Siheyuan: I really won

Chapter 91 No, impossible!

Chapter 91 No, impossible! (Supplement 21)

Lin Sen and the others didn't have to wait long. Soon the grocery store opened for business. When it was time to buy vegetables for winter, the salesperson at the grocery store was so busy that he hit the back of his head.

"Don't crowd, come one by one, I guarantee everyone will have a share, don't crowd, don't crowd!"

As the grocery store opened, the people at the door lost all regard for order and rushed in, trying to grab the first seat at the window.

"Brother, Xiao Zui! Here..."

It has to be said that Chen Xiaojiu's figure is quite nimble, and in the blink of an eye, she was able to snatch the top position in a window.

"Household registration book, grain book, hurry up! You're wasting your time..." The salesperson at the window probably didn't wake up, and his tone was very aggressive as soon as he opened his mouth, as if someone owed [-] yuan and didn't pay it back.

"Ouch!..." Damn it, who are you talking to?Believe it or not, I'll put your sack on tonight!

"Brother, don't be angry! Comrade, this is my household registration book and grain book..." As soon as Lin Sen opened his mouth, Chen Xiaojiu could guess what he was going to say, and hurriedly cast a look at Chen Xiaozui who was beside him , and before he could speak, he took out the account book and grain book he carried with him and handed them into the window sill.

"Brother-in-law!" After receiving her sister's look, Chen Xiaozui immediately took Lin Sen's arm and started acting cute.

Otherwise, as the old saying goes, a virtuous wife and a virtuous husband seldom cause harm!The fact that Lin Sen was able to marry such a virtuous woman as Chen Xiaojiu was a sign of smoke rising from the grave of the old Lin family.

The salesman, who had no idea that he was about to end up in a septic tank, glanced at his household registration book, scratched a line on his grain book, and threw the things out of the window without even looking at them. He shouted: "Next!"

Sandwiched between two beautiful girls, Chen Xiaojiu and Chen Xiaozui, as they walked out of the grocery store, they saw a military green extended-length Jiefang truck parked in the open space next to the road outside the alley. There, there was a cart full of Chinese cabbage in the back compartment, tightly covered with a large canvas, and the pile was almost five or six meters high.

Next to the truck, there are many workers carrying cabbages back and forth, weighing and stacking them.

Chen Xiaojiu handed the grain book in his hand to the staff in front for inspection, and then was put in.

"Brother, do you think that pile of vegetables is fresh?"

"Brother, this pile is not bad..."

"Oh, brother, what do you think we should pick from?"

Chen Xiaojiu was separated by three or four meters, looking left and right for a long time, he felt good about this, and felt good about that, but he was very entangled in not knowing which one was farther away...

Lin Sen was speechless. You were three or four meters away, and the lights were dim. How could you pick out the three, the three, the four, and the second?

Moreover, Lin Sen had a sharp eye and discovered that the staff selling winter vegetables were very naughty. They deliberately put the good-quality first-class vegetables at the outside, while the inside was full of second- and third-class vegetables.

"Okay, Xiaojiu! Don't choose, this is it!"

Lin Sen pointed at a pile of cabbage that didn't look very juicy.

"Ah, brother! This pile of vegetables looks a bit old and stale!"

Chen Xiaojiu was a little unhappy, but after Lin Sen's insistence, he still accepted his fate and chose the pile of cabbage, which looked not very good in appearance.

As a result, the surprise came too quickly. When Lin Sen pushed the cart over to load the vegetables, he packed up the layer of cabbage on the surface and leaked the fresh and juicy first-class vegetables inside. A surprised smile appeared on his face at the same time.

Actually, they are all the same. There are rules for selling winter vegetables. If this cabbage comes in a cart, there must be some good and bad in it...

At this time, the staff will divide the cabbage evenly according to the quality of the cabbage. It will definitely not happen that one family has all good vegetables and one family has all bad vegetables. Therefore, there is basically no advantage to take advantage of.

There are currently four people in Lin Sen's household registration book, and each person is limited to buying one hundred catties. It looks like a lot, but when it comes to packing it, it only takes four sacks.Put two sacks in the bamboo basket and tie them with rope on the back seat, and everything is done.

Lin Sen pushed the cart forward. Sisters Chen Xiaojiu and Chen Xiaozui were still discussing about the pile of cabbage. They still foolishly thought that their family had just gotten lucky!
Ah!These two silly women.

To be honest, just these two stupid people, Lin Sen felt that he could lie to them a hundred times, and then start over again, 1 times, they would still continue to be fooled.

Returning to the courtyard, Lin Sen saw the grandson of Shazhu at the door of Jia's house, shirtless and steaming, helping her family carry cabbage.

"Tch, silly star!"

Lin Sen looked disdainful of Silly Zhu's price-gouging behavior.

Licking the dog, licking the dog, licking until the end, there is nothing left!I'm talking about people like Silly Zhu...

Ignoring the licking dog next door, Lin Sen unloaded the cabbage from the car and let Chen Xiaojiu and the two sisters stack the cabbage at the base of the window.

"Brother! Are you hungry? I'll get you a bowl of noodles!"

"Well, two more eggs!"

"Okay, brother!"...

After the meal was ready, Chen Xiaojiu started to wake people up one by one.

"Xiaobai, Yushui, get up and eat!"

"Sister-in-law! Please, please let me sleep for a while!"

Lin Bai still wanted to stay in bed, and then Chen Xiaozui stretched his cold little hands into the quilt, and pressed them tightly against her stomach.

"Ah!" Lin Bai, who was suddenly attacked, shivered from the cold, and then let out a banshee wail, "Chen Xiaozui! Ah... I'm going to kill you!"

Lin Bai, who woke up from the cold, put on her clothes in twos and twos, and then ran after Chen Xiaozui with all her teeth and claws.

"Brother-in-law, brother-in-law!" Chen Xiaozui hid behind Lin Sen, and then pretended to be a timid little white rabbit.

"Okay, Xiaobai, stop making trouble! Wash your face and brush your teeth quickly and get ready for dinner..."

This little green tea has completely played with the four words "fake fake tiger power".

Lin Bai looked aggrieved. She had no choice but to brush her teeth and wash her face. Then she sat at the dinner table and ate noodles while gnashing her teeth, as if the bowl was filled with Chen Xiaozui.

Go to work, go to work!A good day starts with full energy.

After making a cup of veteran cadre's wolfberry brown sugar tea, Lin Sen sat in the office. After a while, Dahu came over mysteriously, "Captain! What you asked me to check..."

Lin Sen's eyes suddenly lit up, "Why, did you find the tavern?"

Ouch!Xu Huizhen is dignified, virtuous and virtuous. She is the destined choice to be the wife of the Lin family!
"No! Captain... are you listening to people's lies? There are dozens of miles in front and back of Zhengyangmen, no matter the streets, alleys, alleys, I have searched all over, and there is no place called a tavern. !”

"No?" How could it be possible? Chen Xueru, the little girl from the Zhengyang Sect, has come out. As her good best friend, why shouldn't Xu Huizhen not have her!
(End of this chapter)

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