Chapter 10 Qin Fei, are you kidding me?
"Finally tasted this delicious king crab again."

"And this blue crucian carp tuna makes me hungry."

Under Qin Fei's gaze, Chen Ling kept sweeping the expensive food on the table.

He looked like the reincarnation of a starving ghost.

And Chen Ling didn't pay attention, Qin Fei didn't move his chopsticks.

She just knows how to enjoy herself.

However, no matter how much Chen Ling ate, it was just one stomach.

There were seven or eight dishes on the table, and he couldn't eat even one-fifth of it.

"Finish? Now you can tell me, what's wrong with me!"

Qin Fei said calmly.

Anyway, he came today to play with Chen Ling.

So, don't care about this moment.

"Baby, don't you think it's too hasty for us to divorce?"

"Actually, neither you nor I have made any major mistakes of principle."


"Why don't we get married again."

As Chen Ling said, she walked in front of Qin Fei with small sexy steps.

While talking, he acted cute and coquettishly with Qin Fei.

In the past, Qin Fei had never been angry with her, and even quarreled several times.

But as long as she acts cute and acts like a baby.

Qin Fei will forgive himself.

So, even though I don't have any feelings for Qin Fei in my heart now.

But for those few million, Chen Ling doesn't mind repeating her old tricks.

It's a pity that Chen Ling didn't know it at all.

Qin Fei didn't like her anymore.

"Ha ha!"

"Chen Ling, Chen Ling."

"Originally I thought you were just self-righteous."

"But I didn't expect that you would be so hopelessly stupid."

"Want to remarry me?"

"I tell you, there are no doors."

"Do you really think I don't know, what is your purpose in inviting me out?"

"If you want to use the slogan of remarriage to share my millions in demolition compensation, just dream!"

"You are a fool, don't treat everyone as a fool."

Qin Fei smiled coldly.

The irony towards Chen Ling in the words was undisguised.

"Qin Fei, how can you say this to me."

"I'm your wife, me"

When Chen Ling heard it, she felt angry.

Damn Qin Fei, why do you call me a fool.

However, thinking of the millions in Qin Fei's hands.

She had to pretend to be aggrieved again, hoping to gain sympathy.


"You are not my wife now."

"We are already divorced."

"Also, don't pretend to be pitiful with me here, I won't accept your trick."

"What kind of person you are, I have seen clearly in the past eight months."

"Let me tell you the truth, it is impossible to remarry, even in this lifetime."

"So, you'd better face reality."

"Don't have those unrealistic fantasies."

Unfortunately, before Chen Ling could finish speaking, she was interrupted by Qin Fei.

For Chen Ling's pretending to be wronged, acting cute and acting like a baby.

At this time in his previous life, he might still be soft-hearted.

But after experiencing all kinds of things in his previous life, Qin Fei was already despairing.

If he were to be soft-hearted towards Chen Ling after his rebirth, he would be too cowardly.

Not even a dog licks like this!
"You and I."

When Chen Ling heard this, her face turned blue and white.

She didn't expect Qin Fei to be so disrespectful.

"Let's leave you, me and me."

"If there's nothing else."

"Then I'll go first."

After teasing Chen Ling, Qin Fei's thoughts became clearer.

Next, it's time for Chen Ling to reap the consequences.

So, after dropping these words.

He stood up and prepared to leave.

"wait wait wait!"

"Qin Fei, you haven't paid the bill yet!"

Seeing that Qin Fei was about to leave, Chen Ling quickly stood up to stop him.

As for the purpose of remarriage, she didn't care about it for the time being.

You know, she has no money to pay the bill.

The total amount of her body was less than 200.

This table of dishes cost at least tens of thousands.

If Qin Fei leaves, what will she pay for?

I have to say that Qin Fei's guess was somewhat accurate.

Chen Ling really didn't have any money on her.


"Didn't you ask me to come for dinner?"

"Why should I pay the bill?"

Qin Fei smiled coldly at Chen Ling.

At the same time, he secretly thought: Sure enough, this woman called me here. In addition to caring about my millions, she also wanted to take advantage of me.

Fortunately, I have seen through her tricks.

"I asked you to eat."

"But I didn't say I was treating you."

"You, a grown man, are dining with a woman. If you don't pay, who will?"

Chen Ling said confidently.

"Ha ha!"

Qin Fei was amused by Chen Ling's unreasonable words.

"When we go out to eat together, the man has to pay the bill?"

"If we are still husband and wife, or boyfriend and girlfriend."

"There's nothing wrong with your words."

"But Chen Ling, we are divorced."

"You and I are already strangers."

"Why should I pay for you?"

"Besides, look at the dishes on this table, which dish did I order?"

"I have no reason to pay the bill."

After laughing, Qin Fei pointed to the dishes on the table and said lightly.

"Qin Fei, how could you do this?"

"Although you didn't order the food, you must have eaten it."

"You are a big man, and I am a girl who cares so much."

"Isn't that a little too much?"

"Isn't it just a meal?"

"As for being so fussy?"

Chen Ling said angrily.

If Qin Fei doesn't pay the bill, she will be humiliated today.

She has less than 200.

What should I use to buy this meal, the least priced order?
So no matter what, she had to let Qin Fei pay the bill.

"Do you want to see it?"

"From start to finish, have I eaten what you ordered?"

When Qin Fei heard Chen Ling's words, he pointed at the dining table, and then showed a meaningful smile.

He had been waiting for Chen Ling's words for a long time.

"You didn't eat?"

"Qin Fei, are playing tricks on me!"

Hearing Qin Fei's words, Chen Ling was stunned.

Then he immediately turned his head and glanced at the dining table.

The next second, her pupils shrank.

Because, Qin Fei's position didn't have any leftovers at all.

In other words, Qin Fei really hasn't eaten any food.

Turning around, he saw Qin Fei's meaningful smile.

What Chen Ling didn't know was that Qin Fei had been playing with himself from the very beginning.

Whether it was his purpose of looking for him today or his small intention of getting him to pay the bill, Qin Fei already knew it.

However, at the beginning, he hadn't noticed Qin Fei's sinister intentions.

Still foolishly thinking that Qin Fei would agree to himself.

"I didn't, so don't talk nonsense."

Qin Fei shrugged with a smile on his face.

However, although he denied Chen Ling's words and said that he was not playing tricks on her.

But from his expression, it can be seen that Qin Fei's answer should be: Yes, I am just playing with you.

"Bastard, stingy, scumbag, small belly, why don't you die."

"Anyone who chases me can form a company."

"Give you a chance, but you don't cherish it."

"Go to hell you."

Chen Ling cursed Qin Fei fiercely in her heart.

"Qin Fei, I...I didn't bring any money out."

"Today's meal, you buy it for me first."

"I'll pay you back when I've paid my salary."

"Can you see it?"

Although Qin Fei was scolded bloody in his heart.

But on the surface, Chen Ling could only plead to Qin Fei in a low voice.

No matter what, she had to get through this hurdle first.

As for Qin Fei paying the bill, will she pay Qin Fei back?

Chen Ling smiled coldly: Unless the old lady is an idiot, Qin Fei would not want to ask the old lady for a penny.

(End of this chapter)

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