Siheyuan: I really won

Chapter 80: Child Chapters Are All Liars

Chapter 80 Fairy tales are all lies

According to the fairy tale, after the devil snatches away the princess, a brave man will stand up and fight all the way to the devil's castle. After going through all kinds of hardships to defeat the devil, the princess is so moved. In return, they can only promise each other with their bodies. From then on, the princess and the brave man lived a happy and shameless life in the castle!
But beware, this is a fairytale!Fairy tales in reality are all lies... The real situation should be that after the devil kidnapped the princess, not only did no brave man come forward, but even the princess was very happy to follow the devil in the castle and live a life without shame. Dry happy life!
More than half a month has passed since Chen Xiaojiu and Chen Xiaozui went to work. Today is the winter solstice. "Brother-in-law, don't forget to go home and eat dumplings tonight! My sister specially bought meat, and she wants to wrap it with pork and green onions." I’m eating the stuffed dumplings…”

Chen Xiaozui, who is as young and beautiful as a bright peony flower, is regarded as the princess in the fairy tale in the hearts of all the unmarried male workers in the Hongxing Steel Rolling Mill!
Then we don’t need to talk about the Demon King, right?Who else besides Lin Sen can bear this title...

Lin Sen had just gotten up from the cot in the office. He was so breathless that even his hair was as messy as a chicken coop.

With half-squinted eyes, he took the Xiaojiu Brand Love Breakfast from Chen Xiaozui, and then sat at his desk and started eating.

After finishing breakfast in a few seconds, Lin Sen finally came to his senses and asked, "Xiaozui, what did you just say?"

Chen Xiaozui on the side looked like she knew it would be like this, "Brother-in-law, sister asked me to specially inform you that today is the winter solstice, and dumplings are made at home, so you must remember to go back and eat!"

"Eat dumplings! Okay, I see... I will definitely go back tonight!"

Chen Xiaozui helped pack away Lin Sen's leftover lunch box, and when he was about to leave, he couldn't help but tell her again, "Brother-in-law, don't forget this, otherwise my sister will definitely be angry!"

"Don't worry, I won't forget!"

Only then did Chen Xiaozui turn around and leave in satisfaction!Sigh... In her heart, her brother-in-law is good at everything. The only thing is that he is particularly prone to confusion when he first wakes up...

Thinking of this, Xiaolu suddenly pushed Chen Xiaozui's heart wildly, and his originally ruddy face became even more beautiful.

Chen Xiaozui thought of the misunderstanding that when she was at home and went to wake Lin Sen up by herself, she was mistaken for her sister, and she was hugged to bed by him to play around.

oops!Chen Xiaozui, who was still the eldest daughter of Huanghua, immediately covered her face with her hands shyly, and then ran back to the factory union.

"Xiao Chen, Xiao Chen... Hey, you little girl, why are you running in such a panic?"

"Ah... Chairman Su, you called me?" Chen Xiaozui heard someone calling her, so she stopped and turned around to see her immediate boss, Su Deyuan, chairman of the union of the Red Star Rolling Mill!

"Of course I called you... How about it, have you told your brother-in-law? Did he agree?"

Su Deyuan looked at Chen Xiaozui in front of him nervously, fearing that the word "no" would come out of her mouth.

"Ah! Chairman Su, I'm sorry! I, I forgot to tell my brother-in-law about you..."

What?Let me go, Su Deyuan felt that he was really winking at the blind man just now~ I was so excited!

However, he still didn't dare to get angry with Chen Xiaozui, who told her to have a brother-in-law, Flinsen, who is a thief and criticizes Klaas! "Ah... It's okay, it's okay! It's the same when I talk about it next time, Xiao Chen, go and do your work first!"

After Su Deyuan looked at Chen Xiaozui's leaving body, he couldn't help but sigh in his heart when he thought of the sudden and severe situation in the factory, hey!These young people really have no martial ethics at all... If you want to fight, then fight with you. Why do you insist on tormenting his old bones who are about to retire?

Half a month is neither long nor short. Ever since Lin Sen and Lao Li became women together... Bah, it was a strong alliance, after the combination of two lows, the wind direction of the entire Red Star Rolling Mill It changed in one fell swoop!

Especially with the [-] live pigs provided by Lin Sen, it can be said that Lao Li stole the limelight at the workers' meeting, with such momentum that he even overshadowed the factory manager Lao Yang.

Also, when did he, Old Li, fight such a rich battle!With a hundred pigs in his hand, if he doesn't lie to Lao Yang, he should not come out to wander in the rivers and lakes in the future, it would be embarrassing...

In the 60s, supplies were extremely scarce. The average family could not afford two meals of meat throughout the year. However, Lao Li improved the canteen food by using live pigs, so that all workers could have some oil and water with every meal. This was very remarkable. .

It is precisely because of this that Lao Li quickly won the support of countless workers. At this time, the workers' thinking was actually very simple. As long as someone treats them well, no matter whether it is true or false, as long as it can make them If they eat meat, they are the best leaders, worthy of enjoying the Ancestral Temple...

Lao Yang, who was almost completely ignored by Lao Li, was also so anxious that his anger surged and the corners of his mouth blistered. What a pity!No matter how much trouble Lao Yang made, he couldn't change it.

Lin Sen tidied up the office and then came to the second floor of the factory office. "Congratulations, Director Li!"

"Haha, congratulations, congratulations!" Lao Li's eyes were narrowed into slits when he was smiling!

"Hehe! Director Li, I don't think it will be long before you move to the factory director's office on the third floor!" Lin Sen complimented with a smile.

"Haha, thank you for your good words, brother Lin! Don't worry, as long as I become the director of the factory, I will definitely support you as the chief of the security department in the future!"

After hearing Lao Li's words, Lin Sen smiled without saying a word... This was just a business bragging scene, so forget it and laugh happily. If anyone takes it seriously, then he is really stupid!
"Brother Lin, why are you looking for me this time?"

Lin Sen's face turned serious when he heard the words, "Director Li, I personally received the gossip that Director Yang is arranging people to investigate the source of my pigs. Our plan must be accelerated! Otherwise, wait for Lao Yang If my supply of goods is cut off, it will be a complete failure!"

"What? Impossible! Brother Lin...every time we meet, we do it in private. How could he, Lao Yang, suspect you?" Lao Li was startled, and said immediately.

"Hehe... Director Li will have to find out the reason yourself. I'm also wondering... He Lao Yang has clairvoyance. If you can't follow the wind, how can you guess that the source of the live pig is provided by me?"

"My people will definitely not leak the news. Brother Lin, you can rest assured...otherwise we would have been caught by Lao Yang!"

"Hehe, what do you mean, Director Li, is that I am the one who reported to Lao Yang?" Lin Sen asked in a flat tone.

(End of this chapter)

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