Chapter 75 Envy
After Lin Sen got dressed, when he went out and passed the cellar, he glanced at it out of the corner of his eye and found something was wrong. The mark he made before the cellar door was destroyed by someone...

Nima!It seemed that after he left last night, someone else came, opened the door, and let Yi Zhonghai and Qin Huairu go out.

Otherwise, the urinary nature of that old godly woman Jia Zhang would turn the courtyard upside down!

But now the yard is quiet, which means that as soon as he locked the front door, someone came to open the door with the back door...Who could be the person who opened the door?

Lin Sen considered everyone in the hospital aside in his mind, and quickly narrowed down the candidate. If he could find out that Yi Zhonghai and Qin Huairu were living together without making it public, she would most likely be an aunt.

Why!It can only be this miserable woman...

Speaking of this aunt, she is also a very miserable woman. Because she is infertile and cannot have children, she has suffered a lot of verbal violence from others. In the TV series, she never leaves the house all day long, and she is not helpless. reasons for this.

Moreover, Yi Zhonghai's attitude towards her was quite perfunctory, and the hardships involved, if not in his own words, he might not be able to explain clearly...

But then again, it's not necessarily the reason why the seeds take root and germinate but fail to bear fruit.

In the 60s, as long as someone said that infertility could not produce children, most people would blame the woman who was at fault. But have you ever thought about whether this is a possibility? Yi Zhonghai, a veteran Could it be that the reason why he couldn't give birth to a child was because the seeds didn't work?
Think about it, Yi Zhonghai, an old man, even dared to get his hands on his apprentice's widow. It can be seen that he has gone crazy in order to have a child. Who knows if Yi Zhonghai has any other women behind his back!
Without stopping, Lin Sen quickly walked out of the gate of the compound and went to Xiaobei Street to buy breakfast.


"Xiaojiu, go next door and ask Xiaobai and Xiaozui to get up for breakfast!"

Lin Sen bought a bunch of food and came back, all of which are the favorite breakfasts of people in Sijiu City. Soy milk and tofu nao, deep-fried dough sticks, steamed buns, and scallion pancakes filled the table.

When Lin Bai and He Yuyu had breakfast and were getting ready to go to work, Lin Sen keenly noticed that there was a look of envy in Chen Xiaozui's eyes.

It’s no wonder that Chen Xiaozui envied Lin Bai and the others for being in the same class. In the 60s, what was the most glorious thing?Labor is the most glorious thing. This is the general trend of the times. Regardless of gender, everyone is proud to have a formal job.

It’s like the group of popular believers in the later generations, shamelessly preaching that men are responsible for making money and supporting the family, and women are responsible for beauty and beauty... Not only do they like leisure and work hard, but they also ask for money standing up in a dream, and you have to kneel down to give it to them. They are the only ones!

Lin Sen looked at the Chen Xiaojiu sisters thoughtfully, and then rode to work without saying anything.

All the way to the north gate, Da Wu was on duty today. "Brother Sen!" As soon as he saw Lin Sen, Da Wu came up to him with a flattering look on his face.

"Why?" Lin Sen saw Dawu's smiling face, and knew that he was definitely not ready to fart, "Say what you have to say, fart as soon as you have something to say, don't laugh so stupidly!"

"Brother... you are my real brother!" Dawu answered the question, took out a pack of cigarettes from his pocket, popped out a cigarette, struck a match and was about to light it for Lin Sen.

"Huh..." Lin Sen blew out the match in one breath, "Da Wu! If you don't make it clear, I can't afford to smoke this cigarette. You... why don't you tell me what you want?"

"Hey! Brother, it's really not a big deal, just, hey..."

"Hey sister, if you don't tell me, I can go!"

Lin Sen was about to leave, so Da Wu hurriedly reached out to stop him, "Brother, brother! I said, I said... Well, the matter between me and Xiaomi is over!"

"Who is Xiaomi? I'm paying back the rice!" Lin Sen obviously forgot who Xiaomi was!
"Brother! Xiaomi is the girl who our hero saved the beauty that day! Have you forgotten?"

oh!When Dawu said this, Lin Sen remembered who Xiaomi was!Just like that girl Jin Chen, a top rich woman with a private airport!
Lin Sen nodded, "This is a girl, isn't this exactly what you wished for! What does it have to do with finding me?"

"Hehe!" Da Wuyi touched the back of his head, "What the hell! Brother, isn't Xiaomi working as a temporary worker in a garment factory? It doesn't make much money and she's very tired! So I want her to work in our factory..."

Da Wu said while lighting another match. This time Lin Sen stopped blowing. With a cigarette in his mouth, he leaned his head up and took a puff happily after lighting it.

"Uh, Dawu! Shouldn't you go to your brother-in-law about this? Why are you looking for me!"

Hearing Lin Sen's words, Da Wu immediately curled his lips, "Brother Sen, how do you know that I haven't found my brother-in-law? It's not like you don't understand what kind of person he is..."

Dawu complained, "My brother-in-law is an old-fashioned person. Apart from work matters, he doesn't care about anything else in the factory! Besides, Xiaomi can't get into the security department. Only my brother-in-law." The relationship in the factory is not as good as Brother Sen!..."

"Oh...Brother Sen! Why are you beating me!" Lin Sen stretched out his hand and knocked Big Five on the head.

"No big one, no small one! It's time to fight..." Lin Sen finished knocking on the big five, and then smiled, "It's time for you to rush, and I also want to find this way! But big five, let me tell you first Well, I don’t dare to guarantee this, so I can only give it a try!”

Rainbow farts kept coming from Da Wu's mouth, "Hey... brother! For you, this matter is not a piece of cake... Even if you fart and collapse, it will be easier than this!"

"Da Wu, you just ate the ash of rush grass, farted easily, and just talked up and down..." Lin Sen threw the cigarette butt on the ground, then crushed it with his foot, and then got on the car, "You are here Stay on guard and I will give you accurate information before I get off work in the evening at the latest!"

"Hey! Brother, please ride slower! My brother's future happiness depends entirely on you..."

Dawu looked at Lin Sen's figure on the bicycle and as he got further and further away, he couldn't help but shout after him.

Lin Sen ignored him and went straight back to the office. He changed his clothes, made himself a cup of hot tea, and then started to think.

First of all, there are two people in his family, Xiaojiu and Xiaozui. Although this is my sister-in-law... Bah!It's the invisible wings, he hasn't won yet, but it's also a matter of time.

Therefore, the palms of the hands and the backs of the hands are full of meat, and he can't favor one over the other, at least a bowl of water should be level. If he helps them find a job, he must find two indicators, otherwise it is easy to catch fire in the backyard!
Now there is another big five Xiaomi girl, Nima!You have to find three job vacancies at once, it's simply insane...

As a result, Lin Sen's head grew several times bigger!

(End of this chapter)

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