Siheyuan: I really won

Chapter 58 Stand at attention when beaten

Chapter 58 Stand at attention when beaten

Yang Shaojie has the same position as Lin Sen in the security department of the Red Star Rolling Mill, and is also the captain of the second brigade under his subordinates. But, what should this guy say?

Uh, to put it simply, he doesn't seem to have any serious problems except for not doing anything in the world...

This guy Yang Shaojie relied on his uncle being the factory manager Lao Yang, so he did all kinds of wicked things!He is like a Pixiu, he only eats but not pulls!Whatever went into his mouth, he never spit it out!
And this person is also known as a face-turning dog. When it is beneficial, he will be affectionate with you as a brother... But if something really happens, this guy will turn his face faster than anyone else. clean...

To be honest, Lin Sen has always looked down on him. Don't look at this guy who looks refined, his glasses are like a college student's scholar, but his bones are full of selfishness, greed and lust.

But such a villain dared to scratch Lin Sen's tiger beard today, which was beyond his expectation.

It was mainly because of the money. Last night, when Bart was on duty, he received a report from the masses, and he led the team to a big treasure.

At first he thought it was just an ordinary small place, but Bart didn't take it seriously. As a result, a big dragon came to the shallow pond, and Bart plundered a whole box of large yellow croakers from the Dabao Bureau.

Bart is just an ordinary citizen. When he saw so many yellow and white things, he panicked immediately, so after escorting the prisoner back, he hurriedly reported it to Corey.

It just so happened that the cadre Yang Shaojie who was on duty last night, a person who could not be found with a dog on weekdays, was obediently guarding the night shift in Corey.

When Yang Shaojie saw the box of large yellow croakers, his eyes immediately turned red. Yang Shaojie, who was dazzled by the golden light at that moment, didn't care what the rules were. He had to eat this piece of meat today!

Therefore, Yang Shaojie took away the physical and personal evidence overnight, and Bart couldn't stop him, hey!This is the so-called high-ranking officials crushing people to death...

After listening to Bart's explanation of the cause and effect, Lin Sen was not only angry, but also a little relieved. To be honest, if this was the original third team, Bart's hot-tempered prairie man would have lost his temper on the spot. He directly threw Yang Shaojie's dog to death. Every day is possible, but now I can hold back my anger and wait until I go to work before filing a complaint. It can be seen that the queue obedience training these days is still very effective!

"Yes, Bart, you were right not to take action last night. No matter what, as soon as you did, it would make sense and become unreasonable..."

Lin Sen raised his hand and patted Bart on the shoulder, "Okay, I know this. Bart, please go back from get off work and have a good rest..."

Seeing that Bart had something to say, Lin Sen waved his hand, "Don't worry, Bart! I will definitely give you a satisfactory answer to this matter when you go to work tomorrow at the latest!"

After Bart left suspiciously, Lin Sen restrained the smile on his face, hum!I'm going to see it today, Yang Shaojie took some wrong medicine, and dared to pick peaches from his hands.

Lin Sen got up and straightened his clothes, and then walked out of the office door.

Arriving at the second brigade station at the south gate, Lin Sen kicked the wooden door in front of him and kicked it open with a bang.

"Who the hell dares to kick me..." Yang Shaojie, who had put his feet up on the table and was happily thinking about going to the concubine's house to celebrate tonight, was shocked by the loud noise from the door. , Then his body tilted, he lost his balance, and fell off the chair.

He was cursing in his mouth, and then when he raised his head, the next words were suddenly suppressed.

"Hey! It turns out to be the third child. What's wrong? What kind of wind is blowing today? I asked you to come here..."

Lin Sen and his five captains are usually called by their brigade numbers. Lin Sen is the captain of the third brigade, so he is naturally the third oldest.

Ho!Regarding Yang Shaojie's pretending to be stupid, Lin Sen just smiled and said nothing, then brought a chair over and sat opposite Yang Shaojie.

"Second brother, you're doing well!"

Lin Sen took out a cigarette, took one in his mouth, lit it with a match, and said something lightly.

"Third, what do you mean by that?"

Yang Shaojie still pretended to be confused, he frowned, pretending that he didn't understand...

"Second brother, originally! You can do whatever you want in your team, anyway, your uncle can cover it, but you should never have come to challenge my bottom line... You think I will fight with fourth brother Like the fifth child, he doesn't say anything when he suffers? Then you are mistaken..."

Lin Sen's gaze was so cold that people could not help but tremble when they looked at it, and a chilling evil spirit filled his side.

"I, Lin Sen, have never been an easy person to talk to. How dare you, Yang Shaojie, dare to challenge me, even though you are a piece of mud that can't hold up a wall? Who gave you the courage..."

When Lin Sen was speaking, he stretched out his hand and grabbed Yang Shaojie's collar, and then pressed his face with his backhand, pressing it against the desk surface.

"Lin Sen, what do you want? Let me tell you, this is the Second Brigade of the Security Division. If you want to go crazy, send it to your Third Brigade. Hurry up and let me go! Come... come here!"

With his face firmly pressed on the table, Yang Shaojie struggled wildly, but it was useless. He could only yell and scream in frustration.
"I don't know what to do..." Lin Sen let go of him, and then Yang Shaojie, who had just escaped from his clutches, was about to say a few harsh words.

A clear and crisp slap in the face resounded throughout the office, and the glasses on Yang Shaojie's face were slapped and flew away.

" dare to hit me?" Yang Shaojie covered his swollen right face and looked at Lin Sen in disbelief. He never expected that Lin Sen would slap him!

"Pop!" There was another clear slap, and the left side of Yang Shaojie's other face also swelled up.

"Tsk, the two sides of the face are symmetrical, so I'm more satisfied!"

"You...Lin Sen! Just wait for me, I won't let you go...I'm going to kill you!"

Yang Shaojie has never been so humiliated since he grew up so big. These two big ears completely broke his defense.

"Why are you not convinced?" Looking at Yang Shaojie who was staring at him fiercely, Lin Sen's face still had an understatement, as if the two big sinuses just now were not slapped by him at all...

"Come on, come on, Yang Shaojie! I see that your father has never taught you how to be a good person! Now grandpa is reluctant to teach you how to be a good person! That is, if you do something wrong, you must stand at attention when you are beaten!"

(End of this chapter)

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