Siheyuan: I really won

Chapter 82 Feels like home!

Chapter 82 Feels like home!

"Haha, do you remember who I am?" Seeing Lin Sen recognize him, Chu Cheng laughed happily, then reached out and punched him.

"You look like a different kid. If you didn't tell me your name, I really wouldn't recognize you..."

Lin Sen also gave Chu Cheng a fist with his backhand, and then said with a smile.

"Haha..." The two old classmates, who had not seen each other for many years, suddenly laughed heartily, and then gave them a big bear hug!

The friendship between men can be said to be a very strange thing!
When they get along together and can urinate into the same jug, the friendship between them will not be unfamiliar because of time and distance.

Even if we haven't seen each other for several years, when we meet again, we will still be as good as brothers...

The bear hug broke apart at the touch of a button. After all, they were two grown men. How could this hug be appropriate?I mean, that's about it!
"Da Lin, what have you been doing all these years? You haven't heard anything from me at all, and it's the fault of us missing you when the Three Musketeers gather together!"

"Hey! Forget it... I was sent to the army for training for a few years, and I just came back not long ago!"

"Hey! No turned out that he went to serve as a soldier. Why didn't I hear anything from him? It's like he disappeared from the world!"

Chu Cheng raised his head and saw Chen Xiaozui following Lin Sen. The pupils in his eyes suddenly shrank. He was obviously stunned by her appearance, so he said in a slightly sour tone: "This She must be my sister-in-law! She looks so handsome!"

When Chen Xiaozui heard this, her cheeks turned red. She neither admitted nor denied it. Instead, she leaned closer to Lin Sen, as if she wanted to confirm the rumor...

Ah!This little green tea really makes me feel uncomfortable if I don't do anything for a day!Forget it, I'll clean you up when I get home!
"What nonsense! What sister-in-law, this is my sister-in-law! I don't know, don't talk nonsense..."

Lin Sen exposed her immediately. This Chucheng was not an outsider, but a young man who would be with her from now on. How could Lin Sen let Chen Xiaozui and her do whatever they wanted!
Immediately, Chen Xiaozui called brother-in-law coquettishly and slightly reluctantly!

Chu Cheng was taken aback when he heard the words, "What? This is your sister-in-law! Dalin, you didn't know to notify us Three Musketeers even if you got married, do you still treat us like a little girl..."

"Hey, don't think too much!" Lin Sen waved his hand, "I really didn't mean not to call you. Isn't this responding to the great man's call to be frugal! So! I just didn't call anyone..."

"Hey! Girl, you get married only once in your life. You're lucky. No one calls you when you get married. How can they be willing?"

Hearing Chu Cheng's words, Chen Xiaozui on the side refused to give in, "Humph, who said that? My sister and brother-in-law are doing well! They won't be angry over such a trivial matter... Moreover, my brother-in-law is still a party member, so he should set an example. That's right!"

After all, Chen Xiaozui was nurtured in the trade union, and speaking now, this principle is one after another!Chu Cheng was speechless...

Chu Cheng was speechless, what the hell, is there such a stupid girl in this world?Can you give me a dozen too!

After Lin Sen continued to chat with Chu Cheng for a few more words, he raised his wrist and looked at his watch, whoops!It's bad, it's almost past get off work time, I have to go home quickly, otherwise my wife will be angry, or I will wear the dragon sword with me at night!
"Chengzi, I have something to do today, so I'll leave first... let's get together with our brothers later! I'm currently working in the security department of the Red Star Rolling Mill. You'll know about me as soon as you go to the north gate and ask!"

Chu Cheng nodded, "Yeah, I happen to have something to do, see you later... By the way, I'm going to work in Xidan Department Store. If you need anything at home, come to Xidan to find me! My buddies will give you the internal staff price... ..."

"Come on! See you later!" Lin Sen waved his hand, and then got on the bicycle again. Chen Xiaozui was lying across the back seat, with her arms around Lin Sen's waist, her face was a little unhappy.

Because just now, Lin Sen's words made her realize that her identity as sister-in-law was not a good thing for her!

Why!If only she could marry her brother-in-law... Chen Xiaozui pressed her face tightly against Lin Sen's back, as if she wanted to freeze time forever at this moment!

Along the way, Chen Xiaozui was not very interested in talking, and Lin Sen didn't bother to continue flirting, so he concentrated on riding the bicycle, and soon the two arrived at the gate of the courtyard.

After getting out of the car, Lin Sen looked at Chen Xiaozui who was a little silent and asked in a friendly manner, "What's the matter? Xiaozui, weren't you quite happy just now?"

Chen Xiaozui didn't speak, and walked home quickly all the way, then went to his room, and didn't come out...

"Brother! What's wrong with Xiaozui?" Chen Xiaojiu, who was making dumplings in the kitchen, came out when she heard the movement at the door, only to see that Chen Xiaozui's face was not her face, her buttocks were not. The appearance of the buttocks.

Lin Sen, who came back behind Chen Xiaozui, shrugged and said that he didn't understand the situation!
"It was fine on the road just now, but when I got home, it became like this..."

"Oh!" Chen Xiaojiu nodded with understanding, "Forget it, brother! Let's just leave her alone. This little drunk has the temper of a little girl. Just ignore her and she will be fine in a while!"

While talking, Chen Xiaojiu took the satchel from Lin Sen, "Brother, you are tired from work! Go wash your face and rest, the dumplings will be ready soon..."

After Chen Xiaojiu hung his bag on the hanger, he went to make tea, and after Lin Sen finished washing his face, he brought the tea to him.

To be honest, ever since Lin Sen married Chen Xiaojiu, the days at home were simply not too pleasant, just like an uncle, reaching out for clothes, opening his mouth for meals, and even drinking tea, he had to make it up and bring it to him Just get it on hand...

Lying on the grand chair, Lin Sen was drinking tea, listening to the sound of "Yi Yi Ya Ya" singing from the radio, and then in the kitchen, Chen Xiaojiu was making dumplings through the door of the kitchen, While watching her man closely with eyes full of love!

"Brother, the dumplings are ready! I'll put them out of the pot first and let them cool down, otherwise they will be too hot to eat! Then I'll chop two cloves of garlic for you..."

Ha...this is what home looks like!Because no matter how Lin Sen wanders outside, even if he comes back late at night, there is always a light left for him at home, waiting for him!

In the dead of night, Chen Xiaojiu said shyly: "Brother, can you stop tearing these socks? You tear these good things every time, so it would be a pity to throw them away..."

"Oh! This atmosphere has been set in place. If I don't tear it up, I always feel weird in my heart, just like something is missing...Hmph, don't change the subject, witch, today I want you to seduce and help me Practice!"

"Oops! Brother, you started talking nonsense again!"

"Take it, witch! Dawei Tianlong..."

(End of this chapter)

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