Siheyuan: I really won

Chapter 90 Fighting

Chapter 90 Fighting
When we arrived near the grocery store selling winter vegetables, several circles of people had gathered around the door. Even though they were wearing heavy cotton-padded jackets, they were still freezing and kept breathing and stamping their feet.

Chen Xiaozui was wearing a heavy cotton coat and cotton trousers, and her body was bulging like a fat penguin.

"Sister,, here!" After seeing Lin Sen and Chen Xiaojiu coming over, they immediately jumped on the spot and waved their hands.

"Here we come..." Chen Xiaojiu took out a thermos from the bamboo basket on the back seat of the bicycle, and poured a cup of hot ginger soup for Chen Xiaozui, "It's freezing, Xiaozui, drink some. Warm up your body!"

Lin Sen, who was standing next to him, was making sarcastic remarks, "What on earth are you planning on doing! I don't want you to eat, and I don't want you to drink. When will I be able to buy these winter vegetables? I have to let Xiao Zui come out. Even though you’re cold, you’re still her sister..."

Chen Xiaojiu immediately snorted in dissatisfaction. Did this bitch forget how he had the crystal stolen just now? ...Hmph, is it you, Lin Sen, who is drifting off, or my wine sister, who can’t lift the knife!
Lin Sen, who was beeping endlessly, suddenly felt a murderous look looking directly at him, and then his waist felt inexplicably sore, and his whole person became very honest... This came from the oppression of the strong men of the Douzong. , so terrifying.

Lin Sen honestly acted as a backdrop. At the same time, more and more people were queuing up behind...

Because these winter vegetables need to be eaten for three to four months once bought, from the beginning of winter to the beginning of spring, and there is also the Chinese New Year in between, so the people attach great importance to it.

Some families with large families even queue up half a night in advance in order to buy better cabbage, taking turns for an hour each.

This is the psychological reason of ordinary people. They always think that if they buy in advance, they will be able to choose the best one. In fact, they are all the same...

Winter vegetables are divided into three grades according to the quality of the varieties. One type of vegetables has the highest price, which was initially 2 cents per catty and later rose to 3 cents.The third category of dishes is the worst. There are many dishes but little heart, and they cost 1 cent per catty.Cabbage is supplied in limited quantities according to the population according to the non-staple food book, and the first, second and third category vegetables must be sold together.

Even if you divide all the cabbages into small piles, you won't be given the opportunity to go close to select them. You can only put them far away and buy the piles pointed to, so as to maximize the preservation of the cabbage. of fairness and impartiality.

In this cold weather, you have to wait for several hours. No matter how much clothes you put on, it will be useless. When the cool breeze blows, your whole body will be frozen to the bone...

When this person is cold, he is easily impatient, and when there are many people, conflicts will inevitably arise.

"Hey! Why are you queuing up?"

"Oops! I'm sorry, buddy, my foot is touching your vagina! Are you okay?"

"Why are you looking at me?... Just to see what you can do... If you have the ability, just give it a try!... Try it or you'll die!"

In previous years, when buying vegetables for winter storage, there were many conflicts at the grocery store due to various reasons, but this year!Naturally, it is inevitable.

Sure enough, right behind Lin Sen's queue, there was a sudden commotion, followed by someone shouting and cursing.

"This restaurant isn't open yet! You squeeze your head forward and get reincarnated in front of me!"

Then a woman's scream came out, "Damn it, I'm going to kill you..." Lin Sen didn't take it seriously at first. Despite the fierceness of the scolding, the probability of a fight was high. It's really not big, at most they can just curse and vent. After all, they all came here half a night in advance to line up. When it comes to a fight, regardless of whether it's right or wrong, the police station will treat them all equally. They will arrest them all and throw them in the station to let both parties calm down.

This fight is a waste of time. Basically, no one who can calculate this will choose to take risks.

But there were some stupid idiots who had no brains to protect them. Amidst the curses and the screams of the women, both of them got really angry. The conflict escalated and they started fighting.

As soon as they saw the fight started, the people in line instinctively dispersed around, and then surrounded them in the middle.

"Hey! They really started fighting..." Lin Sen also came over and took a look, and found that they were two old men. There was nothing interesting about them, so he didn't pay much attention to them.

In the middle of the crowd, there were two people who were already fighting each other. They were not practicing martial artists. Even if they cursed fiercely, if they really started fighting, they would be no different from fighting with old ladies in the countryside. They were basically fighting back and forth. The only three moves are pulling out the hair, wringing the fingers, and waving the arms.

The final result is that both sides suffer losses. At most, whoever is taller and stronger can take advantage of it!

When the fight broke out, no one took care of it. The people who came here to maintain order were all experienced police comrades. They just let the two fight as they pleased. It only lasted two or three minutes. The two people fighting were like two dead dogs. , all of them were breathing heavily and looking at the opposite side with dissatisfied faces.

At this time, the police came over and asked, "Why haven't you beaten enough? Do you want to stay in a dark room for a few days?"

"No, no! Comrade Public Security, you misunderstood. We were just joking..." Upon hearing the words of the police, the two people who were fighting instantly reconciled. Then the police said, "Give them all to me." Be honest, I will really kill anyone who dares to fight next time!"

"Yes, yes, yes!" The appearance of the police was like the last straw that broke the camel's back. The two people fighting did not dare to beep any more, and quickly separated, and then stood aside honestly. Get in line.

It can't be said that the police don't care about things. The main reason is that in the past few years, fights between men have been too common. Basically, as long as they are not serious injuries such as a split head or a broken hand or foot, no one cares about it. .

Just like just now, the police didn't come forward at first. They let them go when they were tired of beating them, and then came out to scold them, and the matter was basically over.

But as long as the police intervene to stop him, the nature is different. Then he must act in a fair manner and take the person back to the police station.

Otherwise, in public, if your police only arrest people and then wipe them and let them go, what kind of thing is that?Admit that you arrested the wrong person?

That is absolutely impossible!

Although it doesn't mean that they will be tortured into tricks, but no matter what, they have to be taken back to the prison and go through the procedures before they can be released.

If we don’t say that the police are not easy to do, when it comes to dealing with people’s issues, security guards don’t have so many rules and regulations. Handling cases on the spot requires a firm and decisive approach. No matter what is right or wrong, we can discuss it later, ha!This one features a tyrannical character!
The person involved stopped making trouble, and the melon-eaters who were watching the excitement quickly restored order, and they were all anxiously waiting for the non-staple food store to open for business.

(End of this chapter)

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