Chapter 81
Lin Sen's words made Lao Li confused for a while, so he should report himself?Well!If there is no more than 30 years of experience in cerebral thrombosis, how could such a thing be done!

"Brother Lin, don't get excited, I'll arrange for someone to investigate right away..."

When Lin Sen heard this, he smiled indifferently, "Haha, Brother Li... I don't care. Anyway, I just want the right amount of money, whether I have it or not, I don't really care... ...But you are different, Brother Li!"

Lin Sen could sit on the sofa calmly, with a hint of amusement in the corner of his mouth, "If my comrade-in-arms were to be found by Lao Yang, the worst he could do was not sell it, but Brother Li, just... Hahaha..."

This hehe made Lao Li's expression change immediately. None of the people who could sit in his level of seat were stupid, on the contrary, they were all very intelligent.

Although Lin Sen just chuckled twice, Lao Li already understood what he meant... The ancestors once said: This water can carry a boat, and it can also capsize it. If the supply of pigs is carried by Lao Yang, If it falls, he will be in trouble!
After all, Lao Li had previously blown out the cattle batch at the workers' meeting in advance to ensure that the employees could eat meat for every meal in the future... and it was through this that Lao Li won a lot of hearts!

As a result, he was slapped in the face just two days after his reputation was revealed. Then Lao Li's future prestige in the factory would be completely gone!

Therefore, there is no need for Lin Sen to tell the story of the boy who cried wolf. Lao Li should also realize the consequences of this matter...

"Brother Lin, don't worry, just give me one day, and I promise to find out the person who betrayed you!"

Lao Li was no longer as high-spirited as before. He had a sinister expression on his face, like a hungry wolf about to eat someone.

"Haha, brother Li, actually you don't have to worry too much. My comrades are not something ordinary people can find... I remind you, it's just because we are in the light and he is in the dark! If you don't find him, then follow him There is always a landmine that could explode at any time! It makes people sleepless and uneasy..."

Lao Li nodded, "I know Brother Lin, you are right, I was careless before, and was dazzled by the victory... Hehe, Brother Lin, brother is here to assure you! I will definitely put that mouse The shit was found!"

"It's better..." Lin Sen also nodded, then patted the soot on his trouser legs, and stood up from the sofa, "It's getting late, Brother Li, I'll go home first!"

But when he was about to leave, Lin Sen suddenly turned his head, "By the way, Brother Li! My comrade-in-arms asked me to ask, see if the factory wants fish and shrimp or other seafood!"

"That's for sure! Although the fish and shrimp are not as delicious as pork, they are still meat. Brother Lin, you tell your comrade-in-arms that no matter how many fish and shrimp he has, our factory will have them..."

"Okay, then when I go to drag pigs next time, I will bring back [-] catties! Let the workers below have a big fat year this year!"

After Lin Sen slapped Lao Li, he gave him a sweet date. When it came to his ability to manipulate people, Lin Sen ranked second, and no one dared to call him first.

Lin Sen came to Lao Li today, mainly to give him a beating, so that after two good days, he would not be able to distinguish between the big and small kings, and his tail would be raised to the sky. At this moment, Lao Yang is still riding a horse without falling. Woolen cloth!

After get off work hours, Lin Sen parked his car at the north gate. He was smoking and chatting with Dawu on duty, when suddenly Chen Xiaozui's voice rang in his ears, "Brother-in-law!"

"Okay, my sister-in-law is here! Brother Sen, let me withdraw first..." After Dawu finished speaking, he turned around and left very wisely.

Chen Xiaozui trotted over from a distance. A blush rose on her face due to the strenuous exercise, making her look even more beautiful... Hey!Ah, with such a beautiful sister-in-law here, how can the brother-in-law not be confused?Lin Sen straddled the car with his long legs, turned to Chen Xiaozui beside him and said, "Why are you still standing there? Get in the car and walk home..."

"En!" Chen Xiaozui responded, then sat down on the back seat, and very naturally stretched out her arms to wrap around Lin Sen's waist.

"Sit still!" Lin Sen said, and then kicked the ground with his feet, and the bicycle flew out instantly.

The bicycle was speeding, and the cool breeze caressed the ends of Chen Xiaozui's hair, blowing the bangs in front of her forehead behind her ears, revealing her beautiful face.

There were a few young men on the street. Their eyes froze at first glance, and then they threw themselves against the telephone poles. With a "bang", they and the car fell to the ground, letting out a series of painful wails.

Chen Xiaozui, who had no idea that she had caused a traffic accident because of herself, was sitting in the back seat. She was looking at Lin Sen's strong, tall and generous back in front of her, her eyes gradually becoming blurred.

Why!If he wasn't his brother-in-law, how wonderful it would be... Thinking foolishly in his heart, Chen Xiaozui's mood dropped a lot.

"Hey! Be careful..."

The nympho Chen Xiaozui suddenly heard Lin Sen's voice in front of her, and then the bicycle jumped up, a huge inertia behind her made her involuntarily jump forward, and immediately hit Lin Sen heavily on the back.

"Brother, can you ride a bicycle? You don't even look behind you, you suddenly turn a corner, and you think this road is driven by your family!"

This was really not Lin Sen's deliberate attempt to create difficulties. The main reason was that the rider in front of him suddenly turned sharply, making him unable to react, so he braked suddenly.

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry, buddy...I was distracted just now, you didn't accept it...Damn it, Lin Sen! Are you still alive? Where have you been all these years?" The person who was apologizing, waited. After seeing what Lin Senzhang looked like, he immediately shouted in surprise.

No, who are you?Why don't I just come up and say hello if I know you?

Lin Sen's confused expression made the man slap him on the back of the head, "It's me...Chu Cheng! The four swordsmen in the back seat of Class [-] and [-] of Red Star Junior High School!"

Chucheng?In the depths of Lin Sen's mind, some memory fragments suddenly emerged...

"Fuck, you are Chu Cheng? How is it possible? Did you eat pig feed? Why do you look so round like a balloon inflated?"

In Lin Sen's memory, Chu Cheng was a short and thin little bean sprouts-like little bean sprouts, but the man in front of him, although not tall, looked fat and white, like a ball... …

(End of this chapter)

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