Siheyuan: I really won

Chapter 71 I'm not happy

Chapter 71 I'm not happy
After inquiring about the information he wanted, Lin Sen left the counter without any delay, and then went to get down to business first.

Arriving at the door of the trust store, Lin Sen said to the group of timid men who had seen his own silver bracelet before: "Who's called Hai Lao Qi?"

Uh, brother!Didn’t you say you should do business first?
Lin Sen: Nonsense!Am I doing it right now?When can I not buy this furniture?It won’t grow legs and run on its own!If the stockings are missed, you will be responsible tonight?

All right! ! !You are really a talent...

Seeing no response for a long time, Lin Sen was about to arrest people and ask them one by one, a guy with a mischievous eyebrow and a mischievous eye, he raised his hand slowly, and his voice was crying, "Brother! I am Hai Lao Seven, what do you need from me?"

"You are Hai Laoqi? Come on, brother, let's borrow a place to talk..."

Hai Lao Qi had a mournful face, looking like he wanted to run but didn't dare to run, he looked aggrieved, as pitiful as if he had just been passed by someone.

Lin Sen, a man with a silver bracelet, was born with the blood to suppress these gangsters, so Ebi Qi was taken all the way to a deserted place by Lin Sen.

"Ebi Laoqi, I heard that you sell unworn stockings? Is it true?"

Hearing this, Hai Laoqi was frightened, and waved his hands frantically, "Brother, brother! Who told you that I, I am a law-abiding citizen, how, how can I do things that endanger the interests of GJ's property... ..."

If he could run away, Ebi Laoqi would really want to run away at this moment. Damn, there is a kid around him!Silver Bracelet actually asked about this kind of thing as soon as he came up...

It's a pity that Hai Laoqi really didn't dare to run away. Don't mention the suppression of blood, if he alone can run as a monk, if he can't run to the temple, it's enough for him to drink a pot. Except that he doesn't even want his family, otherwise Lin Sen will be able to do it sooner or later. Find out where his home is!

Hearing Hai Laoqi's answer, Lin Sen was very dissatisfied. He squinted at this guy, and then his tone was full of threats.

"Boy! You'd better think it through for me... I'm from the security department of the Red Star Rolling Mill! If you piss me off, I'm not as reasonable as the police... Yeah!"

In the last sentence, Lin Sen elongated his voice, and Hai Laoqi in front of him felt like he was getting an electric shock all over his body. He hurriedly said: "Brother... I remembered, I, I do have a batch of stockings in my hand! You need me to do it!" Well?"

When he heard that Lin Sen was not a police officer, but a more arrogant security officer, and the security officer of the Red Star Rolling Mill, the largest in the entire Forty-Nine City, Ebi Lao Qi was so scared that he didn't even dare to lie.

Just like a chicken pecking at rice, it poured out all its contents...

"How much stockings do you have now?"

Hai Laoqi, he immediately raised an index finger tremblingly.

"A thousand? I want them all!" Not bad!The amount is quite large, enough for me to play with for a long time... Even if I tear one piece a day, it will be enough for a thousand days. Lin Sen nodded with satisfaction, and then took out a bunch of rubber bands from his bag. Great unity, slapped on Ebi Qi's hand!
"Ah!" After hearing Lin Sen's words, Ebi Laoqi looked at the money in his hand as if it were a hot potato. At the same time, his face became even more ugly, "Brother! I don't want to squat in a miserable kiln... I only have 100 yuan. The goods! If you want, I can give you all!"

"What? You only have stockings worth 100 yuan! Nima..."

Lin Sen immediately hated the iron and said: "You only get 100 yuan of goods on horseback, so you are like a chicken-feathered bastard!"

"Brother! You..." After being scolded, Ebi Laoqi didn't dare to say anything and could only smile bitterly at Lin Sen, "Brother, you don't understand this business. It's hard to sell stockings. It's only 100 yuan. It's enough for me to sell for a long time, I..."

"Okay, I'll leave you alone... Let me ask you, is there still a way to get these stockings after you've sold them out?"

"Yes, yes, yes! My brother-in-law is..." Ebi Laoqi nodded repeatedly and opened his mouth to betray his brother-in-law!After all, a dead Taoist friend is not a poor Taoist. His sister is the closest blood brother to him, but a brother-in-law can have many faults!
"Don't tell me this, I don't care who your brother-in-law is... like this! You bring me all the stockings you have! Then, go and buy me a new batch! Is there any problem?"

"No problem, bro, how much do you want for the goods? I..."

"Based on the money you have on hand, the total is one thousand. After excluding the expenses this time, there are still nine hundred left. Can you afford it?"

As Ebi Lao Qi talked with Lin Sen, he slowly let go of the fear in his heart. Moreover, Lin Sen never left the word "silk stockings" in his mouth throughout the whole process, and he didn't look like he was trying to catch him. His smart little head, It immediately became active.

"Brother...hehe! Besides stockings, do you want other socks?"

"Others?" Lin Sen glanced at him, and then asked, "What other types of socks are there?"

"Hey... Brother! There are also fishnet stockings, pantyhose, and those with lace and lace! You..."

Fuck, there are so many types, Lin Sen's thoughts immediately flew to the clubs of later generations wrapped in all kinds of socks, those beautiful legs full of temptation.

"Suck! Gudu..." Lin Sen swallowed hard, and then his tone was full of expectation, "Can you do all the things mentioned above?"

"That's right, brother! I, Hai Laoqi, specialize in this business, do you think I can get it?"

"That's right! Okay, then as you said, give me those socks for 900 yuan each!... But, boy, I have to remind you, my money is not that easy to earn. ...Hmph, if you dare to run away, believe it or not, I can chase you back to your hometown!"

"Brother, you're joking... how could I run away, I..." I managed to hug your golden father's thigh, don't say I ran away, even if you kicked me with a stick, I wouldn't Take it away!
"Okay, then it's settled, you go and get me all the silk stockings you have... I'll go to the trust to buy something, half an hour later, you'll still be waiting for me here, do you hear me?"

"I heard you, bro! I'll go home and get you some goods... Don't worry, bro... I'll definitely be here waiting for you to come back!"

After seeing Lin Sen's leaving figure, Hai Laoqi breathed a sigh of relief. Unexpectedly!I never expected it... I originally thought I was going to fold in, but in the end, I actually hugged him with a golden thigh!
Ho!This is really in line with the old saying, that if you lose your horse, you will know that it is not a blessing... Lin Sen's golden thigh, he, Hai Lao Qi, is determined... Huh!Even if Jesus came, he would not be able to break him!

After Lin Sen returned to the trust store again, he started shopping very casually. He went to the furniture store and picked out a set of desks, wardrobes, chairs and chests of drawers for Chen Xiaozui. Paid.

Huh, as the most unscrupulous wealthy businessman in Sijiu City, the most important thing Lin Sen lacks is money!
(End of this chapter)

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