Siheyuan: I really won

Chapter 78: That’s it!

Chapter 78: That’s it!
"You two sisters are a bit low-educated..."

Before Lin Sen finished speaking, Chen Xiaozui started her green tea performance, "Brother-in-law, did my sister and I make things difficult for you? Actually, it doesn't matter if we don't go to work..."

hehe!Xiaozui, your little green tea skills are a bit unsatisfactory in front of me, the King of the Sea!Brother-in-law, I have experienced great storms, what kind of strongest king have I not seen?

"Since this is the case, then Xiao Zui, you don't want to go, stay at home! I was planning to arrange you into the trade union..."

ah what?Chen Xiaozui was stunned for a moment. No, brother-in-law, couldn't you tell that what I said was ironic? I want to work in the union!

And, where is the union?That's famous for having a lot of money and a little work and a high status!
Chen Xiaozui roared crazily in her heart, but unfortunately, she must be a well-behaved and obedient character, so I am really embarrassed to go back on what she says...

Seeing the regretful look in Chen Xiaozui's eyes, Lin Sen felt very funny, asking you to let me perform tea ceremony every day, now I will be punished, I see you will be dishonest in the future!
After all, Lin Sen underestimated Chen Xiaozui, and didn't know what ecstasy soup she poured for her sister. When she was sleeping at night, Chen Xiaojiu, who used to be shy, changed her previous appearance and took the initiative to tease Lin Sen.

Lying on the bed, Lin Sen is like an old monk who has entered meditation, meditating in his mouth that emptiness is form, form is emptiness, I am Liu Xiahui, Liu Xiahui is me, and Balabala little magic fairy transforms...

"Don't move! Are you in good health?" Lin Sen took pity on Chen Xiaojiu's discomfort, so he didn't touch her. In the end, hey!These sisters really have a way to heaven, if you don’t go, there is no way to hell, you go on your own!

"Brother!..." With a murmur in his mouth, Chen Xiaojiu took the initiative to send her a passionate kiss.

After a long time, Lin Sen let go of Chen Xiaojiu, who was about to be suffocated by the kiss. She lay on Lin Sen's chest and put her arms around his neck, as if she was hugging the whole world. Her blurred eyes were filled with him. figure.

"Go to bed!" Lin Sen, who couldn't continue to irritate her, finally let go of the beauty in his arms. If he continued to toss like this, Chen Xiaojiu would not be able to get out of bed tomorrow.

"Yeah!" Chen Xiaojiu, who was lying in Lin Sen's arms, found a comfortable place to lie down, and then whispered: "Brother! Actually, Xiao Zui also wants to go to work! It's just that this girl has a thin skin, she was not good just now. I regretted it, so I begged..."

"Hehe, why, you are a lobbyist, blowing the pillow?"

Chen Xiaojiu nodded shyly, "Brother! I'm the only younger sister! Just help her..."

"Actually, I was teasing her when we were in the kitchen just now. If you don't tell me, I will take you to the factory tomorrow morning, but now! Hehe, unless you can agree to my request..."

The mean smile on Lin Sen's face made people very unhappy.

"Brother, tell me! No matter what you ask, Xiaojiu will agree!"

"Hey! That's what you said..." So Chen Liang moved closer to the little wine girl's ear, and muttered a few words.

"Oh, brother, how bad is he..." After hearing Lin Sen's words, Xiaojiu in his arms suddenly began to twist uneasily, and his face became red one after another!
Lin Sen kissed her forehead, "It's okay, brother believes you can do it! You don't want brother to feel bad, do you?"

"Then I'll try it! But I can't guarantee..." After finishing speaking, Lin Sen was rolled up, covering both of them at the same time.

Time seems to be suspended at this moment, until a long time later!
Holding the spittoon, Chen Xiaojiu was coughing non-stop, she wished she could cough up all her gall.

"Ahem..." Lin Sen stretched out his hand to pat her smooth and smooth back with an innocent face.

"Is it better?"

"Cough cough..."

Reaching out his hand to wipe away the choked tears from the corner of his eyes, Chen Xiaojiu finally couldn't help punching Lin Sen's chest a few times with his real small fist.

Oh, this damn ghost can really torment people!

Chen Xiaojiu's fist hit Lin Sen's body as if it was tickling, it was considered a massage!
After reaching out and taking away the naturally curly hair that was stuck to Chen Xiaojiu's mouth, Lin Sen hugged her tightly again, "Okay, go to bed! I have to go to work tomorrow!"


After a dreamless night until dawn, Chen Xiaojiu got up early. After making breakfast, she went to call Lin Sen to wake up.

"Brother, it's time to get up and eat!"

Lin Sen, who was sleeping sprawled on the bed, was pushed onto the bed by Chen Xiaojiu without even opening his eyes after he woke up.

"Oh brother, stop making trouble!..."

How could there be no trouble!Hmph, woman, this is what happens when you disturb my sleep, the witch accepts the trick, look at me as a mighty Tianlong!

Lin Sen got up, got dressed, and went to the sink to wash up. Then he saw Qin Huairu sitting on a pony and washing clothes.

At this time, the weather in Sijiu City was autumn, and it was a time of crisp autumn weather. The clothes Qin Huairu wore at home were really cool, so she put on a light sleeveless coat.

When Lin Sen came over, she was working hard with her head down and scrubbing the clothes of the whole family in the basin.

Damn, Lin Sen glanced at it unconsciously, and then realized that this woman didn't even have a small coat except for the sleeveless coat she was wearing.

And because of the condescending reason, Lin Sen could clearly see that the pearls on the necklace were big and white!

Look at it, look at it again, look at it again!

Cut, so be it!His Xiaojiu is also plump and handsome, with a pear-shaped figure with a big waist and a thin waist, he is no worse than this woman!
The upright Lin Sen turned his head with a look of disdain, then calmly brushed his teeth and washed his face!Hmph, when she was not married, this woman wanted to trick him, but now that she is married, what would she use to seduce herself?

"Lin Sen!"

Just as Lin Sen was about to leave after washing, Qin Huairu, who was washing her clothes with her head down, finally raised her head, and then called out to him with a smile.

"Qin Huairu, are you calling me for trouble?"

Qin Huairu reached out and wiped the sweat on her forehead with the back of her hand, then looked at the expressionless Lin Sen indifferently, and said with a smile, "Lin Sen heard that you are married? The girl who lives in your room is Your daughter-in-law?"

"Hey! Qin Huairu, are you looking for something to talk about?" Lin Sen mocked Qin Huairu without giving Qin Huairu any face.

"……"Pooh!Dog man, did I show you just now for nothing?Qin Huairu felt angry and itched her teeth in her heart.

That's right, today's Qin Huairu was washing clothes by the sink in cool clothes early in the morning, just to wait for Lin Sen to wash up, because she wanted to confirm whether the red scarf that locked the cellar last night was done by Lin Sen .

(End of this chapter)

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