Siheyuan: I really won

Chapter 77 The job is done

Chapter 77 The job is done
Seeing Lao Li's excitement, Lin Sen raised a finger.

"Okay, Captain Lin! How long has it been since then, can we get ten pigs again?"

"Hehe!" Lin Sen smiled without saying a word, "Director Li, you need to enlarge your layout a bit! Ten pigs, is it worth my asking Lao Xu to come here?"

On the way to Lao Li, Lao Xu had already told Lao Li about Lin Sen's request. At first, Lao Li planned to give Lin Sen his face.After all, I have no foundation in defending Corey. It is quite cost-effective to be able to use three work indicators to make friends with Lin Sen, a powerful captain who controls a brigade!

In fact, job quotas that are extremely precious to ordinary people are nothing at all in the eyes of the first and second bosses of the factory like Lao Li and Lao Yang. For a large factory with tens of thousands of people like the Red Star Steel Rolling Mill, one more A worker or one less worker is like raindrops melting into the sea. What difference can you see?

"Captain Lin, you mean... there are a hundred?"

When Lao Li said this, his tone was quite urgent. He looked at Lin Sen, his eyes full of excitement!
What is the concept of a hundred pigs?Their red star rolling mill can get ten pigs in the slaughterhouse every month, which is only 120 pigs a year.

Lin Sen nodded with a smile, and then said: "Director Li, we don't speak secretly. As long as you can help me get the work targets done, I can help you get the pigs done! And... "

At this point, Lin Sen's tone was tinged with temptation, and he lowered his voice, "And I can still decide to lower the price of live pigs by [-]%!"

"Brother Lin, you're offended by what you said, it's not easy for farmers brothers, the price is as much as you want..."

Originally, when there were ten pigs, Lao Li was still very confident and felt that he could have the upper hand. However, when Lin Sen did not follow the routine and threw the king bomb at the beginning, Lao Li inevitably became a little weak.

It’s not to blame Lao Li Huixu. The main reason is that the lethality of these hundred pigs is too great. Let’s put it this way... If Lin Sen hadn’t been working in the security department, Lao Li would have wanted to kill people and silence them, so as to get the benefits. After all, the temptation is too great to swallow all your thoughts!
After all, for a large factory with tens of thousands of people, it only distributes so much pork every year. If this batch of live pigs were handled by himself, Lao Li would have the confidence to empty Lao Yang and make him a polished commander. .

"Director Li, how are you? The business you did with me is not a loss, right?"

The essence of doing business is actually the exchange of resources. In his previous life, Lin Sen was a self-made tycoon who created a generation. He knows the weaknesses of human nature very well.

"Brother Lin, it's settled...tomorrow you will have someone report to the factory, and I will go to the labor department to say hello in person. You can choose the position!"

"Okay, brother Li, be happy! Then I won't play tricks with you anymore. I can transport ten pigs tomorrow night, and then thirty pigs will be delivered every three days. Within ten days of keeping, one hundred pigs will be delivered." I’ll deliver it to you!”

Lao Li and Lin Sen were both masters who had been trained as foxes for thousands of years. Even their eyelashes were hollow, so they didn't need to play any kind of gossip, they just revealed each other's trump cards and hit it off immediately.

"Brother Lin, happy cooperation! Shall we go to the cafeteria for a drink at noon?"

"Haha, Brother Li is being polite, but I still have to go to work here, why not another day? Otherwise, the influence of getting drunk is really bad!"

"Good to say, good to say..."

After the smiling two politely parted, Lin Sen gave a mouthful of dissatisfaction, and cursed the old fox... Similarly, Lao Li also turned around and muttered a little fox.

Fishing in the office all day, when Lin Sen passed by the north gate after get off work at night, "Da Wu, let Xiaomi come to the factory to report tomorrow!"

"Really? Brother Sen, you are so awesome, you did it in just one day!..."

When Dawu heard the good news, he was as happy as the landlord's silly son, and the rainbow farts in his mouth kept coming.

"Cut, don't come here with these useless things, I really want to thank me, Lao Mo or Xinqiao Hotel, let's go tonight!"

"No problem! Brother Sen, let's make an agreement! Tonight, Lao Mo, and tomorrow, Xinqiao, I must make arrangements for you..." Big Five immediately nodded upon hearing this!

"Haha, look at how stupid you are! I'm teasing you! You can't even tell... Okay, just stand your guard! I'm going home first!" After saying that, Lin Sen rode away. .


When I got home at night, Chen Xiaojiu had already prepared meals and was waiting for Lin Sen and the others to come back from get off work.

As soon as Lin Sen parked the car and entered the house, Chen Xiaozui posted it, "Brother-in-law is working hard, wash your face and take a break!"

After looking at the hot water in the basin and the prepared towel, and washing his face, Lin Sen sat down on a chair, and Chen Xiaozui brought over a cup filled with the aroma of brewed tea.

"Brother-in-law, drink a cup of tea to moisturize your throat!"

Damn it, this kind of treatment is really unsatisfactory, it’s just a landlord!
After Lin Bai and He Yuyu came back from get off work and had dinner together, Lin Sen first stopped Chen Xiaojiu and Chen Xiaozui who were about to clear away the dishes.

"Xiao Jiu, Xiao Zui, you two wait a minute!"

Then Lin Sen told the two sisters about the job, "I arranged a job for you in the factory, what education do you all have?"

"Brother-in-law, my sister and I both graduated from high school!" Chen Xiaozui said a little embarrassed.

"Gao Xiao!" Lin Sen rubbed his chin, his education is indeed a bit low!
In the 60s, due to the lack of educational resources, primary school was not the consistent system it is now, but was divided into junior primary school and senior primary school.

Junior primary school is equivalent to those graduating from grades one to four in later generations, while senior primary school is equivalent to grades five to six.

With Chen Xiaojiu and sister's high school education, they can still make ends meet in the countryside, but it is not enough in the city.

Because in the city, as long as the family conditions are not particularly difficult, children are basically allowed to finish junior high school. Of course, these parents do not attach much importance to education, and in the 60s, when factories were recruiting people, the exams were too high. Great, graduates from junior high school can increase their academic credits.

After all, if a high school graduate competes for a job with a junior high school student at the same time, as long as the factory leaders have not been kicked by a donkey, they should choose the junior high school student, right?
And unlike high school tuition, which was expensive in the 60s, junior high school tuition was very cheap, only about three or four cents a semester.

Those parents who are dual-career in the city, they don’t have time to take care of others, they would rather spend an extra RMB [-] or [-] cents a year to send their children to school, without mentioning whether they study well, just want a teacher to discipline their children for them !
(End of this chapter)

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