Siheyuan: I really won

Chapter 72 Quarrel

Chapter 72 Quarrel
After buying the furniture, Lin Sen didn't waste any time and asked the salesperson to find someone he knew well.

This is also a way for trust salesmen to earn extra money, introducing jobs to Wo Bo, and then drawing a little more money from it, is better than nothing!

"Man, No. 95 Nanluogu Lane! Can you find it?"

This group of hardworking coolies can be said to be the walking map of Sijiu City. As long as you can name it, there is no place they can't find.

"Nanluoguxiang! It's quite far there. Man, you'll have to pay an additional ten cents for transportation..."

For the hard-earned money earned by Wobo and the others, Lin Sen's asking price is basically not too much, and it is rare to bargain!Competing for a dime or two is really not shameful enough.

Ho!Ni Ya is really a living Bodhisattva... The Giant Buddha in Leshan should let him get up and sit for you!I have a very good life, but I just don't want others to suffer!

"Come on, man, stay on the road, don't knock the furniture for me!"

The puller of the cart patted his chest, "Don't worry, little brother, we are the boss, and our main thing is to be steady!"

After sending Wobo away, Lin Sen slowly walked to the place he had agreed with Ebi Lao Qi. As soon as he arrived, the sneaky Ebi Lao Qi was carrying a stuffed and bulging cloth bag.

As soon as he saw Lin Sen's figure, Ebi Laoqi immediately came up to him with a flattering smile, "Brother, everything you want is in this bag. Can you check it?"

After hearing this, Lin Sen took it, opened it, gave it a hug, and then closed the bag, hum!We are honest and upright gentlemen...

"Okay, Hai Laoqi, when will you get the rest of the stuff?"

"Brother! You smoke..." Ebi Laoqi did not answer the question immediately, but took out a crumpled pack from his pocket and came out.

Lin Sen glanced at the crumpled cigarette with disgust and did not take it!
"Ask you something? Say it!"

Hai Laoqi rubbed the back of his head in embarrassment, "Brother, the quantity you want is really too big, I need time to prepare... At most, I can give you 100 yuan of goods every month! This is too much, I really can't handle it." not coming out..."

One hundred per month?Lin Sen touched his chin and thought for a while, it's okay!This is a monthly income, and it is better than nothing...

"Okay... From now on, Ebi Qi, please deliver the things to the north gate of the Hongxing Steel Rolling Mill on time on the first of every month, and then tell the security guard at the gate that this is what Lin Sen asked you to deliver."

Ebi Laoqi nodded repeatedly, "No problem, brother! I will deliver it to you on time on the first of every month from now on!"

"Well... do it well! I really like your boy!"

Lin Sen slung the small bag over himself, encouraged Ebisu a few words, and then turned around and left.

Just now, Lin Sen took a quick glance at the small bag and found that there were quite a few varieties in it. Hey... the fun tonight was going to be huge!
Riding home, he passed by a deserted alley, and then Lin Sen threw the cloth bag into the farm space.

The furniture puller Wo Bo left before him, but was later than him. Lin Sen and he had finished a cup of tea when he got home before the cart puller came.

"Yo! Dalin, is this your wife? She looks so handsome!"

Yan Bugui came to the front yard to inform Lin Sen that the furniture he bought had arrived. As soon as he entered the door, he saw Chen Xiaozui, who was gently rubbing Lin Sen's shoulders.

"Third uncle, what's that look in your eyes! This is my sister-in-law, and my wife is still busy in the kitchen choosing dishes!"

This Lao Deng!If you can speak, just speak more. I like to listen...

Lin Sen got up from the chair, and followed Yan Bugui to the front yard!Well, wait until tomorrow to buy a grand master chair, otherwise I always feel that being an uncle at home is a bit meaningless...

"Man! Thank you for your hard work. Let's have a drink of water and a cigarette to take a break!"

Wobo's job is really not easy. After Lin Sen poured him a bowl of water and handed him a cigarette, the big neck saw that it was a beautiful cigarette with a mouthpiece, and he was reluctant to smoke it, so he solemnly stuffed it into the cigarette case. I kept it in it for future batching, so I took out the big production that costs eight cents a pack.

After the nest was rested, Lin Sen and him worked together to carry the furniture into the house...

"Man, this is your wages!" After receiving the money, the man thoughtfully cleaned up the straw that cushioned the furniture, then thanked him and left.

Yan Bugui, who originally wanted to gather up the straw and take it home to keep it as a kindling, looked disappointed. People are not used to this problem, and they want my straw, okay!Give me a dime and you'll take it all.

With Yan Bugui's character of wanting to spend a penny in half, how could it be possible for him to spend a dime to buy straw...

"Da Lin, you see you are married. Would you like the third uncle to bring a bottle of wine to your house to celebrate?"

Lin Sen immediately shook his head, "Don't... Third uncle! I can just celebrate at my own family banquet. Besides, if you want to come, should I accept your gift money? Or should I accept your congratulatory gift?"

Uh, when he heard that going to Lin Sen's house required money, Yan Pugui immediately shied away, "Oh! Da Lin, the third master still wants to make soy sauce on the street... I won't chat with you!"

Cut, this old Deng!Still thinking that I can be a white girl!But how is it possible?He wants to eat ass...

As time went by, when the time came for each unit to get off work, the whole city suddenly became lively. The endless flow of people almost blocked the entire Sijiu City.

"Brother! Yuyu and I are back from get off work, uh... Chen Xiaozui! Why are you at my house?"

Lin Bai's startled voice sounded outside the house, and Lin Sen came out of the bedroom, and then saw the quarrel between the three little girls was full of gunpowder, and there was a faint hint of tension.

However, as Lin Sen appeared, Lin Bai immediately ran over excitedly, "Brother, the sister-in-law you said you wanted to marry can't be Chen Xiaozui!"

"Yeah! Do you know each other?"

Seeing Lin Sen's wrong answer, Lin Bai immediately went crazy, "Brother! I don't agree... This Chen Xiaozui is not a peaceful woman. She wants to be my sister-in-law, and I will never accept it!"

Lin Sen couldn't help but tap Lin Bai's forehead lightly, "What are you thinking about! Xiaozui is your sister-in-law's sister. You two will live under the same roof from now on. Don't make the relationship too tense... …”

"What!" Lin Bai's tone became much louder, "Let me and her, Chen Xiaozui, live in the same room? Impossible! Brother, let me tell you, I would rather live in the work dormitory in the future than live with She lives in the same room!”

"Brother-in-law..." At this time, Chen Xiaozui stepped forward to add fuel to the flames, "Brother-in-law, is it true that you won't be able to live here after you get drunk?" Chen Xiaozui deliberately made herself pitiful Xi's appearance, especially when she was talking, her eyes were already filled with tears, that appearance of ready to cry, really makes a person so beautiful, I feel pity...

(End of this chapter)

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