Siheyuan: I really won

Chapter 87 What happened to you

Chapter 87 What happened to you

"Comrade Wei, you should take this old man away quickly. He is full of feudal ideas. He has been dead for hundreds of years this morning. The people have long been the masters of the country. It’s the kind of anti…”

Before the manager surnamed Zhu could finish his words, Lin Sen interrupted him with an impatient wave of his hand, "What? Are you going to tell me how to be a security guard, Manager Zhu?"

In a word, Manager Zhu was like a screaming chicken whose throat was strangled. His neck was stretched out, but he didn't dare to make a sound.

After Manager Zhu was so embarrassed that he didn't dare to say anything, he rolled his eyes and came to Lin Sen's side, and then said in a low voice: "Comrade security guard, can we take a step to speak?"

Lin Sen raised his head and glanced at the manager surnamed Zhu. He didn't know what kind of medicine he was selling in his gourd, so he nodded, "Then go to the corner!"

After leading the manager surnamed Zhu to the empty corner behind the cloth shop, "Tell me, what do you want to say to me?"

"Hey, comrades in defense, are you from the Red Star Steel Rolling Mill?" The manager named Zhu had a smile on his face that looked like a female official. It was obvious at first glance that he was not a good person!
Lin Sen nodded, "That's right, I'm from the security department of the Red Star Steel Rolling Plant. What's the matter? What's the problem?"

"Haha, let me tell you the truth, comrade security..." Manager Zhu saw Lin Sen nodding and continued: "I have an acquaintance with Director Guo of the processing workshop of Hongxing Steel Rolling Mill for eight years. Before you came here, he I should have given the order, right? I want you to cooperate with me so that I can catch that bitch named Chen..."

Lin Sen's head was completely confused when he heard it. What are these people who are riding horses?A workshop and still the director!And then he ordered them to protect the security department? ... Nima, when did the security department of their Red Star Steel Rolling Plant become so worthless, even a workshop director dared to give them orders... What kind of director is this, he is so awesome, why don't he fly to the sky for a while!

After patiently listening to the manager surnamed Zhu's nagging for a long time, Lin Sen's brows became deeper and deeper, "So, you arranged for people to remove the cloth in the warehouse?"

"Yes! Otherwise? How could so much cloth and satin disappear overnight?..." Manager Zhu of the self-explosion truck explained impatiently, and then began to direct Lin Sen to work, "Guard Comrade, hurry up and catch old Chen, and then you can catch that girl surnamed Chen, and when the time comes, we will add two to five..."

After Lin Sen listened quietly to Manager Zhu's words, he suddenly smiled and said, "Dahu!"

"Captain!" Dahu heard Lin Sen's shout and immediately ran over from a distance, "Come on, handcuff everyone in the store, every one of them!"

"Yes!" Duhu immediately took out the silver bracelet from his back waist, and then walked towards Manager Zhu, who was so scared that he backed away again and again.

"No, comrade security, are you mistaken? Your Director Guo and I are close friends! You..."

"By the way, Dahu!" Lin Sen on the side heard what Manager Zhu said and asked, "Is there a director named Guo in the first processing workshop of the factory?"

"Processing workshop one? Director named Guo? Captain, you are talking about Guo Guangli, Guo Dazi, right? Apart from him, there is no director named Guo in the processing workshop!"

"Haha! That means he didn't run away. When we close the team later, go and get Director Guo, who can instruct our security department to work, please come over!"

Lin Sen deliberately emphasized the word "please", and Dahu instantly understood, "I know, captain! I will definitely invite Director Guo over when the time comes!"

"Well! That's enough, everyone will be taken away, the store will be closed! Then the team will be closed..."

Following Lin Sen's order, his gang of wolf-like members of the Third Brigade of the Security Section immediately handcuffed all the employees in the "Dazhong Cloth Store", including that old man, Mr. Chen. .After escorting the people back to the security department of the Hongxing Steel Rolling Mill, Lin Sen said to Dahu: "Dahu, give you 10 minutes to pry open the mouth of this man named Zhu. I want to know that Where is the stolen cloth!”

"Yes! Captain, don't worry, it will take 10 minutes to deal with this kind of thing? It will take 5 minutes at most. If I can't pry his mouth open, I will take off these clothes myself..." As he spoke, Dahu said He stretched out his hand and pinched Manager Zhu's smooth face hard. The pain caused him to let out a painful cry.

"Someone, lock this guy in the interrogation room and let me do it myself..."

After Manager Zhu was dragged into the interrogation room, it didn't take even 3 minutes for Duhu to come out, swearing dirtyly, "Damn, it's just this kind of thing, the time for me to urinate, It lasted longer than him!"

After he finished scolding, Dahu handed the transcript to Lin Sen, "Captain, that guy was a little scared and didn't even show his sincerity. He was so frightened that he peed. He said whatever he asked. Haha, even his wife was wearing something today. No matter what color your pants are, they are all down!"

For men, especially in places where men gather together, the topic of these three or two sentences must be related to pornographic jokes, otherwise the speech will be like losing the soul.

Lin Sen opened the notebook, looked at it, and then closed it with a "snap", "Since the surname Zhu has been wiped out, please go and invite Director Guo to see how he guides us." The daily work of the Security Section..."

Lin Sen's tone was calm, but Dahu could still hear the dissatisfaction in his tone, so he nodded immediately, "Yes, captain... I'll ask Guo to come over right now!"

"Yeah! Please come and greet him well, outsiders in the province think that our security department doesn't know etiquette..."

"Don't worry, captain! The brothers will definitely arrange for Guo Dashaozi, an experience he will never forget in his life!"

Dahu's chest slapped, Lin Sen nodded, "That's it, Dahu, you leave two people behind, and the rest of the class, follow me to give the stolen batch of cloth to you." get up..."

"Yes!" ×n, upon hearing Lin Sen's words, everyone around happily agreed in an instant.

Isn't this exciting?In their security department, even the mosquitoes that fly by have to scrape off two or two ounces of urine. The recovery of this batch of stolen cloth will not be possible without their hard work!

Lin Sen went to the motorcade to apply for a large truck, then boarded the truck with others and drove towards a remote location in the western suburbs of the city.

The man surnamed Zhu is also a talented person. After he committed the theft, he planned to sell the cloth on the black market. However, before he could move it out, Lin Sen took it all away. It was also a bit of bad luck for him.

"No. 1037, Meihua Road, Western Suburbs, that's it... Come on, get out of the car!"

After greeting people to get out of the car, Lin Sen took the lead and kicked the wooden door open.

"Little fox, something happened to you...come with me..."

(End of this chapter)

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