarrassed, someone else would be embarrassed.

"Sister Lou, why do you get up so early?"

Lou Xiao'e hummed, and then looked at Lin Sen carefully with her beautiful eyes.

Lin Sen was wearing a small vest at this time, and the strong muscles exposed outside were even more shiny, so dazzling that Lou Xiao'e was dazzled.

Who says women are not horny? Women are even more horny than men...

Again, when a man and a woman are alone together, what they fear most is that the air suddenly becomes quiet... because as soon as it becomes quiet, the atmosphere in the air will automatically become charming.

Especially Lou Xiaoe herself was naked by Lin Sen, so when she faced Lin Sen alone, she would always think of what happened that day involuntarily.

"Lin, Lin Sen, what tune were you humming just now, you, you have to pay attention to your personal image!"

Lin Sen looked at Lou Xiao'e, whose voice was getting softer and lower, and whose head was lowering lower and lower, and couldn't help but laugh like a pig in his heart.

Well, my charm is indeed unrivaled!

"Hey, Sister Lou, I just saw that no one was humming for fun... By the way, Sister Lou, why are you up so early? It's just dawn today..."

"I'm so hot that I can't sleep, so I just want to get some water and go back and wipe myself..."

"Hot? It's okay today, I don't think it's too hot... Sister Lou, do you have a lot of fire in your body? You have to go to the hospital and find an old Chinese doctor to take a good look!"

Lin Sen and Lou Xiao'e chatted by the pool for a few words, until the basin that Lou Xiao'e brought was filled with water, and the lady reluctantly left with the basin.

Hey... Da Louzi, you will be able to get out of the sea of ​​suffering after waiting for about half a year!At that time, brother will make up for you... now?Just be patient.

Lin Sen would hang his underwear on the clothesline next to the window, and then go to the kitchen to prepare breakfast. He was full of meat last night, so he should have something light this morning...

A pot of white rice porridge stewed out of the aroma of rice, two dishes of pickled side dishes produced by the farm space, and large white flour steamed buns exuding a strong wheat aroma.

After asking the little sister to get up for breakfast, the two brothers and sisters went their separate ways. Their units were one at the east end of the city and the other at the west end of the city. They just went their separate ways!
However, after going to work, Lin Sen's good mood in the morning disappeared because Bart, the Mongolian man who worked the night shift yesterday, came straight to his office with a trace of anger on his face.

"Captain, you have to make decisions for our fifth class!"

Lin Sen frowned, then looked dissatisfied at Bart, who was a head taller than him, "If you have anything to say, please make it clear. You are so clueless, how can I help you make the decision?" ! Tell me, what happened..."

Seeing Lin Sen's stern face, Bart, who was not afraid of anything, suddenly remembered that he was thrown by the captain's big back before, and his whole body was so sour that his bones fell apart.

So his expression changed slightly, and he quickly told me what happened last night from beginning to end.

With a "bang" sound, Lin Sen immediately slapped his hand on the table, and then his face became as gloomy as a violent storm.

"Bart, are you telling the truth? Yang Shaojie actually dares to steal food from my tiger's mouth. Humph, I really underestimated him before..."

(End of this chapter)

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