Siheyuan: I really won

Chapter 89 Buying vegetables for winter storage

Chapter 89 Buying vegetables for winter storage
Guo Guangli, nicknamed Guo Dabaizi because he is left-handed, is the deputy director of the processing workshop of the Red Star Rolling Mill. He has many brothers in the family and is good at fighting. He is famous in the factory and on the streets as a tough guy. Knife Rou was often visited by the neighborhood office for not paying for meals and flipping tables while playing cards!
how to say!This guy is a mess, the kind of smart person who keeps making small mistakes but never big mistakes. He is educated by the street office in one ear and out the other, and he doesn't take it to heart at all.

After all, the things he committed would not be brought to the forefront. If he resisted, the police or the street would give him a lesson and then force him to pay compensation.

As time went by, this caused Guo Dapaizi to feel dizzy. Coupled with the new thigh that Lao Li had successfully seized power in the factory, Guo Dapaizi actually gave birth to a child in his heart that he could be regarded as a person. The idea of ​​​​the character comes.

Then, I met this manager surnamed Zhu at a banquet. After getting drunk, he bragged about how good his relationship was with the chief of the security department. If you have anything to do in the future, you can come to him...

As a result, the guy named Zhu actually believed it. As expected of a pig, he dared to believe such a lie that could be easily exposed!

Don't underestimate the Security Section of the Red Star Rolling Mill. Although the name is just a section-level unit, the chief officer enjoys the status of deputy director in the Security Department. He is the same thirteenth-level leader as Lao Yang!
Guo Daji is a workshop director, how can he talk to the chief of their security department?The distance between the two is almost the distance of a Tang monk to learn Buddhist scriptures, which is hundreds of thousands of miles away...

The manager surnamed Zhu at the back came over overnight to recruit Mr. Guo and asked him to help introduce the person who was guarding Corey. Not to mention, in the end, Mr. Guo actually found a squad leader who was guarding Corey and introduced him to Zhu. The manager knows.

"Captain Lin...what I said is true. That Zhu just asked me to introduce someone. I really don't know what happened to them..."

When Guo Dabozi faced Lin Sen, he kept complaining. He used to be a good person in the class, but suddenly he was pinched away by the security department in front of many co-workers. His old face will never be seen again. Put it aside!

Moreover, after he was caught, these damn security officers took pleasure in torturing him without interrogating him. They did things like Su Qin carrying a sword, hanging sheep's hooves, opening a big dragon, etc., to let Guo Da cheat on him. I feel helpless and want to die.

Now that he finally met Lin Sen, the real master, he learned to answer questions directly without being asked.

"Haha!" Lin Sen walked up to Guo Dapizi, stretched out his hand and patted his plump face, "Of course I know you don't know anything, otherwise you think you can still stand with me now. say?"

While speaking, Lin Sen's hand changed from clapping to twisting, twisting the fat on Guo Dabozi's face into a ball, and he bared his teeth in pain and begged for mercy, before Lin Sen let go.

"Director Guo, I invited you to our security department today to teach you how to be good! You can eat indiscriminately, but you can't talk indiscriminately. This time I just remind you. If there is another time, you should understandable!"

Guo Dabo was so frightened that he nodded repeatedly, "Yes, yes, Captain Lin! What you said is that I will never dare to gossip again next time..."

"Hey, it's best if you understand!... Let him go!" When Lin Sen walked away, he still asked Dahu to let Guo Dayaizi go.

"Captain, let's just forget about this? That old dog from the second team..."

Lin Sen shook his head at Dahu, "Dahu, we have to provide evidence for everything. Otherwise, if the guy surnamed Zhu bites people randomly, can we catch them all?"

"But, captain, those from the second team..."

Lin Sen's face was stern, "Okay, Dahu! I know Li is eager to make contributions, but I can't eat hot tofu in a hurry. There is no evidence to prove that he was involved. How can we arrest people? Do we have to rely on head iron? Everything is You have to tell me the evidence!" "Okay! Captain..." Dahu's tone was slightly depressed. He originally thought that he could make another great contribution!
As time went by, the theft case of the Dazhong Cloth Store came to an end. The two main culprits, the manager surnamed Zhu and Little Fox, naturally had to be taken to the shooting range to reward themselves with peanuts because of the huge amount of money involved. The remaining Some of the accomplices were also sentenced to fixed-term imprisonment of more than ten years by the court.


At night, around three o'clock in the morning, the entire Nanluoguxiang alley was brightly lit, and every household got up from bed early.

"Brother! Get up quickly. Today is the first day of selling winter vegetables in our area. You have to go early to grab the freshest ones!"

A gentle voice sounded in Lin Sen's ears, and then Chen Xiaojiu took off his coat and got under the quilt very consciously.

"Brother, eat some fruit..."

Humph, you use big cherries to test cadres?
"No! Why are you messing around without sleeping in the middle of the night? The winter vegetables won't escape where you put them!... Be good and be obedient. I will hold you in my arms and sleep for a while."

Fine!Chen Xiaojiu looked at Lin Sen, who was lying on the bed and refused to get up, and thought to himself, stinky man, you forced me to use this trick!

So, after a rustling sound came from the quilt, Lin Sen got up.

Haha, Chen Xiaojiu has a special trick for dealing with her men. She only needs one move and the effect will be immediate!
Lin Sen, who was forced to wake up and get up, ate something reluctantly, then hung a large bamboo basket on the back seat of his bicycle, pushed the bicycle slowly and slowly, and followed Chen Xiaojiu.

"Brother, hurry up! Xiaozui is still waiting in line there..."

Chen Xiaojiu, who was walking in front, turned back from time to time to urge Lin Sen to walk faster.

Lin Sen's head grew dizzy from the urging, and he couldn't understand why women are so keen on grabbing vegetables.

Rushing to buy winter vegetables is an exclusive memory for northerners. Due to the long winter, the only vegetables available in the north are cabbage, radishes and potatoes.

In particular, Chinese cabbage can be eaten from the inside out, from the beginning of winter to the spring equinox.Throughout the winter, no other vegetable can be as irreplaceable as Chinese cabbage in the lives of northerners. People affectionately call the Chinese cabbage on the table the "home dish."

Especially in the 60s, storing vegetables for winter was closely related to people's livelihood and a very important political task. Streets and police stations attached great importance to it and sent people to the scene early to direct order.

This was the reason why Lin Sen didn't work for the police in the first place. There were so many trivial matters that people couldn't even take a moment to relax...

(End of this chapter)

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