Chapter 83

The next morning, when it was dim and bright, Chen Xiaojiu got up and made breakfast. Then when the meal was almost done, he said, "Xiao Zui, go to the house and wake your brother-in-law up for dinner!"

Chen Xiaozui agreed, and then ran to the back room. She tiptoed to Lin Sen's bedside, and looked at Lin Sen who was lying on the bed, without a sleeping face. Suddenly, a bold idea appeared in her heart. in her mind.

Right now my brother-in-law is sleeping like a dead pig, I will kiss him secretly, because I won't be found out, right?

With this thought, Chen Xiaozui felt like grass grew in her heart, as if she would lose money if she didn't steal a kiss...

I just gave him a kiss. Anyway, no one is in the room right now. My brother-in-law won’t know about it even if he is asleep. It is unforgivable for God not to take advantage of him!

Just as he said, Chen Xiaozui looked around like a thief. After confirming that his sister was still in the kitchen, he carefully put his head on Lin Sen's forehead and said, "Hmm!"

If one bite is not enough, try again! "Hmm!" Kissing the nose this time...

After the kiss was over, Chen Xiaozui was still staring at Lin Sen's lips, why don't you try lip-to-mouth?

Immediately, Lin Sen, who had been pretending to sleep since Chen Xiaozui entered the house, felt a soft, cold touch on his lips...

Damn it, this girl is getting more and more arrogant. Damn, it’s not just a kiss, but she keeps kissing her... She’s just bowing her head, brothers!

After kissing him, he could no longer pretend to sleep. Lin Sen stretched his hand forward and carried the little fox to the bed.

"Hahahaha! Brother-in-law, don't tickle me! I know I was wrong..."

After making a fuss on the bed for a while, he broke free from Lin Sen's arms and ran out with his face flushed and his head lowered.

This brother-in-law is so mean!Actually pretending to be sleeping and cheating on her kiss... Hehe, woman!They are so strange sometimes, they are obviously the ones she took the initiative to steal, but when they find out, they feel wronged and sad in all kinds of ways, and then throw the blame on the other person's head with their backhands.

"Xiao Zui, why are you running around? Hurry up and take out the dishes and rice, you're a big girl and you haven't been doing anything right all day..."

Chen Xiaojiu caught Chen Xiaozui and made a big fuss, then Lin Sen got dressed and came out of the bedroom. After seeing this scene, he said to Mrs. Lin: "Xiaojiu, don't keep saying that you are drunk, She’s still a child!”

"Hmph..." When Chen Xiaozui heard Lin Sen say that she was still a child, she immediately gritted her teeth at him in dissatisfaction...You all said that I was a child, so why were you so shy when you were on the bed just now? Touch mine!

He... tui, dead scumbag!

"Brother, just spoil her!" Chen Xiaojiu saw that Lin Sen had already spoken. Naturally, she would not refute her man's face easily, so she reached out and tapped Chen Xiaozui's forehead, and then she started to hate her sister. The steel one left.

After the sister whose bloodline suppressed her left, Chen Xiaozui curled her lips and said, "Brother-in-law, don't think that I will forgive you just because you helped me!"

"Okay, don't forgive me if you don't forgive me!" Lin Sen said nonchalantly. Anyway, he ate all the soft tofu that he should eat. Those who didn't forgive him were all children's tricks!
After Lin Sen finished washing up and sat down at the dining table, Lin Bai, who had been out of contact for a long time, deliberately said in front of Chen Xiaozui: "Brother, there is a statistical task in the office today, and I estimate that I will have to work overtime until late at night. , you remember to pick me up at twelve o'clock in the evening..."

Lin Sen nodded, "Okay, I'll pick you up at twelve o'clock in the evening, right? Brother knows!" After getting Lin Sen's reply, Lin Bai raised his head and glanced proudly at Chen Xiaozui. I'm vying for the favor of the big brother, wash and sleep you!

After breakfast, the family rode three cars out to work. Lin Bai and He Yuyu were in one, Chen Xiaojiu and Chen Xiaozui were in one, and Lin Sen was alone in one.

Damn it, what a family!There are actually three bicycles in the family, but after looking back, I found that Lin Bai's bicycle was left by his mother and was one of Lin Bai's dowries!Lin Sen's bicycle was the company's bus. Only the bicycles Chen Xiaojiu and Chen Xiaozui rode were bought by Lin Sen with his own money. Thinking about it, it didn't seem unacceptable!
When he arrived at the factory, Lin Sen made tea and then fished in troubled waters with his legs crossed. As a result, Lao Xu from the logistics department came to the door without even serving tea.

"Captain Lin, the man has been found!"

"Who found it?" Lin Sen was suddenly at a loss.

"Captain Lin, he's the one who lit your cannon. Find out who he is!"

"Who?" This person also had the guts of a bear, and dared to shoot me!

"Silly Zhu, the cook in charge of the third canteen!"

"Stupid? How does he know about me?" Lin Sen asked in surprise.

"This..." Lao Xu smiled awkwardly, and then continued: "This is all my fault. It was my lax control and let the canteen supervisor Lao Wang get away with it, and then..."

When Lao Xu looked at Lin Sen's unfriendly eyes, his heart jumped instantly.

Even though Lin Sen always smiled at everyone, with Lao Xu's many years of observation, he knew that this was just Lin Sen's superficial skills.

Others are fierce on the outside to cover up their inner weakness, but some people are born to be cruel, not good stubble, just like Lin Sen, who uses his gentle appearance to cover up the coldness that emanates from his heart .

This kind of person can do nothing if he doesn't move, but if he takes action, it will definitely be earth-shattering.

"Captain Lin, I have criticized Lao Wang, the supervisor of this canteen, and he has deeply realized his mistakes. Do you think you can give him another chance?"

Old Xu's forehead was dripping with cold sweat, he wiped it with his hands from time to time, and then carefully interceded for the old Wang next door.

"Hehe, old Xu, you just don't understand me... I like to convince people with virtue. For those who have made mistakes, I have always advocated that they should be given a chance to reform themselves. !"

Looking at Lao Xu in front of him, Lin Sen picked up the tea cup and took a sip, then slowly put it on the table and continued: "But what? I will only give them this opportunity once... so you can understand what I mean. You mean that, right? Lao Xu!"

"I understand, I understand! Don't worry, Captain Lin. When I get back, I will remove Lao Wang from the position of canteen supervisor..." Lao Xu said nervously, as if he was worried that Lin Sen would be dissatisfied, and quickly added: " Then arrange for Lao Wang to go to the logistics department to guard the warehouse, and I will never let him come out to hinder your eyes again!"

"Really? Lao Xu, actually you don't need to tell me about your logistics matters! Don't worry...since Lao Wang has been punished, I will forget about it!"

"Yes yes yes..." Old Xu said a few more good words before turning around and leaving Lin Sen's office!
(End of this chapter)

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