Siheyuan: I really won

Chapter 68 Moody

Chapter 68 Moody

Although Chen Xiaojiu was pretty, she was quite efficient at work. Seeing that there were so many dishes in the kitchen, she didn't dare to make blind decisions, so she ran outside to ask Lin Sen for instructions.

"Hey, Xiaojiu! This is your home from now on. You are my Lin Sen's wife. From now on, you have to make the decision on all the big and small things in this family. Don't ask me about everything... As for me, this person I'm relatively lazy and don't care about anything except things in the factory, so I have to be cautious, understand?"

Lin Sen was sitting at the table, and Chen Xiaozui beside him was serving him tea and water in a gentle and carefree manner, making him feel comfortable after serving him.

A common problem among men in this era is machismo. Men only need to be responsible for making money to support the family, but what about women?Not only do you have to take care of everything at home and outside, but you also have to make your man feel comfortable... This place is simply a paradise for male friends!
Not to mention, Chen Xiaojiu and Chen Xiaozui are sisters, I am married to the right person... Not to mention that both sisters are beautiful, and even their skill points are different.

The elder sister is gentle and virtuous, and the younger sister is charming and delicate. If they can kill each other, Lin Sen will be completely happy... Hey!What a blessing for everyone!

After listening to Lin Sen's words, Chen Xiaojiu returned to the kitchen thoughtfully, and then made two dishes and one soup on his own.

"Brother! It's time to eat..." After Chen Xiaojiu brought the dishes to the table, Lin Sen looked at it with disdain. There was a dish of stir-fried cabbage with sliced ​​meat, and a dish of stewed eggs. Judging from the number of sliced ​​meat in the dish, it seemed that there were quite a lot of them. The effect of changing the taste...

Why!I was really blind to what I said just now, it didn't work... This woman needs to be trained a little bit more.

"Okay, let's eat!" Lin Sen got up and sat on the dining table, and then Chen Xiaozui who was beside him immediately brought over the rice, and even arranged the chopsticks thoughtfully.

Otherwise, the ancients said that this sister-in-law is the brother-in-law's little padded jacket, which is not unreasonable...!
Although Chen Xiaojiu's fried dishes are not as delicious as Chef Lin's dishes served directly from the farm space, they are still much better than ordinary people's, and they look pretty good just by looking at them.

"Sit down! Why are you two sisters standing there?" Lin Sen picked up his chopsticks and was about to eat when he saw Chen Xiaojiu and Chen Xiaozui standing at the table with bowls in their hands.

Well! "What do you sisters mean, don't eat at the table? Or can you eat more while standing?"

"Brother! We are at home, we are not qualified to sit and eat!" Chen Xiaojiu explained in a low voice...

"Fuck, what kind of broken rules are these? The Qing Dynasty has been dead for hundreds of years!"

Lin Sen complained, "Your family doesn't have a throne to inherit, so why are there so many broken rules? From now on, with me, everyone will sit and eat, hurry up!"

After asking the sisters to sit down, Lin Sen said to Chen Xiaojiu while eating: "You are stir-fried with this dish. How should I rate you? Stir-fried pork slices with cabbage? I think it's stir-fried pork slices with cabbage." Right? If you put this little meat, who can eat it? "

"And this stewed egg, can't you beat two more? It's just one egg with so much water, and it still has a fluffy egg smell!"

While complaining and eating, Lin Sen saw that his two sisters could only eat rice at other times except for occasionally picking up a piece of cabbage with chopsticks...

"Hey! Do the two of you sisters have a grudge against the rice at home? You just want to eat stick noodle porridge after eating all the rice? ... I've said that, but you two should save face and eat vegetables!"

"oh oh!……"

The two Chen Xiaojiu sisters had such a bad meal, they were disgusted by Lin Sen in various ways, "I said you two, eat as soon as you eat, why are you shedding tears if you don't think the food is salty enough? Add some saltiness yourself ?...I'm really convinced of you two!"

"The more I talk, the more you two are crying, right? I can't eat this meal anymore, go! Make another bowl of tamales, and cook another plate of braised pork..."

Chen Xiaojiu has been crying since she was called by Lin Sen to sit down at the table. When she heard Lin Sen's words, she stood up quickly, "Brother! I'll do it right now! Don't be angry..."

I have to say that this girl Chen Xiaojiu is really ingenious. She quickly cooked a plate of fragrant steamed pork and braised pork and brought it to the table, "Brother, the food is ready!"

"It's fine, why are you shouting so loudly! I'm not deaf..."

Lin Sen slapped his chopsticks on the table with dissatisfaction, and then said: "Whenever you talk to me in the future, keep your voice lower! Now, I will punish you..."

Hearing this, Chen Xiaojiu and Chen Xiaozui looked at Lin Sen nervously. They were full of fear for Lin Sen who was suddenly moody. Into another fire pit is not!
"I'll punish you both by eating both plates of meat!"

As Lin Sen finished speaking, Chen Xiaojiu and Chen Xiaozui suddenly said "Huh?" in surprise!
"Why, are you two sisters not satisfied with my punishment?"

The eye sockets of Chen Xiaojiu and Chen Xiaozui instantly blurred, and the teardrops couldn't stop falling to the ground.

This is the first time the two sisters shed tears of happiness because they were happy since they could remember.

"Brother!" "Brother-in-law!"...

After an unusually awkward lunch, Lin Sen sat on a chair like an old man, drinking tea that Chen Xiaozui had brewed, and then watched Chen Xiaojiu and the two sisters busy at home. Cleaning up housework and hygiene is like an electrified robot, unable to take any time off.

After drinking a cup of tea, although he was busy with housework, Chen Xiaozui, who was always paying attention to Lin Sen, hurried over to refill him with tea and water.

"Okay, you two sisters, let's take a rest. I'll go to the trust store to add some furniture to Xiaozui's house! In the evening, our family usually has dinner at 06:30. You make good use of the time. You can make whatever you want with the dishes in the kitchen... …”

After finishing speaking, Lin Sen got up, patted his buttocks, and left. Then, he rode his bicycle and walked slowly to the trust store near the Huoshen Temple.

The Huoshen Temple is located at the corner of the western part of the city. It is quite far from Nanluoguxiang where Lin Sen is located. If you ride a bicycle, it will take about 10 minutes faster. Four to five [-] minutes can't arrive at all.

It's not that Lin Sen insisted on running so far, but the trust shop near the Huoshen Temple, which is the largest and most complete in the entire Forty-Nine City.

Riding near the Temple of Fire, Lin Sen first found a carport and parked the car. After he locked the car, an old man with a red armband on his arm left and said, "Comrade, five cents for parking!"

Don't look down on these red cuffs that were used to collect money for parking in the 60s. These old men and women are all hiding their secrets. Serve the people, make use of the waste heat...

(End of this chapter)

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