Siheyuan: I really won

Chapter 88: Collusion?

Chapter 88: Collusion?

Before Lin Sen and the others broke through the door, Little Fox and a group of street gangsters were still dreaming of making a fortune...

Manager Zhu had promised them that as long as this batch of cloth was sold on the black market, he would give them [-]% of the net profit!
Don't underestimate just [-]%, but when the base number is tens of thousands, [-]% will be seven or eight thousand or tens of thousands. Therefore, when Lin Sen broke in, he directly burst the bubble of their fantasy.

"Run! Run quickly..." The little fox who was sitting on the kang drinking wine was so frightened that he didn't even have time to put on his shoes. He opened the window and was about to climb out, but when he raised his head, he saw two people at the base of the window. A tall and thick guard guarding there was gearing up with a ferocious smile on his face, "Run, you girl, keep running... Damn it, if I don't beat you out of the rice fields today, you'll be considered a fool." It’s clean!”

Lin Sen looked at the little fox kneeling on the ground with a bruised nose and swollen face, and walked up to him, "Tell me, little fox, the cloth that was stolen before was put away by the bastards..."

"Brother guard, don't fight... I said, I said..." The little fox didn't wait for Lin Sen to finish asking, and poured himself clean like beans from a bamboo tube.

Lin Sen led the little fox and others to a small abandoned warehouse where they hid the cloth. Then, looking at the cloth piled up like a hill, all the members of the security department present were happy.

In the 60s, cloth was a very scarce commodity. Most families could not save enough cloth money to make a new piece of clothing throughout the year.

Isn't there a saying at that time, "Three years for the new, three years for the old, and three more years for sewing and mending!" What else is there: "The one who wears floral clothes is the boss, the one who wears old clothes is the second, and the one who is in tatters is the third!"

Haha, this jingle is very characteristic of the era. A piece of clothing is like a family heirloom, passed down from generation to generation.

After arranging for people to load the fabric into the car, Lin Sen and the others returned to the security department. Without even taking a sip of water, they saw Dahu walking over with a troubled look on his face.

"Captain, a woman came to the door and said that she is the private manager of the public cloth store, and she wants to meet you!"

Lin Sen rolled a blank look at Duhu, the person he wants to see is me, why are you struggling?

Following Dahu to the north gate, Lin Sen's eyes suddenly lit up when he saw the private manager.

We have smelled the fragrance for ten miles together, and know that the fragrance is famous throughout thousands of villages. What a beautiful little woman.

She is almost 27 years old, has bright teeth, and is slim. She is dressed in a pale pink cheongsam, which makes her look as beautiful as an orchid.

At this time, her face was full of anxiety, which made people feel pitiful, and her heart couldn't help but feel full of protectiveness.

"Manager Chen, this is our captain Lin Sen. If you have any questions, you can ask them now!"

"Captain Lin, hello, I am the manager of Dazhong Cloth Store, my name is Chen Xueru..."

What!Lin Sen felt that his brain froze instantly, Chen Xueru?

Damn it, is this a Siheyuan show?Lin Sen's face was calm, but in his heart, there was already a huge wave.

No wonder this woman looked so familiar to me, it turned out to be her!
Looking at the charming little woman in front of him, Lin Sen smiled and said, "Hello, Manager Chen, what do you want from me?"

As if she had grasped a life-saving straw, Chen Xueru stepped forward and grabbed Lin Sen's arm, "Captain Lin, I would like to ask how the theft case in my store went? Can the lost cloths be recovered? come on?"

"Don't worry, Manager Chen. The batch of cloths has been recovered and is now being inspected in the warehouse. After the inspection is completed, the cloths can be sent back!" After hearing Lin Sen's answer, Chen Xueru's original expression of anxiety changed. She obviously relaxed. This lost cloth was her entire net worth. If she lost it all, her life would be difficult in the future. Whether this popular cloth store could continue to open would be a matter of course. It’s a problem!

"Captain Lin, this incident was all caused by Manager Zhu's supervision and theft. Do you think you can let all the store employees except him go?"

Lin Sen turned to Dug, with a puzzled look on his face, "What? Dahu, haven't you let him go yet?"

"No, Captain! According to regulations, we can only release them after they have been detained for 48 hours..."

"Oh, Dahu... It's not like I, the captain, am telling you that these rules are dead, but people are alive, and you must learn to be flexible... Besides, if you capture everyone, what will happen to the masses? Can the cloth shop still be open?...Go, let me go now!"

When Dahu heard Lin Sen's words, he suddenly complained in his heart. It was you who arrested people before, and you are the one who wants to release them now. Anyway, the word "official" means two words, so how can you say it makes sense!

"Yes, captain! I'll notify him right away to let him go!"

After a while, Dahu led several employees of the Dazhong Cloth Store who had been detained before out.

Taking advantage of this time, Lin Sen had already gotten closer to this little woman, Chen Xueru. "Sister Chen, please take someone back first. I will arrange for someone to send the cloth back to you after a while..."

"Okay! Thank you so much, Brother Sen! After all the work is done, how about I treat you to dinner?..."

This woman, it was better not to speak, but when she spoke, her charming tone made Lin Sen feel itchy in his heart!
This woman is really a top beauty in the world, suitable for being raised like a canary!

"Okay, no problem! Then I'll wait for your treat, sister!"

Lin Sen smiled and waved to Chen Xueru, then looked at her leaving back, "Dahu, when you return the cloth later, help me scan Zhengyangmen to see if there is a restaurant nearby. It’s called He’s Bistro!”

"I understand, captain!" Dahu nodded, and then asked angrily: "Captain, since the cloth is going to be returned, can we brothers still separate it?"

"Separate! Why not?" Lin Sen rolled his eyes at Dahu, was he so unbearable in his heart?

It's just a joke. I'm the kind of person who can't walk when I see a beautiful woman.

Leading Dahu back, Lin Sen who was walking in front suddenly stopped and turned around, "By the way, Dahu, I asked you to invite Director Guo to come to our team. Have you invited him?"

"Hehe, captain, how can I forget what you personally ordered... This man has been invited to the team, and everyone is not busy right now. They are taking turns serving him a feast!"

Lin Sen smiled and nodded, "Then how come he and the manager surnamed Zhu are guarding each other?"

"No, captain! This guy Guo is not stupid. How could he admit this crime? He is now insisting that he and Zhu are bragging at the wine table..." Dahu said at the side .

 I haven't been in good health in the past few days. I guess I have Sanyang. My whole body is very dizzy now.Make sure to update it once a day first, and then add the rest slowly.
(End of this chapter)

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