Siheyuan: I really won

Chapter 74 Finally got what I wanted

Chapter 74 Finally got what I wanted
Chen Xiaojiu didn't know that her words were the culprit tonight...

The atmosphere between the two of them was so strong that it was like dry wood and fire. Even if Jesus came in person, Lin Sen would not be able to stop Lin Sen from kissing Fangze.

Pretty in Pink, rain and lightning!Ten years between life and death, beautiful sheep fell in love with Big Big Wolf...

Time has passed for a long time, a long time!
Lin Sen put his arms around Chen Xiaojiu's crisp shoulders, leaning against the head of the bed, with a cigarette in his mouth, in the darkness, the cigarette butt flickered...

"Brother!" Chen Xiaojiu's voice was hoarse, like a fish that landed on the shore, opening and closing his mouth in the final struggle, he felt like he was dead, but he was not completely dead, he could still struggle to his death!
Lin Sen casually flicked the cigarette butt to the ground, then gently kissed the forehead of Chen Xiaojiu who was resting on his heart, "Sleep, baby!"

Chen Xiaojiu felt as if all the bones in her body were falling apart. She hummed weakly, then smelled the faint smell of tobacco on Lin Sen's body and fell into sleep.

After a while, Lin Sen felt that Chen Xiaojiu had fallen asleep, and then carefully moved her from his chest to the bed. After listening to Chen Xiaojiu's unconscious murmur, Lin Sen slowly got up .

He put on a pair of pants indiscriminately, then went to the window, and lit another cigarette.

Tsk, tsk, Lin Sen was puffing away happily!

It has to be said that his previous waiting and expectations were all worth it at this moment!
As the saying goes, a fragrant car matches a beauty, and a BMW bestows a hero!These words are not false at all... Sure enough, the ancients did not deceive me!

When Lin Sen finished smoking a cigarette and was about to go back to sleep, he suddenly saw a black shadow flashing past next door to his house under the faint moonlight outside.

Lin Sen's eyes froze, who is this?If you don't sleep in the middle of the night, why run outside?And looking at the direction of the shadow, it seems to be heading towards the cellar.

cellar?Lin Sen's eyes suddenly lit up. Damn it, it turned out to be one of the famous scenes in the courtyard: the uncle couldn't sleep in the middle of the night and secretly met Qin Huairu in the cellar!
There is such a passage in the TV series, Yi Zhonghai and Qin Huairu dug into the cellar in the middle of the night, and then just to send a bag of flour to her family!

Hehe, even though we can understand this crew, it is necessary to have a meal!But the filming of this section is really puzzling, Nima!This is simply rubbing the IQ of the audience against the ground...

If you want to say that Yi Zhonghai is a good person and good deeds, then forget it. We can understand this principle of worrying about inequality rather than scarcity!But why do you have to go to the cellar to deliver things?
The lonely man and the widow live in the same room, and where is the cellar?Not to mention the darkness, the place is still narrow, and two adults squeezed in, it is estimated that it would be difficult to even turn around in the same direction, so... what does the dog writer want to express?

After Lin Sen guessed that the black shadow was Qin Huairu, he immediately became excited. He was naked and covered in shorts, and he also opened the door quietly, and followed him to the cellar without making a sound.

Sure enough, as Lin Sen expected, when he approached the cellar, the voices of a man and a woman came from inside.

"Master, thank you very much. If you hadn't secretly helped our family these years, we would have been unable to live on..."

"Hey! Huairu, our family doesn't speak differently. Dongxu is also my apprentice after all. As a master, I should take care of his widow!"

"Thank you, sir..."

"Huairu, you understand what I long as you are willing to help me have a child, when I go, the house and savings will be left to you two!"

Damn, Lin Sen was shocked, what did I hear when I stepped on the horse?Yi Zhonghai, this old Deng, actually wants Qin Huairu to give birth to him... I'll go, this is what I can hear without spending money?

"Master, let me think about it again!"

Yi Zhonghai's voice was full of anxiety, "Huairu, you can't drag it on any longer, my uncle's body is not young anymore! If you keep procrastinating like this, even if you want to give birth in the future, I will be powerless ah……"

Qin Huairu didn't speak, but let out a series of charming smiles!
As the conversation between the two people inside became more and more obscene, and the gasps became heavier and heavier, Lin Sen couldn't resist anymore, "Nah!"After all, this ginger is still spicy!Slipping away...

However, when Lin Sen left, he thoughtfully locked the cellar door for them.

Well, to trouble you in the future, please call me the red scarf who does good deeds without leaving a name...

After returning home, Lin Sen returned to bed, hugged the little wine girl again, and soon fell asleep.

There was no dream all night, and it was not until the next morning that the sun shone through the glass on the window and spilled into the bedroom, Lin Sen opened his eyes in a daze.

You see, let me just say it, as long as a woman pins down your leg early in the morning, where can you get up early? ...Hehe, this bitch can pinch you to death!
Following Lin Sen's movements, Chen Xiaojiu, who was tired from driving last night, let out a groan like waking up from a dream, and then opened her eyes.

Chen Xiaojiu saw the man sleeping next to her at the first sight, his eyes instantly changed from half-awake to infatuated, and he opened his mouth to say the most classic sentence.

"Brother, it's great to see how you feel every day when you open your eyes..."

Oops!When he said these words, he felt like he was possessed by the master, and his tone was full of scum!

Lin Sen didn't say anything. He and Chen Xiaojiu just stared at each other. Then when Chen Xiaojiu's brain returned, she immediately blushed and became shy.

"Oh! Brother, what time is it! I'll make you breakfast!"

Just as Chen Xiaojiu was about to stand up, his body suddenly stiffened, especially when he felt a burst of discomfort in his abdomen, and then his beautiful brows frowned.

"Okay, if you don't feel well, just continue to sleep. It's already this hour and it's definitely too late to make breakfast... I'll just buy some outside and bring it back!"

Lin Sen kissed Chen Xiaojiu's smooth forehead in a funny way, then got up and got dressed, "Brother, no need! I'll get up right away..."

Chen Xiaojiu still wanted to resist the discomfort, but Lin Sen pushed him onto the bed, "Why is my talking not working?...I told you to rest, so you rest! What nonsense!"

Bah, scumbag!Sure enough, they were all plucking ruthless mink hair... Just now he was sweetly calling me a sweetheart, but after he put on his pants, he became so tough in his words and started to pick his nose and eyes!
(End of this chapter)

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