Chapter 69
Lin Sen naturally knew how powerful these red sleeve bands were, so he honestly took out five cents from his pocket and handed them to the old man.

The old man took the money, then issued a parking ticket to Lin Sen, and said, "Young man, I get off work at six o'clock. If you are afraid that your car will be stolen, remember to come and push it away in advance... But!"

The old man looked at the steel stamp on Lin Sen's bicycle, "But your bike belongs to the security department, so no one would dare to steal it!" After saying that, the old man walked over to collect the parking fee for a bicycle, hands behind his back.

“Comrade, parking costs five cents!”…

After Lin Sen came out of the carport, he walked two miles north, and came to the downstairs of the largest trust store in the entire Forty-Nine City.

It's not a holiday at this time, it's still working time, but the entrance of the entire trust store is filled with crowds of people coming in and out, which makes it a very lively place!
In the old society of the Republic of China, it was more appropriate to call it a pawn shop, because its essence was to collect, sell and consign some second-hand items that were valuable after all.

The elderly people in their 60s and [-]s in Sijiu City have basically dealt with trust stores to some extent, because this is the only place where they can exchange items for money in the most difficult times.

The only difference between a trust store and a pawn shop in the old days is that it is state-owned, it is an iron rice bowl, and it is a good job that most people would like to squeeze in to work...

The items sold in the trust store can be said to be various, but most of them are ordinary daily necessities, such as furniture, clothes, bedding, etc. There are also some old three-turn-one-ring, bicycles, watches, radios This kind of thing is rare for ordinary people to see.

There are many "sharp-eyed" guys, what they like to do most is to search for treasures in the trust, so in order to buy cheap and easy-to-use second-hand goods, many people in the Forty-Nine City, their favorite hobby is to go to various places. Strolling around in Datrust, apart from Huoshen Temple, Dongsi, Dongsishitiao, Xinjiekou, Caishikou, Xidan, Tianqiao, etc., are overcrowded everywhere.

In the 60s and [-]s, it can be said that it was the golden period of trust stores, because everyone's wages were not high, and in addition to the shortage of supplies, they were still supplied by tickets. Sometimes you couldn't buy things with money, so it was cheap. Trust, which does not require tickets, became the first choice for ordinary people to shop at that time.

If this business is booming, it will naturally be targeted by some bold people. They are the most common scammers in Sijiu City. They are divided into two types. The first type is those who blatantly dare to shout and hawk at the door of the trust store without even a trace. Don't be afraid that the employees in the trust store will rush out and beat them up as they are trying to steal business from you. They all have some skills.

The employees of this trust store are also very familiar with these poor men, and they can often be seen bragging together with them with cigarettes in their mouths.

The second type is guerrilla warfare. They wander around the door of the trust in a sneaky way. When they encounter those who come with items, they run up to ask for prices. If they are suitable, they will accept them, and if they are not suitable, they will withdraw.

Then when they see people coming to buy things empty-handed, they will join in to sell the things and make some profit from the price difference. If they are lucky, they can make three to five orders a day, and they can earn at least ten to eight yuan. But it’s much faster to make money than going to work...

However, the only drawback of this group of guerrilla gangsters is that they are more troublesome and can easily be caught by the police. After all, this kind of behavior is to vote for someone else!

Lin Sen stopped for a while, and several guerrillas came to him to sell products, "Dude, how about ice skates? It's probably new, and I'll sell you for [-]% off!"

"Don't, don't! Go, go..."

There's no way, who made this guy Lin Sen's clothes look like a fat sheep?
"Dude, you don't want ice skates, I still have..."

The impatient Lin Sen, after dismissing several waves of traitors, finally couldn't help but lift up his waist, revealing his shining silver bracelet, "Anyone who doesn't want to be caught eating off the job, get the hell out of here! "

You can't be polite to these men who are covered in hair and are smarter than monkeys, otherwise they will circle around you like flies... and they will annoy you to death!

As soon as Lin Sen's silver bracelet appeared, the group of treacherous men ran away like a mouse meeting a cat.

None of these bastards are stupid. If the mouse meets a cat, if it doesn't run away, will it be caught and squatted in a bitter kiln?

When there was no one in front of him, Lin Sen strolled into the door of the trust store. The space inside was huge and they sold everything.

Lin Sen, mink, is obviously here for the first time. He is curious about everything he sees. There are clothes here, shoes there, and pots and pans... the most outrageous. What's more, Lin Sen actually found out that someone was selling stockings. It's just that you can't think of it, there is nothing they can't sell!

Damn it!Did anyone wear stockings in the 60s?So trendy?Could it be true that fashion is reincarnating?

However, Lin Sen frowned soon, because the flesh-colored nylon stockings in front of him were obviously worn by someone.

Grass, a plant!It's really an eye-opener to scratch the ass with a knife!Will someone sell the original flavor?Niubi Klass ah!old iron...

I don't know which elder sister wore it, the toes of that pair of silk stockings have turned black.

Lin Sen walked to the counter selling stockings. At this moment, he couldn't think of buying furniture.

"Dude, can I ask you something?"

Lin Sen took out a cigarette and handed over one, "Yo! The top of the tower... Tell me, buddy, what do you want to ask?"

The salesperson originally didn't want to talk to Lin Sen, but since he paid for the top of the tower, let's deal with it reluctantly!

"Hehe... I want to know if you have any unworn stockings for sale?"

"Silk stockings?" The salesman clearly heard the irritation in Lin Sen's voice. After repeating the phrase "silk stockings?", he also started laughing.

"Friend, let me tell you, you really asked the right person. In this whole trust store, I am the only one who has this way, hehehe..." After saying that, the salesperson stared straight in the eyes. Holding the spire in Lin Sen's hand!
"That's right!" Lin Sen stuffed the half-smoked spire into the salesperson's hand, and then looked at him, "Dude, you can talk now!"

"Friend, when you go out later, find a guy named Hai Laoqi, just trust Dabin to introduce you. He will have whatever you want, long or short, black or white."

The half pack of cigarettes was a good deal, so Lin Sen gave him a thumbs up, "Brother, you are so generous!"

(End of this chapter)

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