Siheyuan: I really won

Chapter 84 Coal Stove

Chapter 84 Coal Stove

After Lao Xu left, the smile on Lin Sen's face gradually turned cold.

Ah!Silly Zhu... you are really haunted. You didn't want to talk to him at first, but you still showed your face to him. If you don't round it up properly and give him a slap, wouldn't you be sorry for his kindness?

"Big five!"

"Brother Sen, are you looking for me?" Da Wu opened the door and walked in.

"Da Wu, you helped me with something..."

"What's the matter? Brother Sen, just tell me!" Da Wuyi patted his chest and responded immediately.

"Come here... When your team patrols later, keep an eye on the Third Canteen for me. It's best to insert a nail into their back kitchen. I want this, this..."

After listening to Lin Sen's plan, Dawu nodded, "No problem, Brother Sen! It's just a small matter, I'll do it right away!"

"Okay, let's go now!"

After Lin Sen sent Da Wu away, he stood up and came to the window. Looking at the members of the third team who were exercising on the playground, Lin Sen's eyes were still cold.

Silly Zhu is the punching bag left by Old Xu to Lin Sen. It can be seen from the fact that he only pleaded with Lao Wang, the supervisor of the cafeteria, that Sha Zhu has been treated as an abandoned child by them.

From here we can see how capable Lao Li Rongren is. He is really much better than Lao Yang.

The TV series "Shazhu" caught his eye with two punches, and the result of the aftermath was only matched with the first-line workshop, and he was not even punished.

In the end, because of his cooking skills, he returned to the canteen and continued to be his chef. He danced and took care of the food, which was very cool.

However, it is true that Lao Li is tolerant of others, but he is not a big idiot. Sha Zhu is an obvious guy who eats inside and outside, and scolds his mother after dinner. If Lao Li keeps him, then he will be really wronged total.

As for Lao Li being inseparable from Shazhu's Sichuan cuisine and Tan's cuisine?Then I can only hehe, these three-legged toads are not easy to find, but these two-legged cooks, not to mention that they are all over the street, it is necessary to catch a lot.

At the time, the famous Eight Buildings in Forty-Nine City except Tai Feng Building was reserved for entertaining foreign guests. The remaining Seven Buildings were scattered and closed. Many chefs with top cooking skills were forced to live outside in restaurants. Become a chef.

There is only one reason why Lao Li can keep Silly Zhu in the TV series. His boy is in the cafeteria, so he can do some things after drinking, so Silly Zhu is left here, just to have fun and to add to the fun. ...

But at that time, Lao Li had already controlled the whole factory, and he was not afraid that Sha Zhu would make a mess, so he stayed as long as he kept it.

But now?This is the critical period for Lao Li to sideline Lao Yang. For a young guy like Si Zhu, unless he has his brain caught in the door, kicked by a donkey, or poured water in, he will not dare to stay even if he is beaten to death. By my side.

When Lao Xu was chatting with Lin Sen just now, they both made a tacit agreement not to mention Silly Zhu as the culprit, and his intention was already obvious.

"Brother-in-law, it's time to eat! Today I went to the cafeteria to make you your favorite fish-flavored eggplant..."

At noon, because Chen Xiaojiu and Chen Xiaozui entered the factory, Lin Sen didn't even have to go to the canteen to get food. Chen Xiaozui, who was closest to the Third Brigade's station, went directly to the canteen to prepare food for him. send over.

"It's Xiaozui, let's sit down and eat with brother-in-law." Lin Sen restrained the coldness on his face, and became the gentle and gentle brother-in-law again.Chen Xiaozui, who just bared her teeth with Lin Sen this morning, has now become his little fan girl again. Hearing that Lin Sen invited her to stay and have dinner together, a smile immediately appeared on her face, that little dimpled smile It sounds sweet, but just looking at it can kill people.

"Okay, brother-in-law..."

Lin Sen ate fast, Lin Sen had already finished the lunch box that was also full of vegetables and rice, and Chen Xiaozui still had half of it left.

"Brother-in-law, I can't finish my meal, please help me eat some!" Seeing Lin Sen finish eating, Chen Xiaozui couldn't help but pick out the food from his lunch box.

Ah!Sima Zhao didn't choose the little green tea before eating it, but insisted on waiting until she was halfway through eating it. This Sima Zhao's intention was well known to everyone... didn't he just want Lin Sen to eat her saliva?

snort!You can eat whatever you say, don't tell me brother-in-law and I don't want to lose face?
"Xiao Zui, don't waste it so much if you can't eat it in the future... Only this time, it's not an example!"

"Understood brother-in-law!" After watching Lin Sen eat up her leftovers, Chen Xiaozui's mood suddenly became joyful. She couldn't kiss directly, and it was considered indirect...

After getting off work in the evening, Dawu ran over specially, "Brother Sen, the nails have been arranged, I guarantee that guy Shazhu took a cabbage leaf out, we would know!"

Lin Sen nodded with satisfaction, "Yes, Da Wu, your work efficiency is getting faster and better now. This is very good. Keep it up! ... Now that the bait has been laid, what's left? Just wait for the fish to bite!”

Lin Sen got off work on time, and didn't delay much. After all, the weather in Sijiu City is getting colder every day, and now even the pedestrians on the road are walking with their necks shrunk from the cold.

Back home, Chen Xiaojiu and Chen Xiaozui should still be on the way, Lin Sen didn't behave like usual, he just lay down on the Taishi chair and waited for the sisters to serve him.

Instead, he went to the utility room next to the next room alone, and rummaged through it to find a coal stove.

Friends in the north don’t talk about this thing first, let me spread the word to friends in the south. This coal stove is another magical tool for northerners to keep warm in winter besides kang.

The cylinder-shaped furnace body was covered with dust. After Lin Sen moved it out, he washed it carefully with water twice, and then put it in the center of the main room at home.

The stove is finished, and the chimney pipe needs to be re-emptied of the dust that has accumulated for more than half a year.

After pouring out the ashes and cleaning them, Lin Sen continued to carry them home, and then began to install the flue of the coal stove.

This step requires a lot of technical skills, because if it is not pressed properly, smoke will easily leak out.

"Ah, brother-in-law...there is a stove at home, so if I want to eat roasted sweet potatoes, I must roast the kind that emits oil!"

Chen Xiaozui, who came back from get off work, saw that the coal stove was turned on at home, and immediately turned into a greedy cat. She grabbed Lin Sen's arm and swayed for a while.

"Hehe, no problem. Isn't it just roasted sweet potatoes? Arrange... There are also roasted corn sticks, do you want to eat them?"

"Yeah, yeah!" Chen Xiaozui, a greedy little cat, nodded quickly when she heard that there were also corn sticks.

In the 60s, corn sticks and sweet potatoes were not available to everyone. In Chen Xiaozui’s memory, the roasted sweet potatoes her sister gave her when she was a child were the most delicious food in the world, fragrant and soft. Sweet and glutinous...

(End of this chapter)

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