Siheyuan: I really won

Chapter 73 The art master is bold

Chapter 73 The art master is bold

A little green tea suddenly sneaked into this place. It felt really good, at least it wouldn't make me too bored.

After all, there is an old saying that these three women play a show, and now the family is like a big stage in the country...

"Xiaozui, please leave her alone. This girl has a firecracker temper! You deserve to live there! Ignore her!"

Chen Xiaozui rubbed his eyes, "Well, thank you brother-in-law... Brother-in-law, you are so kind!"

Seeing the interaction between Lin Sen and Chen Xiaozui, Lin Bai was so angry that his lungs exploded, "Ah! I'm so angry..."

After finishing speaking, Lin Bai ran back to his room, and closed the door heavily with a "bang".

"Ah...Brother-in-law, you said that Lin Bai would be angry!"

Haha, Lin Sen glanced sideways at Chen Xiaozui, do you think she will be angry?Little green tea!

Sure enough, when Chen Xiaojiu had prepared a table of food, Lin Sen knocked on the door and said, "Xiao Bai is out for dinner!"

"Don't eat!"

"You really don't want to eat it? I made your favorite braised pork today! Think about the fat and lean pork belly, coated with rice grains, and the oily taste comes out when you bite it..."

Before Lin Sen could finish speaking, the door in front of him squeaked, and someone opened it from inside. Lin Bai walked out with a blank expression.

"Hehe, think about it? Didn't you just say you don't want to eat it?"

"Hmph..." Lin Bai snorted from his nose, and then started to pave the steps for himself, "This is my home, why should I be hungry!... If you want to be hungry, you should also starve them!... Humph, I am going to I ate all the rice at home tonight and let’s see what they will eat tomorrow!”

Lin Sen nodded, "That's right! This is my good sister. From now on, you have more contact with your sister-in-law and Xiaozui. They are also miserable people! Let's go and eat..."

Lin Sen led Lin Bai into the kitchen. At this time, Chen Xiaojiu had put the last dish on the table. They were all sitting at the table, waiting for Lin Sen, the head of the family, to arrive.

"Here, let me introduce you. This is my biological sister Lin Bai and my adopted god sister He Yuyu... This is your sister-in-law Chen Xiaojiu!"

After Lin Sen and the others were seated, they gave a brief introduction and announced that they were ready to eat.

Tonight, Lin Sen rarely opened a bottle of wine at home. He also poured a full glass for Chen Xiaojiu, who was a little at a loss. "Xiaojiu...the world is difficult nowadays. I married you and came back, but I couldn't organize a wedding for you." , I feel quite ashamed..."

Chen Xiaojiu said hurriedly: "Brother! Don't say that. It was you who reached out to save my sister and I from the sea of ​​misery when we were most helpless. I can't even thank you enough!"

Before Chen Xiaojiu could finish speaking, Lin Sen picked up the wine glass and stood up, "But don't worry, Xiaojiu, I will definitely make up for the wedding debt you owe in the future!..."

Lin Sen said a lot of words, and finally said, "Okay, let's have a drink together. I wish our lives will get better and better and more prosperous in the future... Cheers!"

After dinner, Lin Bai's anger almost subsided. Although she didn't get along with Chen Xiaozui, she liked Chen Xiaojiu, a gentle and gentle sister-in-law.

Lin Bai entangles Chen Xiaojiu, and Chen Xiaozui entangles Lin Sen in turn, and gradually loses herself amidst the calls of brother-in-law.

cough cough!Old iron, pay attention to your righteousness... Don't overturn your car at the last moment!
Lin Sen's family now includes He Yuyu who lives next door. There are a total of five people in the family, one boy and four girls. It is double happiness to hug each other!

Uh, no... there seems to be a strange thing mixed in!

After finishing the housework, Lin Sen sent away Lin Bai, who was tired of being next to Chen Xiaojiu, and then said to Chen Xiaojiu, who was still cleaning the house: "Okay, Xiaojiu! You have to take care of everything at home now." , are you planning to finish your whole life’s work in one day?”

Lin Sen forcibly stopped Chen Xiaojiu from continuing to work, "There seems to be a wooden basin for bathing at home. I'll find it for you. You go to the kitchen and boil some hot water!"

"Ah? Do you want to take a shower?"

Lin Sen rolled his eyes, and then said disgustedly: "Why should I take a bath? You want to take a bath. You have sweated a lot this day, and your body stinks! How are you going to sleep tonight..."

In one sentence, what Lin Sen said about Chen Xiaojiu made her face turn red, and then she went to the kitchen to boil water without saying anything.

Lin Sen overturned the dusty tub from the utility room at home, and after rinsing it with water, he urged Chen Xiaojiu to wash it away.

Soon, Lin Sen heard the sound of water being poured on his body from the next room, and then he couldn't help feeling distracted, with a non-stop smile on his face...

Look at your hopeless, anxious look!

Shit, it's really a full man who doesn't know how hungry a man is hungry, old iron, it's chapter [-]!We can finally change our pants without having to get up in the middle of the night... It's easy for me to step on a horse!

If it were you, you would probably be more anxious than me!

As the sound of rushing water disappeared, there was soon a rustling movement in the back room. After a while, the door curtain of the back room was opened by someone, and Chen Xiaojiu, blushing deeply, was wearing cool pajamas. , timidly said: "Brother! I, I've washed it!"

Lin Sen raised his head when he heard this, and was instantly amazed... Damn, what a beautiful little lady!

A pair of watery and affectionate eyes, a cherry mouth full of charm, and a cool pajamas can hardly hide her proud and peerless figure. The exposed fair skin glows with wisps of jade light under the light... She is truly the best in the world. Stunning beauty!

"Brother, you, why do you look at me like this?"

Lin Sen's blazing gaze seemed to be like a flame, burning so hard that Chen Xiaojiu twisted uncomfortably.

"Xiaojiu, you are so beautiful!" This was Lin Sen's heartfelt words, and there was absolutely no falsehood.

In a word, Chen Xiaojiu blushed layer upon layer after saying that, and immediately lowered his head shyly.

"Brother, you're going to make fun of me..." Chen Xiaojiu, whose ears were red as if they were dripping blood, suddenly felt her body being picked up in the air. She couldn't help but let out a cry of surprise at the moment of weightlessness.

The sound of "Ah!..." suddenly stopped, and then the whole person was held in Lin Sen's arms like a princess holding her waist.

Xiaojiu shyly hugged Lin Sen's neck tightly with her hands and buried her head in his chest, not daring to raise her head.

After carrying Chen Xiaojiu to the bed, Lin Sen carefully placed her on it, and then looked at her with fascination as if appreciating a precious piece of art.

"Brother!" Lin Sen reached out and gently stroked Chen Xiaojiu's pretty face, and then asked: "Xiaojiu, are you really willing to marry me! Be my woman?"

Chen Xiaojiu, who had her eyes tightly closed, immediately opened those big bright eyes, filled with determination, "Brother! Xiaojiu is willing! From the first time Xiaojiu saw you, she has already It's none other than you..."

Good guy, this Chen Xiaojiu is also a bold person with a high level of art, the power of these words is no less than adding fuel to the fire!
Let me tell you, Comrade Chen Xiaojiu, you are finished, and you will suffer an old crime tonight...

(End of this chapter)

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