Chapter 85
The sweet potatoes that Lin Sen took out from the farm space are not only big and plump, but also have a unique herbal fragrance after being baked. After eating one, you can't help but want to eat the second one. One, and then after eating the second one, I was full.

"Tell me about you, you are a grown-up girl, but you still don't leave every day. Why do you want your brother-in-law to bake sweet potatoes for you even though you know the food is ready? Isn't this a waste of food?"

Chen Xiaozui was scolded by Chen Xiaojiu so much that she couldn't even lift her head. She didn't say anything, but kept looking at Lin Sen. This distress signal was not too blatant, and she didn't take Chen Xiaojiu seriously at all. …

"Hmph, don't look at your brother-in-law. Let me see if he dares to say a word for you today!"

Well!The tigress in this family showed his power, Lin Sen didn't dare to commit crimes against the wind, he could only accumulate this grudge until night, wake up, it's time to hunt...

Lin Sen took out his crime tool, a pair of purple fishnet stockings, paired with Xiaojiu's jade-like slender legs, it was simply the number one tool for killing men.

"Little demon girl, you actually dare to treat your man like this today, accept the move, Dawei Tianlong, World Honored One, blah blah blah..."

Lin Sen's decal paper was possessed by Fahai, and he immediately showed off his power and subdued Chen Xiaojiu, a beautiful little witch with a single move.

"Brother, can you stop talking nonsense next time? I'm not a witch!"

Afterwards, a black hair fell loosely on Lin Sen's chest, and Chen Xiaojiu's smiling face, as bright as a summer flower, lay on his body.

"Hey! You don't want to be a witch, so what do you want to be?" Lin Sen stroked her hair with a cigarette in his mouth.

"Hmm..." The little wine girl who was successfully led astray by Lin Sen bit her lip gently with her teeth, and then thought about it for a long time before she realized, I am who I am!Why should I be anything?
So he stretched out his hand angrily and pinched Lin Sen's soft waist, "I don't want to be anything! I am me?"

"That won't work! This Dunlun without role-playing has no soul... Hehe, Master, even if you scream until your throat is broken today, no one will come to save you, so just follow the path of poverty!"

What Lin Sen said, if it were to be included in martial arts novels, there would inevitably be a bloody storm in this world.

"Ah...Brother!" Chen Xiaojiu exclaimed, and then Lin Sen lifted the quilt and covered the two of them.

At around eleven o'clock in the evening, Lin Sen climbed out of bed. He had promised his sister in the morning that he would ride to pick her up from the night shift.

Lin Sen put on his clothes without making any sound, then opened the door gently and walked out.

In Sijiu City at night, the night is terrible. Because of the cold weather, the streets are full of silence except for the occasional stray dogs or cats that make some noise.

Lin Sen hurriedly rode along and finally arrived at the Grain Management Office before twelve o'clock at night.

"Brother, you are really my brother. I said twelve o'clock, but you really came at twelve o'clock. Can't you come a little earlier?"

As soon as Lin Sen parked the car, he received a fairy punch from his own sister, which caught him off guard and staggered him.

"Little Baiya, you are making trouble for no reason. Didn't you say that you leave work at twelve o'clock in the evening? It's so cold outside, why should I come early? Let's drink the northwest wind here?"

"Hmph!" After Lin Bai got into the car, he stretched out his hand and pinched Lin Sen vigorously, and said angrily, "A certain person promised me before that the eldest brother will always be the eldest brother and will never marry The sister-in-law forgot about her younger sister, and it's only been a few days... ho! My own younger sister has become a dog's tail, worthless!"

Uh, this Lin Bai really deserves to be the younger sister of the same mother as Lin Sen. Her eccentric tone of voice is exactly the same. No one will believe that they are not siblings!After all the calculations, Lin Sen never thought that he would pick up people on time, and he would be put a big pot on his head.

However, Lin Sen didn't refute anything. He had lived in two lifetimes and understood one thing deeply, that is, never try to reason with a woman.

Even if it is his own sister, if there is time to break up with her, it is better to persuade her directly through physical means.Don't beep beep if you can do it...

Covering his head, Lin Bai sat in Lin Sen's back seat with tears streaming down his face. Then he drew circles in his mind, cursing his own big brother for being choked when eating, choking on drinking water, and falling down while walking...

When I got home, it was already one o'clock in the morning. "Are you hungry? Do you want me to get you a bowl of noodles?"

Lin Bai also forgot that she was directly knocked on the head. After hearing Lin Sen's words, she immediately nodded like pecking rice, "Yes! I need to nest two more eggs to put in it..."

Lin Sen nodded, "Then just wait, I'll do it for you!"

The noise in the kitchen soon woke up Chen Xiaojiu. She put on her clothes and got up, "Brother, you are tired from cycling, let me do it!"

Chen Xiaojiu quickly ordered two bowls of noodles, and brought them to the dining table. Lin Bai gulped at the noodles, and couldn't help but stinking at Chen Xiaojiu.

"Uuuuuuuah, sister-in-law, it's better for you! If you don't want someone, you'll just say nice things, and if you don't say it, you'll hit them."

"Eat yours!" Lin Sen picked up the eggs in the bowl and stuffed them into Lin Bai's mouth, "Eating eggs can't stop your mouth!"

After eating noodles, Lin Sen sent his sister back to the house to sleep. Then he lay on the bed with Chen Xiaojiu, who had lost sleep for a while, and whispered between husband and wife.

"Brother, do you think we can live happily like this for the rest of our lives?"

Lin Sen buried his head in her hair, and a faint scent of jasmine wafted into his nose. Hearing this, he raised his head and asked with some differences: "What's wrong with you, Xiaojiu? What do you ask?"

"Brother... I just feel that my life is really happy now. I can see you every day when I open my eyes. There is no beating and scolding from my father, and there is no endless work. I am really afraid that I am living in a dream. Here, when I woke up one day, I woke up from a dream..."

"Haha, this is impossible!" Lin Sen reached out and touched her delicate little face, and then raised the corners of his mouth, "You have married me, and you are my Lin family's wife. You will be a member of my Lin family in this life, and you will be a member of my Lin family in death. You, the ghost of my Lin family, will never escape my grasp in this life."

"Well, brother! I won't run away... I'm willing to be with you forever!"

As soon as Chen Xiaojiu finished speaking, he shyly stuffed his head into the quilt, and then refused to come out no matter how Lin Sen coaxed him...

Haha, little wine!You are trying to force me to use more tricks.

Lin Sen also shrank into the quilt, and then the quilt started to stir. After a long time, he gradually returned to calm.

(End of this chapter)

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