Siheyuan: I really won

Chapter 92 Quiet!I want to start

Chapter 92 Quiet!I'm going to start...

Lin Sen didn't believe Dahu's words and just thought he was perfunctory. So Lin Sen, who didn't believe in evil, spent two days turning the entire Zhengyangmen area upside down, and finally admitted that Dahu really didn't do anything. Lie to yourself.

"It shouldn't be, it doesn't make sense? Why is there only a little woman like Chen Xueru?... Damn it, your family only wears shoes on one foot? At least bring a whole pair!"

Lin Sen was confused and gave up after he couldn't figure it out!Forget it, having a coquettish bitch and charming Chen Xueru is not a loss!
After get off work that evening, when Lin Sen was riding by the factory office building, he waited for Chen Xiaojiu from the Finance Department to get off work. "Xiaojiu, I have a dinner tonight, so I won't go back to eat. You can eat by yourself!"

"Brother, drink less wine tonight..."

"Got it!" Lin Sen bowed casually and then rode away quickly.

Tonight, Chen Xueru from Dazhong Cloth Store wants to treat Lin Sen to dinner alone to thank him for helping her recover the loss of her entire family.

The place to eat was at Chen Xueru's house. When Lin Sen found it according to the address, this little woman was already sweeping up the couch at the door to welcome her.

"Oh, Captain Lin, you are willing to reward me! It's really not easy to treat me to a meal..."

"Haha, Sister Xueru, your words are too hurtful. As soon as I heard that you wanted to invite me to dinner, I ran over like a fool!"

Lin Sen's handsome appearance, coupled with his elegant demeanor when speaking, and the sweet words popping out of his mouth like a machine gun, soon made the fight with Chen Xueru fierce.

Chen Xueru's is an exclusive small house with a single courtyard. Although it looks shabby from the outside, it is really unique inside.

The antique, pure solid wood furniture looks very simple and elegant, which is not in line with Chen Xueru's alluring temperament that is like poison to men, making people want to stop.

"Hey, Sister Xueru! Does this house belong to you? Why does its decoration not match yours at all..."

"Nonsense, why doesn't this house belong to me?"

Chen Xueru walked in front and said something coquettishly.

"How is that possible! Sister Xueru looks like a bright and majestic woman at first glance. This room looks simple, but it is full of a small family atmosphere! The person who decorated this house is definitely not the same as you... "

"Haha! You are still a fire-eyed Jingjing! Yes, this house is indeed not was left by my damn husband!"

Lin Sen and Chen Xueru walked to the living room while talking, and then Lin Sen pretended to be surprised, "Hey! Sister Xueru also worked hard on the meal today, and she actually put such a large table of dishes... Fortunately, I had prepared gifts in advance when I came!”

As he spoke, Lin Sen took out a bottle of red wine from the bag he had been carrying, "Sister Xueru, this is a 20-year-old Bordeaux wine that I asked someone to bring from Gallic Chicken." Come back!"

Chen Xueru is also a person who knows the goods. She looked at the bottle of red wine and was a little surprised, "Ah! This wine is so hard-earned. Isn't it a waste for just the two of us to drink it?"

"Sister Xueru, I have to criticize you on this! Wine is produced for people to drink. As long as it is not spilled on the ground, how can there be no waste? Besides..."

After saying this, Lin Sen turned his head and looked at Chen Xueru beside him, "Besides, this wine is meant to be paired with a beautiful woman. I think it would be just right to drink this wine today!" What Lin Sen said was already full of flirtatious meaning. It was obvious, and he still didn't believe it. How dare Chen Xueru say that he didn't understand?

As he expected, Chen Xueru's originally beautiful face instantly looked as if she had applied blush, with a layer of blush quickly covering it.

She didn't dare to look directly into Lin Sen's eyes, so she said in a evasive manner: "Well, okay, let's drink this wine tonight!"

Haha, after seeing that Chen Xueru showed no sign of rejection or disgust, Lin Sen understood what she meant!

We are all adults. If we say these things clearly, the ambiguity will be lost!So, you all know it! ^_^
After Lin Sen and Chen Xueru sat down, they started drinking and eating. After the two drank a glass of red wine, Chen Xueru started her performance.

She covered her forehead with her slender hand, pretending to be a drunken concubine who was too drunk. Suddenly her whole body revealed a charming aura, as if she was like a flower that could lure you into hell. Just like a poppy flower.

Tsk, sisters!You don’t need to act!We are people who know the rules.

As the saying goes, when a woman drinks and meets the wrong person, I won't drink until Qingdao falls, I won't fall until the snowflakes fall... It belongs to men, so let's have a drink together!
But if you meet the right person, it's just a glass of wine, two points of drunkenness, and seven points of acting skills to sleep in your arms!

Looking at Chen Xueru with blurry eyes, Lin Sen naturally would not refuse. We are all children of the world. After all, we have eaten and drank wine. The process has reached the last step. If you want to go home again, it will be you. I’m so ignorant!
In the living room, under the dusk light, a gramophone nearby plays the melodious music of old Shanghai. A man and a woman are alone in the same room, and the ambiguity between men and women is rising rapidly.

Chen Xueru, who was slightly tipsy, lazily leaned on the chair behind her in a drunken state, then tilted her head and looked at the handsome man in front of her, and let out an unexplained silly laugh from her mouth.

Sisters, your acting skills are a bit too much!I mean, let’s get straight to the point... We are all children of the world, so don’t worry about so many details!
Xu heard what Lin Sen was saying. Suddenly, Chen Xueru opened her arms and threw herself into Lin Sen's arms, "Captain Lin..."

Know!It's another benefactor who shows great kindness and kindness. The little girl has nothing to repay, so she can only agree to this with her own body, right?
I am familiar with this set!

Lin Sen picked up Chen Xueru by the waist, strode to the bedside, put her down like a precious work of art, and then put her close to his ear, "Baby, I'm here!"

...... I am the dividing line......

"Master! Xueru will be yours from now on!"

There are rumors in the world that when a man collects all the Dragon Balls, he can summon the dragon... Well, this is too fake. Let's be realistic. When a man has "Pan, Donkey, Deng, Xiao, Xian" , no woman in this world can resist his charm.

Satisfied, Lin Sen hugged Chen Xueru, whose face was flushed and became even more charming, "After following me, you have to be wholeheartedly focused from now on, otherwise, hum..."

"Don't worry, Master! After following you, how can I still care about those crooked melons and cracked dates outside... From now on, I just ask Master to come and see Xueru more often!"

Chen Xueru's beautiful eyes revealed full of attachment.

(End of this chapter)

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