Siheyuan: I really won

Chapter 79 The Great Demon King Linsen

Chapter 79 The Great Demon King Linsen

Last night, after Qin Huairu ate caterpillars in the cellar and was locked in by someone, she almost scared her to death.

One must know that Qin Huairu was able to thrive in the yard, apart from Yi Zhonghai's crooked buttocks, and everything was directed towards her family, the most important thing was her good reputation for being hardworking and virtuous.

Without the blessing of fame, even if this old guy like Yi Zhonghai wanted to help her, he wouldn't be able to help her blatantly.

"Lin Sen, I just want to ask you, did you hear the noise of the night owl in the yard last night?"

Hehe, Lin Sen sneered when he heard Qin Huairu's words, this woman actually wanted to talk to him?
"What night owl? Are you there? I slept with my wife last night, but I didn't hear anything!"

did not hear it?Qin Huairu frowned, and then thought of Lin Sen. The night before was the bridal night. This newly married man, didn't he sleep like a dead pig afterwards and couldn't even be kicked to wake him up?
So, if this is not Lin Sen’s words, who is that red scarf who is happy to help others?Qin Huairu's mind immediately went through the entire courtyard.

Silly column?impossible!With his sloppy and lazy attitude, he would never get up at night until his asshole was clogged with shit.

Moreover, if he was really a fool, he wouldn't just lock the door and pull it down. With his dog-licking character, no matter what happens, the whole courtyard will know...

If it wasn't Shazhu, how could it be Xu Damao?Qin Huairu immediately vetoed this idea... If Xu Damao caught him and Yi Zhonghai being such a big deal, with his character, his dog's tail would have been turned upside down.

Not to mention using this to blackmail him into sleeping with him, even Yi Zhonghai would at least have to peel off a layer of his skin!

So, who is the red scarf?I can't figure it out, I can't figure it out at all!Qin Huairu was almost dying of worry.

Lin Sen sneered inwardly when he saw Qin Huairu being led into the ditch by him, and then turned around and left the pool without speaking to her.

After returning home, Chen Xiaojiu had already put the food on the table, the fragrant millet porridge, soft, steaming steamed buns with Erhe noodles, besides the marinated pickles, there was also a Plate of scrambled eggs!

"Brother! It's time to eat..."

Lin Sen took a sip of the soft millet porridge and a big steamed bun with two-height noodles, and paired it with Chef Lin's uniquely pickled cucumber sprouts. In two words, it was delicious!
"Brother-in-law!" After dinner, the timid Chen Xiaozui moved to Lin Sen's side pitifully, calling out brother-in-law softly...

Lin Sen raised his eyelids, and said, "Do you know what I did wrong?"

Chen Xiaozui was stunned for a moment when asked, "Wrong?"Where did you go wrong?Why don't I know where I went wrong?

However, since the brother-in-law said it, it must be his fault, "I know, brother-in-law! I will never dare to do it again!"

"Hmph, if you dare to question my decision in the future, I'll be really angry. Don't make an example. Do you hear me clearly?"

Chen Xiaozui nodded desperately like a chicken pecking at rice, "Understood brother-in-law! From now on, whatever you say will be what you say!"

"Okay! Let's go takes us to work!"

Lin Sen was riding his bicycle on the way to the Red Star Steel Rolling Plant. Chen Xiaozui was sitting on the big bar in front of him, and Chen Xiaozui was sitting on the back seat with green tea. Both of them were rare beauties. How many envious eyes!Ah, I seem to have turned into that bicycle...

Haha, you still want to turn into a bicycle and drag two people on the highway?Go ahead and eat the shit you want!
Lin Sen kept on stepping, pedaling the bicycle quickly, and soon arrived at the north gate, "Get out of the car, you two go to the gate to register your personal information!"

"Hey! Captain?...These two girls are..."

The speaker was Hu, the squad leader who was on duty today. When he saw two beautiful girls coming over together, he thought spring had come...

As a result, just when they were about to flirt, they saw Lin Sen following them, and Dahu immediately gave in!

"One of them is my wife and the other is my sister-in-law. I will bring them to the factory to report!"

After finishing speaking, Lin Sen said to Chen Xiaojiu who had finished registering: "Have you two seen the three-story western-style building in front? Wait for me downstairs, I'll go to the office and change my clothes first!"

"Understood brother-in-law! Then my sister and I will go there first!"

Chen Xiaozui was extremely happy. After today, she would be working in the union of Hongxing Steel Rolling Mill... Haha, just thinking about it made me happy!

Lin Sen nodded and rode straight back to the office to change clothes. After changing clothes, he went to the factory office building without stopping.

The office building in the morning is very busy with people coming and going. When the people coming and going in and out of the door of the office, they couldn't help but glance at it quietly. Standing outside the door is a beautiful landscape... two people are more delicate than flowers, Even more beautiful girls.

"Hello, comrade! What do you want to do here?"

Soon there was an LSP who thought he was doing well in the factory and came over to strike up a conversation.

Because of their good looks since they were young, Chen Xiaojiu and sisters often encountered such things.

"Hehe, comrades, don't be afraid! I'm not a bad person! I'm the head of the secretariat, and my name is..."

Chen Xiaojiu said with a straight face: "I don't know you, and I don't need your help, please leave our sister now."

"Comrade, don't get me wrong! I don't mean anything malicious! I just want to ask if you need any help! I..."

Suddenly, Chen Xiaozui, who had been keeping a cold face, laughed happily, and then waved her hands above her head, "Brother-in-law, we are here..."

The guy who runs the factory secretariat looked at Chen Xiaozui who suddenly smiled, and his heart felt like there were countless ants crawling around him!itchy no...

Brother-in-law?Could it be that these two girls are sister-in-laws of someone in the factory?
The man turned around while thinking about the problem, and then he was stunned. Lin Sen strode over.

Looking at the young man in front of him who was obviously afraid of him, Lin Sen frowned and said, "Who are you? Don't block the way..."

The young man who struck up a conversation quickly moved away, wishing he could shrink himself into the corner!

"Brother, brother-in-law!"

Lin Sen walked up to Chen Xiaojiu and the two of them, "Wait a minute, I'll take you to the labor department to apply for employment! Keep up..."

After Lin Sen left, the young man from the secretariat who had been serving as the background board at the gate let out a sigh of relief, "Oh my god, I'm so cheap, I almost provoke Lin Sen, the big devil!"
Ever since Lin Sen beat Yang Shaojie last time and nothing happened, no one in the factory dared to provoke him!

After all, everyone in this factory, one of them counts as one, whose background can be bigger than Yang Shaojie?That's the nephew of the leader, Lao Yang!
(End of this chapter)

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